February 12, 2001

Members Excused: Mohsen Badiey, John Nye, Sharon O'Donnell, Melvyn Schiavelli, Fred Stiner, John Weiss

Members Absent: Burton Abrams, David Ames, Alexander Cheng, Robert Kuehler, David Legates, Paul Mettler, Charles Pavitt, Karen Rosenberg, T. W. Fraser Russell, David Saunders, Barry Walker, George Watson, Richard Wolbers, Gary Zank

The agenda was adopted, with the following changes: 1) The request from the Committee on Diversity and Affirmative Action to recruit minority faculty (item B.5. under Resolutions), is tabled until the March 5 Senate meeting; and 2) item A.7. under Announcements for Challenge should be amended to read ARevision to the major: Bachelor of Arts in Art and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art.

The minutes of the December 4, 2000 meeting of the Senate were approved.

Provost Schiavelli made no remarks.

President Judith Van Name reminded the Senators that the Middle States Accreditation Review will occur during the week of February 21-28; and that an Open Hearing to consider the establishment of a Masters program in Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management will occur February 28, 3:00 p.m., 130 Smith.


A. Announcements for Challenge. The following announcements for challenge were adopted by consent.

    1.     Revision to the minor in American Material Culture Studies.

    2.     Revisions to the following majors: B.A. Chemistry; B.A. Chemistry Education; B.S. Biochemistry; B.A. Art, B.A. Fine Arts; Biological Sciences Education; B.A. Criminal Justice; M.S. Entomology and Applied Ecology; M.S. Human Nutrition; M.F.A. Theater (all concentrations); M.S. Exercise Science.
    3.  Establishment of new majors: Honors B.S. and Honors. B.S. with Distinction in Elementary Teacher Education; Honors B.A. in Sociology.
    4. Name change of the concentration from Nursing Administration, M.S.N. to Health Services Administration, M.S.N.

B. Resolutions.

    1. The following resolution, recommended by the Committee on Graduate Studies with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education and the Executive Committee, to delete the Professional Development concentration, Profession Development in the M.S. Exercise Science program was approved by consent:

        WHEREAS the Department of Health and Exercise Sciences offers a graduate concentration in Professional Development, and

        WHEREAS the concentration in Professional Development has a history of low student enrollment, and

        WHEREAS the concentration in Professional Development has not received any new applications for enrollment in the past few years, be it therefore

        RESOLVED that the graduate concentration in Professional Development in the Department of Health and Exercise Sciences be disestablished.

    2. The following resolution, recommended by the Undergraduate Committee on Education with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education and the Executive Committee, for permanent status for the major in Early Childhood Development and Education was approved by consent:

        WHEREAS the major in Early Childhood Development and Education was established with provisional status in 1992 and now needs approval for permanent status, and

        WHEREAS it is serving, and has graduated a large number of students with very successful job placement, and

        WHEREAS its recent review by NCATE was wholly and strongly positive, be it therefore

        RESOLVED that the major in Early Childhood Development and Education is granted permanent status.

    3. The following resolution, recommended by the Undergraduate Committee on Education with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education and the Executive Committee, for permanent status for the B.A. in German and Political Science, the B.A. in Spanish and Political Science, and the B.A. in French and Political Science was approved by consent:

        WHEREAS the majors offered jointly by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures with the Department of Political Science and International Relations, (German/Political Science, Spanish/Political Science, and French/Political Science) have provisional status and need approval for permanent status, and

        WHEREAS these majors enhance the variety of the University=s offerings and give attention to significant areas of interdisciplinary study, without requiring additional resources beyond those sustaining the primary major offerings of the sponsoring departments, and

        WHEREAS the students enrolled in, or having completed, them (though few in number) are academically strong and successful in graduate school admission, be it therefore

        RESOLVED that the above named majors are granted permanent status.

    4. The following resolution, recommended by the Undergraduate Committee on Education with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education and the Executive Committee, for permanent status for the B.A. in History and Foreign Languages was approved by consent:

        WHEREAS the majors offered jointly by the Department of History and the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (History/Classics, History/French/ History/German, History/Russian, History/Spanish) have provisional status and need approval for permanent status, and

        WHEREAS these majors enhance the variety of the University=s offerings and give attention to significant areas of interdisciplinary study, without requiring additional resources beyond those sustaining the primary major offerings of the sponsoring departments, and

        WHEREAS the students enrolled in, or having completed, them (though few in number) are academically strong and successful in graduate school admission, be it therefore

        RESOLVED that the above named majors are granted permanent status.

A. Old Business. There was no old business.
B. New Business. There was no new business.

    President Van Name asked if there were items of new business, reminding the Senate that such proposed items could not be acted upon until the next meeting. Hearing no other proposed new business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted

Karen F. Stein, Secretary
University Faculty Senate