
March 4, 2002


104 Gore Hall                                                                                                         4:00 PM


Members Absent: Heyward Brock, Michele Guobadia, Thomas Hardie, Sue McGeary,  Arwen Mohun, Ikem Okoye, Beth Schubert


Members Excused: Melanie Dement, Thomas Evans, Paul Evenson, Richard Fang, Chad Luebbert, Larry Peterson, Roland Smith, Joyce Hill Stoner, Leland Ware, John Weiss


I.  The meeting was convened by Senate President Jim Richards at 4:02 PM. 


II.  The meeting agenda was unanimously adopted after Jim Richards noted that Item M: Revision to Physical Education Studies major was deleted from the agenda.


III.  The minutes of the meeting of February 11, 2002 were approved unanimously.


IV.  Provost Dan Rich presented information on undergraduate and graduate applications at the University of Delaware for the upcoming year.  He remarked that he recently reviewed the 20,000th undergraduate application for the academic year which is 12% above last year at this time.  Also, early admissions are running 23% higher than last year, and applications for the honors program are the largest ever.  It is estimated that 9,000 will be offered admission towards a target of 3,200 freshmen starting in the fall.  The SAT average for undergraduate applicants is 1212, the highest ever at UD.  He added that graduate student applications were about 1,000 more than last year, the number now at 5,500.  In closing he noted that about $0.5 million has been offered in grants to develop courses to meet the general education requirements of pathway courses and life clusters.


V.  Announcements and discussion.

Jim Richards stated that Provost Rich will speak again at the next Faculty Senate meeting, as will Bill Frawley who will talk about the general education requirements.  The General Faculty Meeting will precede the regular Senate meeting.  Faculty will be asked to deal with the necessary change in by-laws prior to the next Faculty Senate meeting scheduled for April 8, 2002.  Ken Koford encouraged comments from senators on the activities of the Undergraduate Committee; he felt it important for the committee to know how senators perceived their actions and decisions.  Jay Hildbrandt supported Ken’s request and suggested it be expanded to all Faculty Senate committees.  John Scholz questioned Item I dealing with revision to the Biomechanics Concentration.  As a result, Jim Richards moved Item I to Old Business.


VI.  The agenda was approved unanimously (Announcement for Challenge) minus Items I and M.


VIII.  Old business.

On Item I, the question dealt with the dropping of an anatomy course from the Biomechanics Concentration.  The issue resolved, the item was passed unanimously.


IX.  New business.

A request was made for questions, comments and discussion.  None forthcoming, each item was voted upon.

A.  Food Business Management & Technology major - passed unanimously.

B.  Doctor of Physical Therapy established; MPT disestablished - passed with 1 abstention.

C. Advanced degree in Ocean Engineering - passed unanimously.

D. Management Information Systems major - passed unanimously.

E.  Information Systems major - passed unanimously.

F.  Information Systems and Technology Management M.S. - passed unanimously.

G.  Research Policy 6-6 - passed unanimously.


X.  There was no new business.


XI.  The meeting adjourned at 4:38 PM.



Respectfully submitted,


Dallas Hoover
