Monday March 18, 2002



9:00 a.m.                                                                                                 316 Gore Hall


Present:   Charles Mason, Dallas Hoover, Jeffrey Jordan, Michael Keefe, Rita Girardi, Karren Helsel-Spry, Jay Hildebrandt

Excused:  James Richards


                Prior to beginning the meeting Jay Hildebrant  provided information on the Health Sciences degree.  The Coordinating Committee will approve it this year  and it should make the May meeting.   It will not make the catalog but students may be admitted into the program.


1.             Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved


2.             The Minutes of March 4, 2002 were approved.


3.             Old Business:

                A.  None


4.             New Business:

                A.  Revision of Existing Minor in Food and Agribusiness Management was approved.   It was noted that the major in Food and Agribusiness Management was not approved by the Coordinating Committee on Education because it added a course which raised the total credits for graduation to 128.  There was no rationale.

                B.  Revisions to the Nursing Curriculum for the Baccalaureate Program for the Registered Nurse (BRN) and the creation of a Honors  Degree in Nursing were approved.

                C.  Women’s Studies Capstone Course was passed pending the outcome of the question “Does this increase the credits for graduation by one and/.or is it buried somewhere in the course curriculum?   

                D.  Examination and Test conflicts, proposed revised policy was approved if the very last paragraph states that the exam takes precedence of the lecture and also is it a single section.  Jay will call Joe DiMartile (Registrar) for confirmation.  New wording was discussed.

                E.  Revision to Wildlife Conservation major.  The revision was approved at the March 4 Senate meeting with the cross listing of COM312 and AGR312..  However, the cross-listing was not approved.  Chuck Mason will discuss this with the department chair.  After returning to the Senate Office Chuck Mason notified us that Steve Hastings is working to provide us with the appropriate documentation.


Mike Keefe, (COCAN chair) asked for recommendations for President Elect position.  Charles Mason agreed to run again for Vice President.

The meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.


Next Meeting:  April 8, 2002


Respectfully submitted,

Rita Girardi