SENATORS EXCUSED: Chiara Ciotoli, Carol Denson, Steve Dexter, Michael Ferrari, Charles Link, Bethany Hall-Long, Brian Hanson, Fred Masterson, Paul Mettle, Ajay Prasad, Dan Rich, Margaret Smith, Roland Smith, David Teague, James Thornton, Carolyn Thoroughgood, John Weiss
The Senate reconvened at 4:00 p.m. in 104 Gore Hall. President Mark Huddleston noted that there was a motion on the floor from Dr. Haslett requesting that membership be expanded from 3 to 6 representatives from the College of Arts and Science. The motion failed. After significant discussion the Faculty Senate approved the General Education Program. The text follows:
Recommendation to establish a General Education Program
Whereas the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on General Education, the Undergraduate Studies Committee, and the Coordinating Committee on Education have worked collectively on the issue of General Education, and
Whereas the Coordinating Committee on Education held two Open Hearings in December, 1999 to allow members of the University community to voice their views on the issue of General Education, and
Whereas the Coordinating Committee has determined that there is broad support for the aims of general education, be it therefore
1. Resolved that the Faculty Senate adopts the ten goals of undergraduate education set forth by the Ad Hoc General Education Committee Report as follows:
Undergraduate Education at the University of Delaware aims to ensure that every student will:
1. Attain effective skills in oral and written communication, quantitative reasoning, and the use of information technology.
2. Learn to think critically to solve problems.
3. Be able to work and learn both independently and collaboratively.
4. Engage questions of ethics and recognize responsibilities to self, community, and society at large.
5. Understand the diverse ways of thinking that underlie the search for knowledge in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences.
6. Develop the intellectual curiosity, confidence, and engagement that will lead to lifelong learning.
7. Develop the ability to integrate academic knowledge with experiences that extend the boundaries of the classroom.
8. Expand understanding and appreciation of human creativity and diverse forms of aesthetic and intellectual expression.
9. Understand the foundations of United States society including the significance of its cultural diversity.
10. Develop an international
perspective in order to live and work effectively in an increasingly global
And be it further
2. Resolved that the Faculty Senate endorses in principle the following major components of the GEP:
1. Freshman Year Experience (FYE) such as L:IFE (Learning: Integrated Freshman Experience, Pathways courses, and other integrated and interdisciplinary freshman experiences.
2. Basic Skills in computers, math, and written and oral communication.
3. Discovery Learning Experience (DLE) such as directed thesis, research, creative projects, internships, study abroad, service learning, and field work.
4. Capstone Experience (CE) which integrates the undergraduate experience such as a senior seminar, group project or similar experience.
And be it further
3. Resolved that all incoming
University of Delaware students be strongly encouraged to take advantage
of an integrated FYE as opportunities become available,
And be it further
4. Resolved that each department
or program responsible for administering undergraduate majors is encouraged
to direct its students to acquire basic skills, avail themselves of discovery
learning, and participate in a capstone experience,
And be it further
5. Resolved that a temporary Committee on General Education be created with the responsibility for recommending guidelines, standards, and academic policies for the General Education Program. The Committee shall also be responsible for considering and approving courses proposed for the Freshman Year Experience, and evaluating all components of the program as set forth in paragraph 2,
And be it further
6. Resolved that the membership (17) of the Committee on General Education will be as follows: one faculty representative from each college offering undergraduate degrees, except Arts and Science which will have three representatives, who will be selected by the Committee on Committees and Nominations. Other committee members are the Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Planning, Undergraduate Studies Committee representative, Admissions= representative, Registrar=s representative, Residence Life representative, one representative from the Center for Teaching Effectiveness, one graduate student representative, and two undergraduate students. The college representatives will be different from those members currently serving on the Undergraduate Studies Committee. The Committee on Committees and Nominations will select the chairperson of the Committee on General Education and will stagger the initial terms of office of the college representatives who will serve two-year terms and who may be reappointed. Representatives from the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Admissions shall not have voting privileges.
And be it further
7. Resolved that the Committee
on General Education shall work with the University administration to ensure
that adequate resources are provided to make the GEP successful,
And be it further
8. Resolved that the Committee on General Education shall oversee a three-year pilot period of the various components of GEP beginning in Fall 2000, during which time it shall gather data relevant to the implementation of GEP components,
And be it further
9. Resolved that the Committee on General Education shall by September 1, 2003 submit to the Faculty Senate a report that evaluates all components of the GEP, including the adequacy of resources, and make recommendations regarding the University=s General Education Program. After that date the Faculty Senate retains the right and responsibility to continue the GEP at its discretion.
VII. Introduction of New Business
President Huddleston asked
if there were other items of new business reminding the Senate that such
proposed items could not be acted upon until the next meeting. Hearing
no other proposed new business, the meeting was adjourned.
.Respectfully submitted,
Rita Girardi for
Karen Stein, Secretary