
April 8 , 2002


104 Gore Hall                                                                                                         3:30 PM


Members Absent: Martha Buell, Joseph Glutting, Daniel Green, Ian Hall, Carroll Izard, Andreas Muenchow, Ikem Okoye, Larry Peterson, Andre Rosay, Beth Schubert, Fritz Szabo, Satoshi Tomioka


Members Excused: John Bernard, Charles Boncelet, Jay Custer, Paul Evenson, Michael Ginzberg, Eric Kaler, Charles Luebbert, Donald Vlachos, John Weiss


I.  Meeting was convened by President David P. Roselle.


II. Memorials were read for the following people:

            Dale F. Bray, Entomology (by Judy Hough-Goldstein)

            Janet J. Pholeric, Health & Exercise (by Barbara Kelly)

            Edward H. Kerner, Physics (by Mark Sharnov)

            Rene Coulet duGard, Foreign Literature (by Mary Donaldson Evans)

            Roy L. McCulloch, Chemical Engineering (by Mark Barteau)


III. State of the University - D.P. Roselle

            The increase in the number of applications in both undergraduate and graduate admissions was reviewed.  The improvement in quality and the increased selectivity by UD were noted.  Each year there is an increase in the number of web applications.


            For this year’s UD state budget, $2.1 million was returned to the state, representing zero growth from last year’s budget.  Dr. Roselle reported continued good relations between UD and the state.


            Dr. Roselle outlined current construction projects, including the new USAF/U.S. Army ROTC building, the new art building, the renovation of Wolf Hall, the addition to P.S. duPont Hall and clearing of land for the new Marriott hotel.  He also remarked on the goal of the university to have 10% of faculty as named professors (25% of full professors).  Also, the capital campaign was at $282 million having surpassed its original goal of $225 million.  Approximately one-third of the time remains in the campaign.


IV. Jim Richards outlined the quorum issues for revision of the organization of the faculty.  For resolutions 1, 2 and 3, motions were passed unanimously by the attending faculty.


Without recess, the Faculty Senate Meeting started at 4:36 PM.


I.  Jim Richards announced that Item H of the agenda was removed from Announcements for Challenge and placed under New Business.


II.  The agenda for the meeting was approved unanimously.


III.  The Minutes of March 4, 2002 were approved unanimously.


IV.  William Frawley presented an overview of the General Education requirements at UD.


V.  Announcements for challenge.

            No separation of the items was requested.  After discussion Items A through G were approved unanimously.


VI.  There was no old business.


VII.  New business.

            Item H: Ken Koford explained the situation with regard to examination and test conflicts (attachment).  Discussion ensued revolving around concern for classes now scheduled Wednesday through Friday from 5 to 7 PM.  With time approaching 5:30 PM, Chuck Mason suggested to table Item H and revise the recommendation.  The suggestion passed.


            There was no other new business.  The meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.





Dallas Hoover,
