Monday April 8, 2002


9:00 a.m.                                                                                                 164 South College Avenue


Present:  James Richards, Charles Mason,  Jay Hildebrandt, Dallas Hoover, Jeffrey Jordan, Rita Girardi, Karren Helsel-Spry

Excused:  Michael Keefe,


1.             There was no agenda. The Committee reviewed the Faculty Senate Agenda for April 8, 2002 as well as the agenda for the General Faculty Meeting.


2.             There were no minutes to approve.


3.             Old Business:

                a.  None


4.               New Business:

                Faculty Senate President, James Richards, discussed Resolution 3.  If the topic of a quorum is discussed, the item will be pulled from the agenda.

                There was discussion concerning the Program Approval Checklist.  Chuck Mason suggested that a line be added for the creation of an Honors Degree as well as a line reflecting the total number of hours for a program. 

                A memo from Karren Helsel-Spry to administrators, deans, chairpersons, and faculty describing the requirements and deadline for submitting proposals to the Senate was discussed.  Minor changes were suggested.  President James Richards asked Chuck Mason to write a section addressing the creation of an Honors Program for inclusion in the memo.  The guidelines will be placed on the Faculty Senate Homepage with selected other links.


The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.


Next Meeting: April 22, 2002


Respectfully submitted,

Rita Girardi