
September 10, 2001


104 Gore Hall                                                                                                              4:00 p.m.


Members Absent:   J. Glutting, Brian Hanson, Eric Kaler, Rakesh, T. W. Fraser Russell,  Wendy Samter, David Saunders, Joyce Hill-Stoner


Members Excused:  Stephen Dexter, Thomas Evans, Maureen Foley, Conrado Gempesaw, Larry Peterson, Sheldon Pollack, Mark Radosevich, Iris Snyder, Barry Walker


I.          The agenda was approved unanimously with a change in order of presentations.


II.         Meeting minutes of May 7, 2001 approved unanimously.


III.       Welcome by Acting Provost Dan Rich - who will speak at greater length at next month’s faculty senate meeting presenting a “progress report”and a report on the freshman class (2005).


IV.       Executive Vice President David Hollowell gave a PowerPoint presentation on UD’s summer improvements.

A.  Completed facilities:

                  1.  Library Annex on Wyoming Rd.

      2.  Academy Street parking garage containing Human Resources, MBNA Career

                       Services, and Public Safety.

                  3.  East Hall containing Media Services.

      4.  Completed five-year project of renovations of all mall dormitories which included

                       sprinkler systems; Dickinson Hall will be last dorm to receive a sprinkler system in


            B.  Projects started:

                  1.  Wolf Hall (three-part renovation) will be completed in fall of 2002 (cost - $26


                  2.  DuPont Hall will be completed in May 2002 (cost - $26 million).

      3.  Raub Hall - HRIM will move into renovated building across street from Trabant

                      Univ. Center.

                  4.  Ceramics & Sculpture and Art Studio.

                  5.  Old fraternity house (A  ) will be renovated for Army and Air Force ROTC.

            C.  Future projects:

                  1.  Old College ROTC building to become a gallery collection and display building.

      2.  Hotel project: Agreement with Marriott Courtyard for a 125-room hotel attached to

                      Clayton Hall, and will support HRIM; will open spring of 2003.



 D.  Others:

      1.  Performing Arts Center next to Amy DuPont Hall; cost projection of approx. $42


      2.  Renovation of Brown Lab.

      3.  Residence halls of the east and west campuses (a ten-year plan).


V.     Jim Richards: Welcome and PowerPoint presentation outlining UD Faculty Senate

      responsibilities, powers and activities.


VI.  No old business and no new business.


Meeting adjourned at 4:37 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Dallas Hoover
