
October 1, 2001


104 Gore Hall                                                                                                              4:00 p.m.


Members Absent:  Paul Evensen, Ian Hall, Arwen Mohun,T. Fraser Russell


Members Excused:  Stephen Dexter, Annette Giesecke, Joseph Glutting, Daniel Green,

                                 Susan McGeary, Ikem Okoye, Mark Radosevich


The General Faculty Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by President David Roselle.  The following people were memoralized:

            Robert Connect by Dean Carolyn Thoroughgood (College of Marine Studies)

            Russell Remmage by Tom Abridge (Department of Mathematics)

            Luigi Venazzi by John Burmeister (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry)

            Alan Gowans by Suzanne Austin Gouch (Department of Art History)


Following the memorial tributes President Roselle gave a presentation on

            Campaign for Delaware in its third year, the campaign is 20 percent over its five year goal

            State’s budget: Uncertain.  The immediate future appears bleak; this will impact upon the University of Delaware’s     operating budget

            11 September 2001: Response to the terrorist attacks by UD


The General Faculty meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m.


Immediately following the General Faculty meeting the Faculty Senate meeting was called to order by Faculty Senate President, Jim Richards, at 4:29 PM.


I.  Adoption of agenda – unanimously approved


II.  Approval of minutes of 10 September 2001 – unanimously approved (Eric Kaler and Joyce Hill-Stoner were reported as absent in error.  Both were excused.)


III.  Presentation by Provost Dan Rich: Profile of UD students (undergraduate and graduate).

Demographics/descriptions of the numbers, characteristics, etc. of UD students, much of the presentation dealt with the last five years of data collected on UD students.


IV.  Old business - none.


V.  New business - none.


Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM.



Respectfully submitted,


Dallas G. Hoover
