REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE October 4, 1993 MINUTES Senator not in attendance was: Millicent Bolden Senators excused were: Kenneth Biederman, John Cavanaugh, Rick Cunningham, William Daniels, Larry Holmes, Judy Hough-Goldstein, Robert Knecht, Jerome Lewis, Ajay Manrai, Frank Murray, Roger Murray, Kent Price, David Roselle, Janet Smith I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Senate adopted the Agenda as presented. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Senate approved the Minutes of the September 13, 1993 meeting as distributed. III. REMARKS BY INTERIM UNIVERSITY PROVOST RICHARD MURRAY and/or VICE PROVOST ANDERSEN In view of the remarks of President Roselle at the General Faculty Meeting prior to this assembly, there were no remarks. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS President Scott made three announcements: (1) An open hearing to discuss the permanent status of the Engineering Technology Program will be held Tuesday, October 19th, 1:00 P.M. in Room 112 McDowell Hall, (2) Thomas Angell was elected Vice President of the Senate and already has been active in assembling the Agenda, and (3) the program "Fighting for Good Health" described in Update will occur during the weeks of October 19, November 1 and November 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CHALLENGE 1. Revision of the minor in Science, Technology, and Society This program was approved as drafted. 2. Revision of the B.S. in Geology This program also was approved as drafted. 3. Change in title and modification of course requirements for the B.A. in Technology of Artistic and Historic Objects. New Title: B.A. in Art Conservation Hilton Brown announced that, at the request of the Art History Department, the courses ARTH 150 and ARTH 151 were removed from the list "6 credits of Anthropology and/or Art History courses from the following list" on Attachment 3, page 2. The program was approved with this modification. V. OLD BUSINESS - None VI. NEW BUSINESS Item A was a recommendation for permanent approval of the graduate major in Physical Therapy leading to the Master of Physical Therapy degree. This resolution was introduced with the recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies, Paul Hooper, Chairperson, with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education, John McLaughlin, Chairperson. In the absence of Paul Hooper, Carol Hoffecker spoke for the Committee on Graduate Studies. She noted that the program was reviewed about a year ago by external evaluators who in turn were grilled by the Committee on the program, faculty, curriculum, equipment, and in every aspect the program received very positive evaluations. The comments at the Open Hearing were equally enthusiastic. On this basis, the Committee on Graduate Studies believes that the program has lived up to its expected potential and should be allowed to continue to do so. Senator Beth Haslett asked the representation of Delaware residents and graduates in the program. Paul Mettler, Director of the Physical Therapy Department, replied that being a Delaware resident and/or graduate is a positive factor in admission. Currently, the program has 20 to 25 percent Delaware residents and 25 to 50 percent Delaware graduates. The following resolution was passed unanimously: WHEREAS, at the end of the provisional period an external review team recommended that the Master of Physical Therapy be given permanent status, therefore be it RESOLVED, that, effective immediately, the graduate major in Physical Therapy leading to the Master of Physical Therapy degree be granted permanent status. Item B, Introduction of New Business - None Senate President Scott adjourned the meeting at 4:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jon Olson Secretary University Faculty Senate A copy of the transcript is available in the Senate Office, 219 McDowell Hall. B. Such items as may come before the Senate. (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.) TA/rg Attachments: Committee Activities Report 1. Revision of the minor in Science, Technology, and Society 2. Revision of the B.S. in Geology 3. Change of title and modification of course requirements for the B.A. in Art Conservation 4. Master of Physical Therapy Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (P. Hooper, Chairperson '91-92) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin, Chairperson) for permanent approval of the Master of Physical Therapy degree WHEREAS, the .... was provisionally approved on ............... RESOLVED, that, effective immediately, the Master's degree program in Physical Therapy be granted permanent status. C. Such items as may come before the Senate. (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.) BKS/rg Attachments: 1. Biographies 2. Page II-3 of the Faculty Handbook