October 3, 1994


Senators excused were:      Edmunds Bunkse, Stuart Cooper, Karen Curtis,
                            Christine Delbeau, Ardeshir Faghri, Arnold
                            Kerr, Roger Murray, James Pizzuto, Henry
                            Reynolds, Peter Roe, David Roselle, Charles
                            Rowe, Carolyn Thoroughgood, Raymond

Senators absent were:    Robert Knecht, David Stone


      The agenda was adopted without change.


      The minutes of the September 12, 1994 meeting were approved as


      Provost Schiavelli reported that he asked the Faculty Senate
      Executive Committee to consider reviewing the University
      promotions and tenure procedures, particularly since the College of
      Arts and Science is revising their promotions and tenure procedures
      and criteria this year.  In humor Provost Schiavelli also noted that at
      the end of this year he would have some biases which may or may
      not be healthy in the reconsideration process.


      1.    Dean Betty Paulanka, Chairperson of the Search Committee
            for the Vice President for Student Life, reported on the
            progress of the Committee.  Outside advertisements have
            been placed in The Chronicle of Higher Education and in the
            Black Issues of Higher Education and outside solicitations for
            applications have been made.  At Delaware advertisements
            has been placed in Update and on e-mail, and The Review has
            described the position in several articles.  The Committee feels
            that there are a number of well qualified applicants within the
            University, and Dean Paulanka urged all to submit nominations
            from both within and outside the University.  The review of
            candidates will begin November 15.  The qualifications for the
            position can be found on e-mail (Gopher).

      2,    President McLaughlin announced three open hearings:

            a)    discussion of the report from the Ad Hoc Committee on
                  Freedom of Expression in Public Events in Room 108
                  Memorial at 3:30 PM, October 5, 1994,

            b)    discussion of the report from the Ad Hoc Committee on
                  Smoking Policy in Room 007 Willard Hall at 4:00 PM,
                  October 20, 1994, and,

            c)    review of the proposed Bachelor Program in
                  Environmental Engineering in Room 007 Willard Hall at
                  4:00 PM, November 9, 1994.

            President McLaughlin also noted that there has been scant use
            of the recently established faculty electronic bulletin board.

      3.    University Secretary Pierre Hayward was introduced to speak
            about the United Way campaign.  The pace setters campaign
            raised $22,000 of the $150,000 goal, a substantial
            improvement over last year.  Secretary Hayward noted that
            the usual excuses for not participating have disappeared;
            specifically, one can designate charities not in the core group
            and only $0.75 of each $100 donation goes to the National
            United Way headquarters.

            Secretary Hayward closed by asking us to participate in the
            United Way because we want to and not because we have to. 
V.    OLD BUSINESS - None 

      A.    Recommendation from the Committee on Faculty Welfare and
            Privileges (H. Hall, Chairperson '93-'94), amending the Faculty
            Handbook concerning the retirement policy.

            The following resolution was passed overwhelmingly without

                WHEREAS,         there is no longer a mandatory retirement
                                 policy at the University of Delaware, be it

               RESOLVED,         that the following retirement policy as it
                                 appears in the Faculty Handbook, Section
                                 III, page III-3, paragraph 4, be deleted:

                            4.   Retirement and Emeritus Status

                                 Retirement from active service is
                                 mandatory at the end of the appointment
                                 year in which a faculty member reaches
                                 his or her seventieth birthday.  In rare
                                 instances and for exceptional reasons, by
                                 mutual agreement between the Board of
                                 Trustees and the individual concerned, a
                                 faculty member may be continued in
                                 service through annual appointments.

      B.    Introduction of New Business

            No New Business was introduced.

Senate President McLaughlin adjourned the meeting at 4:50 PM.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Jon Olson
                              University Faculty Senate


Attachment:  Annual Report from Cte. on Diversity & Affirmative Action

                           UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE


This committee shall provide direct faculty advice concerning long-term
priorities for the University to the Office of the Provost.  The committee
will also advise the Office of the Provost in preparing materials for Middle
States Accreditation reviews and updates, which occur on a five year
interval.  The committee will be provided with information secured by the
Coordinating Committee on Education and other Faculty Senate
committees concerning such matters as budgets and programs under
review, and it will meet regularly with the Provost.

The Committee shall consist of five members, who shall be the present
and three most recent former chairpersons of the Faculty Senate
Coordinating Committee on Education and one former winner of the
Francis Alison award.  In the event that a former chair of the Coordinating
Committee cannot serve, another former Senate officer may be appointed
as a substitute.  Members shall serve four year terms, with one Senate
member joining and one leaving each year.  The committee will elect its
own chair.                             

               WHEREAS,       some abuses of the credit-by-examination
                              option have been noted, and

               WHEREAS,       the current credit-by-examination application
                              form contains a misleading option as a basis
                              for request, and

               WHEREAS,       the current credit-by-examination application
                              permits only three grades (A, B, P), and

               WHEREAS,       a broader range of grades can be achieved in
                              most University courses, be it therefore

              RESOLVED,       that the relevant paragraph in the Academic
                              Regulations section of the Undergraduate
                              Catalog, page 21, be amended as follows: 
                              [Deleted text is double underlined and added
                              text is in bold type.]

                              CREDIT BY EXAMINATION

                              The University provides to all matriculated
                              and Continuing Education students the
                              opportunity to obtain college credit by
                              examination for demonstrated competence
                              attained through professional experience,
                              independent study, or some similar learning
                              experience, but not by previous enrollment in
                              a University of Delaware course.  General
                              inquiries concerning credit by examination
                              should be directed to the department offering
                              the course for which the student seeks
                              credit.  Credit by examination is not allowed
                              in experimental courses or independent study
                              courses.  A credit-by-examination form,
                              available at the . . . .


                            that any legal grade may be assigned to
                            performance in credit-by-examination
                            substitutions and that the application form
                            reflect that range of grades.