REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE OCTOBER 2, 1995 MINUTES Senators excused were: Kenneth Biederman, Maurice Cope, Steven Helmling, Betty Paulanka, Shawn Phillips, Willy Riemer, Roland Smith, Carolyn Thoroughgood Senators absent were: Christine Heyrman, Arnold Kerr, Bill Lawson, Duane Milne, Lynn Snyder-Mackler I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved as submitted. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The minutes of the September 11, 1995 meeting were approved as written. III. REMARKS BY UNIVERSITY PROVOST SCHIAVELLI Provost Schiavelli spoke about the budgetary problems of the library. Citing that we have an excellent library, the Provost called attention to the fact that the library has continued to receive a large percentage increase in its budget each year for the last five or six years in an attempt to keep pace with the approximately 15% increase each year in the cost of library materials. However, the projected 23% increases that are predicted for the coming years clearly outpace the 5% or 6% annual increases at the University. The Provost remarked that the library must provide access to the continually increasing amounts of information for the scholars and students on campus. It will be periodically necessary to review the way we spend the library materials budget. He asked that the faculty cooperate in the next few months with library staff as they try to find ways to balance the expenditures on the monograph collection and serial subscriptions, and to find effective ways to provide access to information in a timely manner. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Professor John Burmeister made remarks on the certification of the athletic programs of the University. He explained that the National Collegiate Athletic Association has embarked on a new program of certification which will involve an in-depth study of all athletic programs in Division I. The certification procedure includes a one-year self-study followed by visits to campus of an evaluation team next October. He requested that the Senators alert their constituents to the fact that the certification program has started, and he described the committee structure that has been set up to consider the several aspects of the certification procedure. Much data must be gathered, assistance will be needed, and comments and concerns about the athletic program are welcome and should be directed to the appropriate committee. Associate Provost Andersen commented that we should also be aware that we are in our five-year periodic review from the Middle States Higher Education Program. Some of the efforts to provide the required study will be dovetailed with the work of the committees overseeing the athletic certification. Other faculty will be called on to help with the Middle States certification as well. 2. President Hall then reminded senators to identify themselves for the record during any debate on issues before the Senate and to please call the Senate Office, in advance if possible, if it is necessary for a senator to miss a Senate meeting. V. OLD BUSINESS - None VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (K. Koford, Chairperson) for revision to the Graduate Catalog. Professor Koford informed the Senate that the recommendation was intended to update and clarify these rules in light of the experience of the Graduate Studies Office over the last several years. He explained that the changes were not substantial. The following motion carried unanimously without debate: WHEREAS, the policies for academic probation and termination and separation from graduate study require updating, clarification, and revision, and WHEREAS, procedures for dismissal require clear specification of the rules faced by students and administrators, and WHEREAS, rules for probation and dismissal should not treat students on assistantship differently from other students, while students who have GPAs below 3.0 throughout their academic career should face termination before completion of their coursework, and WHEREAS, at the request of the previous Associate Provost for Graduate Studies, Carol Hoffecker, the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty Senate considered numerous alternatives and found clearly that the existing policies required change, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves the following rules for probation, dismissal, and separation from the University, to replace the current rules for "Review of the Graduate Grade Point Average," "Academic Probation Policy," and "Termination of Enrollment" in the Graduate Catalog, page 30, with the following: [The policies updating the Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures are attached.] Academic Deficiency, Probation and Dismissal Policy. The cumulative G.P.A. after every 9-hour increment determines academic standing. A student's academic status is determined by cumulate G.P.A. according to the following chart: If a student is on: And gets an The status index of: will become: Any status (or clear) 3.0 or above Clear Clear 2.99-2.5 Warning Clear 2.49-2.0 Probation Probation Below 3.0 Termination Warning Below 3.0 Probation Any status (or clear) Below 2.0 Termination Graduation and Separation from Graduate Studies. A: GRADUATION The Office of Graduate Studies notifies students when they have met all degree requirements. B: SEPARATION FROM GRADUATE STUDY The Office of Graduate Studies notifies students when they are dismissed from graduate programs without completing a degree. Dismissals usually take place at the end of a term. Students may be dismissed for the following reasons: o Upon the expiration of the five-year time limit for master's degree programs or for those students in a doctoral program who were admitted with a master's degree. Upon the expiration of the seven-year time limit for doctoral students who were admitted without a master's degree. o Upon the completion of nine graduate credits or two years as a visiting student who has been admitted with visiting (transient) status for the purpose of transferring credits earned to another institution. o Upon the completion of ten consecutive semesters for an Unlimited Nondegree student. o Upon the failure to meet the grade point average requirements as stated in the policy on Academic Deficiency, Probation, and Dismissal. o Upon written notice to the Office of Graduate Studies of voluntary withdrawal from the program. o Upon the failure to pass the preliminary, language, or candidacy examinations, dissertation proposal defense, or dissertation defense when a department of the University has a policy that such failure leads to dismissal from the program. o Upon the failure to achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 upon the completion of the stated number of required credits for a degree. o Upon the failure to meet the stated minima in specific course requirements as identified by individual programs when a department has a policy that such failure leads to dismissal from the program. B. Recommendation from the Committee on Budgetary and Space Priorities (L. Mosberg, Chairperson) on the relinquishment of a portion of University land for the construction of a new train station. Professor Bellamy asked for an explanation of the location of the land. Professor Mosberg, chairperson of the Committee on Budgetary and Space Priorities, deferred to Professor Dohms from the College of Agriculture for an explanation. Professor Dohms explained that the plot of land in question was to the left of the railroad bridge on South College Avenue and is presently the site of an experimental corn breeding plot. The access point that is being requested is through land around the dairy farm. He explained that there are a number of faculty research efforts in that area. President Hall said that it was his understanding that the administration's proposal is that land presently devoted to parking at the Chrysler plant should be used instead of University research land. There being no further discussion, the following resolution was carried unanimously: WHEREAS, the Delaware Department of Transportation has proposed an option which would require the University of Delaware to relinquish a portion of its land for the construction of a new train station in Newark, and WHEREAS, this land constitutes substantial acreage of land assigned to the College of Agriculture for research purposes, and WHEREAS, important agricultural research is conducted at this and adjacent sites and will so continue in the foreseeable future, and WHEREAS, the University has suggested reasonable alternatives to DELDOT which would not interfere with the use of University agricultural research facilities, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate is resolutely opposed to relinquishing this valuable research facility, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate strongly supports the University Administration's decision and efforts to maintain this land for University research purposes. C. Introduction of New Business No new business was introduced. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Angell Secretary University Faculty Senate TA/rg Attachment