October 5, 1998


SENATORS EXCUSED: Costel Denson, Thomas Ilvento, Dana Johnson, Janet Johnson, Charles Pavitt, Michael Peterson, Carolyn Thoroughgood, Rich Wolvers

SENATORS ABSENT: John Bulkowski, Gary Ebert, Bonnie Scott, James Thornton

Prior to the start of the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate, President David Roselle presided over the semi-annual general faculty meeting. Memorial tributes were made to: Ralph Barwick, formerly associate dean for instruction in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Willard T. McAllister, former assistant director of the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension Service, and Edith H. Anderson, dean emeritus of the former College of Nursing. Following the tributes, President Roselle remarked upon the University=s Capital Campaign, officially begun October 2, 1998, which has the goal of raising $225 million by October 2, 2003. Describing the great progress the University has made since the beginning of this decade, President Roselle emphasized that UD=s pressing problems have been addressed; consequently, this Campaign is not for purposes of Arescue,@ but for Acontinued opportunities.@ To date, $62 million is already raised, and President Roselle is confident we will meet our goal.


  2. The agenda was adopted.


  4. The minutes of the September 14, 1998 meeting of the Senate were approved as distributed.


  6. Provost Schiavelli did not have any remarks.


  8. President Keefe announced that the University has a new policy on a violence-free campus. There will be no impacts on the faculty and student handbooks; the policy will be in the University procedures manual. President Keefe then informed us that the Faculty Senate Committees were just beginning to operate, and several had business before them that would be forthcoming to the Senate as a whole as they are reported out of committee. There were no Announcements for Challenge.


  10. Dr. Carol Hoffecker presented a progress report on the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on General Education. Dr. Hoffecker noted that the Committee is well on its way to completing its charge as described in previous reports to the Faculty Senate. The list of goals for undergraduate education is being examined, with particular attention to refining the following two goals: Aunderstand the foundations of Western society and the significance of diversity within the United States;@ and Adevelop an international perspective in order to live and work effectively in an increasingly global society.@ In essence, the Committee=s goal is to ensure our undergraduates have a better educational experience, which includes integrating skill development and discovery-based learning into academic life. Senators were asked to communicate their opinions, recommendations, concerns, etc. to Dr. Hoffecker, as the Committee continues to seek input from the university community.

A. The proposal to terminate the Classics Education Major Provisional Status was passed by the Faculty Senate. The College of Arts and Science Senate rejected a proposal that the degree in Classics Education be awarded permanent status, but did recommend that the program be given an additional five years in provisional status. That recommendation for an additional five years in provisional status was rejected by Dean Andersen, by the Faculty Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee, and by the Senate Coordinating Committee on Education with the concurrence of the Executive Committee.

The text of the resolution is as follows:

WHEREAS there have been no students enrolled in the program, and

WHEREAS a student wishing to pursue this area of study can be accommodated through the BALS degree, and

WHEREAS this is a provisional program, be it therefore

RESOLVED that the Major in Classics Education Program have its provisional status terminated.

B. President Keefe asked if there were other items of new business, reminding the Senate that such proposed items could not be acted upon until the next meeting. Hearing no proposed new business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted

Karen F. Stein, Secretary
University Faculty Senate
