October 11, 1999
Ann Bowler, Alexander Cheng, Costel Denson, Michael Ferrari, Phil Goldstein, Jay Hildebrandt, Jeffrey Jordan, Larry Nees, Charles Pavitt, Dan Rich, Satoshi Tomioka, David Teague, Greg Weight
David Ames, Rudy D=Souza, John Elias, Frederick Getze, Joseph Glutting, Paul Mettler, Robin Payne, Andras Szeri, James Thornton
Prior to the start of the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate, President David Roselle presided over the semi-annual general faculty meeting. Memorial tribute was made to Byron Shurtleff, professor emeritus of Art. Following the tribute, President Roselle remarked upon the University=s Capital Campaign, officially begun October 2, 1998, which has the goal of raising $225 million by October 2, 2003. To date, the Campaign has raised $150 million, which is 67% of its goal. The Campaign is instrumental in assisting UD to attract and support the best students, recruit and retain the best faculty, ensure superior academic programs, and enrich the campus environment. President Roselle also gave the faculty an overview of the characteristics and features that make UD a national leader in delivering student services, noting that UD was chosen by IBM as one of 15 Abest practice institutions.@ Chief among the outstanding student services are SIS with on-line advising, electronic library services, interactive voice support, and web-based/assisted course work. President Roselle also reviewed the results of the American College Testing student satisfaction survey administered on campus in 1990 and 1995. In general, students satisfaction with UD is higher than the national norm, and has increased in the intervening five years. Students were most satisfied with our library facilities/service, and our computer services. President Roselle noted that much of the improvement in student services and student satisfaction is due to the excellent efforts of UD staff.
Following the general faculty meeting, the regular meeting of the Faculty Senate commenced.
The agenda was adopted.
The minutes of the September 13, 1999 meeting of the Senate were
approved as distributed.
Provost Schiavelli stated that searches for the Dean of the College
of Business and Economics and for the Dean of the College of Engineering
are currently underway. Provost Schiavelli also remarked upon the fine
quality of our library, and noted the quantity of new services that are
continually added.
President Huddleston reminded faculty that the MVS e-mail system
will be inoperable as of October 31. He also gave an update about the progress
of the General Education proposal. It is currently being considered by
the Faculty Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee. It is possible it will
move to the Coordinating Committee on Education in time for open hearings
by the end of fall semester. If that timing occurs, it may come to the
full Faculty Senate for discussion and vote in Spring 2000. Next, Joseph
DiMartile, Registrar, announced the onset of the on-line course revision/proposal
process. We are moving from a paper to a web-based system which has a number
of advantages: it is less expensive; the system will work in conjunction
with SIS; and it will enable broader communication about course proposals/changes
to all faculty, as all will be able to view the electronic forms. There
were no Announcements for Challenge.
There was no old business.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen F. Stein, Secretary
University Faculty Senate