Monday, November 5, 2001



9:00 a.m.                                                                                                 316 Gore Hall


Present:  James Richards, Jay Hildebrandt, Charles Mason, Dallas Hoover, Michael Keefe, Rita Girardi, Karren Helsel-Spry  (Guests: Conrado Gempesaw and Acting Provost Dan Rich)


1.                    Agenda and October 15, 2001 minutes -approved unanimously.  A change in order of the agenda was approved.  Acting Provost Dan Rich spoke to the Executive Committee of the upcoming change in the location of ELI.   Currently the English Language Institute falls under the auspices of International Programs and Public Policy.  ELI faculty and directors (19 in all) have unanimously agreed to become a new unit in the College of Human Resources, Education, and Public Policy.  Discussion arose concerning the placement in CHEP rather than the College of Arts of Science.  Provost Rich stated that Scott Stevens ,  ELI Director, and his colleagues felt the configuration in CHEP was a better match. ELI is self-supporting and works with foreign students.  Dean Mark Huddleston (A&S) agreed that CHEP is a good match.  The relocation should be effective in January 2002. 


2.                    Old Business:

President James Richards discussed the IRB’s representation in the research committee and the membership’s open limit terms.  He called upon  Provost Rich to share current information.  Provost Rich stated that Dick Holsten had been appointed head of the group.  He explained that the membership is broken into two groups: 3 designated by the federal government and 17 other open appointments.  He stated that there is interest in regularizing terms.  Provost Rich and Associate Provost Gempesaw left the meeting.


3.                    New Business:

President James Richards displayed the proposal on  Policy6-11.   Current policy and changes are posted on the web.  After  considerable discussion it was decided to print out the old and revised copies of the proposal and forward them to the University attorney for his legal expertise. 


4.             Next Meeting:  November 19, 2001


Respectfully submitted,

Rita Girardi