REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE November 4, 1991 MINUTES On Monday, November 4 at 4:00 p.m. Senate President Taggart called to order the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate. Senators not in attendance were: Charles Boncelet, Lawrence Nees, Raymond Nichols, Christopher Smith Senators excused were: Steven Dentel, Steven Grant, Bernard Herman, Jerome Lewis, Carole Marks, Douglas Miller, Frank Murray, Daniel Rich, David P. Roselle, Carol Rudisell, William Saylor, Yda Schreuder, Janet Smith, Carolyn Thoroughgood, D. Allan Waterfield I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Senate adopted the agenda as published. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Senate approved the Minutes of the October 1 meeting. After notice from Senator Norris, Art Conservation, the Secretary amends the minutes of the September 16th meeting to change Senator Norris' absence to an excused absence. III. REMARKS BY ASSOCIATE PROVOST ANDERSEN Associate Provost Margaret Andersen discussed the Middle States Accreditation Review, the budget, program reduction procedures, reorganization of Student Academic Support Services, and the plus/minus grading policy. According to Andersen, the University has negotiated a planning approach to the Accreditation review, creating task forces on undergraduate education, graduate studies and research, diversity and equity, public service, and resources and government. A self-study should be completed and circulated in January. Dr. Andersen reiterated the Provost's October announcements about budget cuts and planning, detailing the procedures by which cuts have been chosen, and listed the following reductions: 1.8 million from administrative and support services, 1 million from the Provost's office (including Instructional Technology Center, Library, special projects, and faculty development accounts), 2.2 million from academic colleges, .4 million from PTTP, and 1 million from special state budget line item requests. The Budget Council is still working on cuts to make up the remainder of the possible 9 million deficit. Dr. Andersen announced the status of proposals to cut Medical Technology and Interior Design, and noted that proposals to cut three additional programs: American Studies, Cognitive Science, and Neuroscience are beginning the program reduction review process. Budget cuts have also created opportunities for sensible reorganization, Andersen observed, referring to the planned consolidation of ASAP (Academic Studies Assistance Program) and the Academic Advancement Office in one Student Academic Support Services Program. Dr. Andersen confirmed that the official University grading policy is a non-optional plus/minus grading system. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Taggart reiterated Senate attendance policies, pointing out that The Review story had gleaned its information from published attendance records of the Senate and that it is the senators' responsibility to notify the Senate Office about excused absences or attendance discrepancies in the Minutes. David Smith, Chairperson of Committee on Committees and Nominations explained the composition and charge of the Greek Life Task Force, noting that the Faculty's responsibility for student welfare accounts for the Task Force's configuration. (Charge and list of Committee members are at attachment 1). Announcement for Challenge: There was no challenge, so revisions of the B.S. in Nursing were unanimously approved. V. NEW BUSINESS Item A on the Agenda was a recommendation for the provisional approval of a Ph.D. program in Economics brought by the Coordinating Committee on Education (Ken Lomax, Chairperson). (See attachment 2). After discussion of the evolution and development of the degree program, queries about and explanations of how the program can be implemented without additional funds, questions about library support and the organization of the degree program, the Senate approved the following resolution by a vote of 47-0-5: WHEREAS, there is currently a need for Ph.D. graduates with an emphasis in applied economics, and WHEREAS, the faculty in the Department of Economics have developed a curriculum for a Ph.D. program using resources already available in the department, and WHEREAS, the faculty in the College of Business and Economics have given unanimous approval for this program, agreeing that the Economics Department will still meet all its obligations to teach undergraduate students, and graduate students in both the MBA program and in its own master's programs, and WHEREAS, an open hearing was held by the Committee on Graduate Studies and an external review team was on campus to evaluate the proposal, both of which indicated support for the proposal, be it therefore RESOLVED, that a Ph.D. program in Economics be approved by the Faculty Senate for a provisional four-year period. Item B on the Agenda was a resolution brought by the Coordinating Committee on Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson) that the Committee on Budgetary and Space Priorities be represented on the Coordinating Committee on Education. The Senate approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Coordinating Committee on Education is charged to consider financial aspects of academic proposals, and WHEREAS, the Committee on Budgetary and Space Priorities is regularly apprised of budget matters, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the charge to the Coordinating Committee on Education (page I-16 of the Faculty Handbook) be amended to include the Committee on Budgetary and Space Priorities as one of the enumerated standing committees of the Senate and to be represented on the Coordinating Committee. The membership portion of the charge to be changed is as follows: (Words to be added are indicated in bold type. Words to be deleted are underlined and in brackets.) "This committee shall be made up of the President elect of the Senate who shall chair the committee; the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or his or her designee; three faculty members appointed for three-year terms by the Committee on Committees and Nominations, [one of whom should be knowledgeable concerning budgetary matters]; one undergraduate and one graduate student; and the chairpersons of the following standing committees of the Faculty Senate. 1. Cte. on Graduate Studies, 2. Cte. on Undergraduate STudies, 3. Cte. on Instructional, Computing and Research Support Services, 4. Library Cte., 5. Cte. on Budgetary and Space Priorities." C. Senator Nancy Signorielli made a resolution that the Senate again consider the plus/minus grading policy in light of the fact that it is no longer being interpreted as optional. Senator President Taggart adjourned the meeting at 5:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judith Roof Senate Secretary