NOVEMBER 14, 1996


Senators excused were:  Gina Bryant, Daniel Callahan, Hugh Frick, Paul
                        Hooper, Mark Huddleston, Dana Johnson, Lesley
                        Knapp, John Kraft, Kevin Laverty, Charles
                        Pavitt, Carolyn Thoroughgood, David Margalit

Senators absent were:   Steven Helmling, Francis Kwansa, William
                        Marshall, M. Zuhair Nashed, John Nye, Shawn
                        Phillilps, Alvina Quintana, Tuncay Saydam


      The agenda was approved as distributed.


      The minutes of the October 7, 1996 meeting were approved as
      corrected for the list of Senators excused.  Following is the
      corrected list:  

      Senators excused were:  Gina Bryant, Pamela Cummings, Jack
                              Gallagher, Larry Kalkstein, Edward Kerner,
                              Francis Kwansa, Tommy Richardson, Carolyn


      The Provost mentioned two items of interest to the Senate.  He
      thanked the Executive Committee for its willingness to involve the
      Senate in an examination of University-wide general education
      requirements, and asked that the University Faculty Senate
      coordinate its work with the College of Arts and Science which is
      currently examining its own requirements.  Secondly, he noted that
      the number of National Merit Scholar semi-finalists that have
      accepted an invitation to visit the University with their parents
      is up 50 percent over last year.  Since a large percentage of
      those who visit the campus choose to come to the University, this
      is good news.


      President Palley announced that there was one announcement for
      challenge, a proposed change in the name of the Department of
      Biology to the Department of Biological Sciences.  There being no
      objection, the name change was approved.  


      There was no old business.


      President Palley brought to the attention of the Senate two "Sense
      of the Senate" Resolutions on two proposals for academic
      reorganization, originating outside the faculty.  The two
      resolutions come with the positive recommendation of the
      Coordinating Committee which held separate open hearings on each
      of the two proposed mergers.

      President-Elect Carroll, chair of the Coordinating Committee,
      introduced the first resolution.  Following extensive discussion,
      much of which concerned whether or not various Senate Committees
      and various College Faculties had discussed and/or voted on the
      resolutions on the floor, and the response of the Deans of the
      affected Colleges on possible advantages to the mergers, the
      following resolution was brought to a vote. (The vote was 48 yes,
      1 no, with 3 abstentions.)

            WHEREAS,    the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees state that
                        the faculty shall be given the opportunity to
                        consider and make recommendations on proposals
                        originating outside the faculty regarding
                        changes in the University organization before
                        final action is taken by the Board of Trustees,

            WHEREAS,    the faculty have developed a mission statement
                        and administrative structure for a new college
                        (described in the attachments), and

            WHEREAS,    this college will provide currently offered and
                        enhanced academic programs to students and
                        create significant opportunities for faculty and
                        staff development, as well as the potential for
                        new resources, therefore be it

            RESOLVED,   that effective July 1, 1997, the College of
                        Physical Education, Athletics, and Recreation
                        and the College of Nursing be merged to form a
                        new college, the College of Health and Nursing


                        that this new college will include the following
                        academic units:  Department of Nursing,
                        Department of Medical Technology, Department of
                        Nutrition and Dietetics, Department of Physical
                        Education, Athletics, and Recreation, and the
                        Biomechanics and Movement Science Program.

      The second resolution was put on the floor and a lengthy debate
      followed.  The majority of questions concerned details of the
      proposed merger and just how it would work in practice.  The
      Provost presented as two primary reasons for the proposed merger,
      the coordination of teacher education programs, which affect all
      three of the now-separate colleges, and the increase in
      flexibility of budget administration which would be possible for a
      merged college.

      Senator Gottfredson, after raising a number of questions about
      implementation, moved that the resolution be tabled.  That motion
      was seconded.  The motion to table was defeated.

      Questions were raised about budget implications and the Provost
      explained that there were no immediate budget implications, but
      did not guarantee that there would be none in the future depending
      upon what recommendations came from the merged College.

      Senator Curry introduced a friendly amendment, which was seconded
      and accepted.  That amendment inserted the word "temporarily"
      before the proposed name of the new College.  Following
      discussion, that amendment was approved by vote.
      Following discussion of such matters as who would vote, promotion
      and tenure procedures, and the comment by Vice Provost Andersen
      that such matters would be determined by the new organizations,
      and following the reading of relevant sections of the Constitution
      and By-Laws of the Senate regarding voting membership as defined
      by the Board of Trustees, and after assurance was given by Vice
      Provost Andersen that departmental promotion and tenure documents
      would remain in place and that only College Promotion and Tenure
      guidelines would have to be developed, a vote was taken on the
      amended Sense of the Senate Resolution.  (The following resolution
      was adopted by a vote of 41 yes, 6 opposed, and 4 abstentions.)

            WHEREAS,    the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees state that
                        the faculty shall be given the opportunity to
                        consider and make recommendations on proposals
                        originating outside the faculty regarding
                        changes in the University organization before
                        final action is taken by the Board of Trustees,

            WHEREAS,    the faculty and staff have developed a mission
                        statement and administrative structure for a new
                        college (described in the attachments), and

            WHEREAS,    this college will provide currently offered and
                        enhanced academic programs to students and
                        create significant opportunities for
                        professional development of faculty and staff,
                        as well as the potential for new resources,
                        therefore be it

            RESOLVED,   that effective July 1, 1997, the College of
                        Education, the College of Human Resources, and
                        the College of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
                        be merged to form a new college temporarily
                        named the College of Human Resources, Education,
                        and Public Policy,


                        that his new college will include the following
                        academic units:  Department of Individual and
                        Family Studies, Department of Textiles, Design
                        and Consumer Economics, Department of Hotel
                        Restaurant and Institutional Management,
                        Department of Educational Development,
                        Department of Educational Studies, School of
                        Urban Affairs and Public Policy.

      There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:57

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    Frank Dilley
                                    University Faculty Senate
