November 4, 1998
SENATORS EXCUSED: Thomas Church, Costel Denson, Dana Johnson, Janet Johnson, Jerome Lewis, Charles Pavitt, Kent Price, Frederic Stiner, James Thornton, Carolyn Thoroughgood, Stephan Wolohjian, Paul Yager
SENATORS ABSENT: Andrea Barrier, Kathryn Denhardt, Gary Ebert, John Kraft, Richard Wolbers
The agenda was adopted.
The minutes of the October 5, 1998 meeting of the Senate were approved as distributed.
Provost Schiavelli did not have any remarks.
President Keefe introduced Executive Vice President, David Hollowell. Mr. Hollowell updated members and guests of the Senate with a slide presentation on University facilities. Mr. Hollowell said campus improvements during 1990-1998 have totaled over $316 million with 47 percent going to new construction and 53 percent expended on facility renewal. New construction included Gore Hall, MBNA America Hall, Arsht Hall, Bob Carpenter Center, Trabant University Center, Lammot duPont Laboratory, Allen Biotechnology Lab. Renovations were completed to Warner Hall, Evans Hall, Brown Laboratory (South Wing), Recitation Hall, and selected residence halls. Memorial Hall, Townsend Hall, Bayard Sharp Hall and other residence hall repairs are currently in progress. Plans for renovations to Carpenter Sports Building, Wolf Hall, Brown Laboratory (North Wing), Hollingsworth Building, Mechanical Hall, the Computing Center, (Wyoming Road), and IEC are planned. Priorities are determined by looking at failure/life safety, programmatic needs, general condition, and the ability to fund. Funding is generated from the State capital budget, gifts and grants, UD annual operating budget, and unspent operating funds.
President Keefe announced that the Office of Academic Programs and Planning plans to merge the undergraduate and graduate catalogs into one document. Meetings were scheduled for November 9, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Ewing Room); November 10, 10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. (Collins Room); and November 11, 1:30 p.m. -3:30 p.m (Rodney Room). Academic department and program representatives, student government representatives, the Faculty Senate and academic administrative offices were invited to send as many representatives as they wish to the focus groups. Individuals were asked to respond to Marcia Watson-Whitmyre via e-mail at by Monday, November 2, 1998.
The following Announcements for Challenge were approved:
1 (a) Revision to course requirements leading to the M.A. in the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
(b) Change in the name of the Ph.D. specialization Planning, Governance and Urban Policy to Governance, Planning and Management in the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
2. Change in name of the Ph.D. specialization Social Policy Analysis and Evaluation to Social and Urban Policy in the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
3. Revisions to the M.A. in Urban Affairs and Public Policy and MPA Programs
4 (a) Change in the masters= admission requirements in the Art Conservation program
(b) Change the wording to read Aapplicants are expected to obtain a minimum GRE score of 1050 (verbal + quantitative)@ in the Art Conservation Department
5. Change in name and degree title of the Longwood Graduate Program to Longwood Program in Public Horticulture and the master of Science degree from Public Horticulture Administration to Public Horticulture
There was no old business.
A. A proposal for the disestablishment of the Applied Ocean Science concentration in Marine Studies and the addition of a new concentration, Physical Ocean Science and Engineering (POSE) was approved.
WHEREAS the College of Marine Studies, after consulting with a distinguished external panel of physical ocean scientists and engineers, and
WHEREAS after consulting with University of Delaware Marine Studies faculty and University of Delaware Coastal Engineering faculty, and
WHEREAS after unanimous approval by Marine Studies faculty to refocus its program emphasis in physical ocean sciences and ocean engineering; be it therefore
RESOLVED that the Applied Ocean Science program within the College of Marine Studies be dissolved, and be it further
RESOLVED the Applied Ocean Science program be replaced by a Physical Ocean Science and Engineering program
B. A recommendation for the termination of provisional programs was presented to the Senate. There was discussion on the automatic termination of provisional programs that have not obtained permanent status. A friendly amendment to reword it was superceded by a vote to send it back to committee. The recommendation was returned to the Coordinating Committee.
C. President Keefe asked if there were other items of new business, reminding the Senate that such proposed items could not be acted upon until the next meeting. Hearing no proposed new business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Girardi
Administrative Assistant
University Faculty Senate