December 2, 1991


     On Monday, December 2 at 4:00 p.m. Senate President Taggart called the
regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate to order.

Senators not in attendance were:    Steven Dentel, Robert Knecht, Richard
                                    Libera, Betty McGrath, Michelle Provost-

Senators excused were:  Kenneth Biederman, Bernard Herman, Anne McCourt-Lewis,
                        Jon Olson, David P. Roselle, William Saylor, Edward
                        Schweizer, Janet Smith


     The Senate adopted the agenda as published.


     The Senate approved the Minutes of the November 4 meeting as published.


     Provost Pipes discussed Parallel Program expansion in Georgetown, the
     Middle States Accreditation visit, the progress of the Budget Council,
     admissions, changes in telephone service, the Longwood Foundation grant,
     research funding, and the plus/minus grading system. After noting that
     the University will share space with Delaware State and DelTech in the
     higher education building in Georgetown, Provost Pipes reaffirmed the
     University's commitment to providing higher education in southern
     Delaware. He also drew attention to the visit of the Middle State
     Accreditation team on February 23 through 26.

     Provost Pipes discussed the activities of the Budget Council, announcing
     that the budget must be reduced by $8.3 million for the next year which
     will include the loss of 76 positions, 40 of which are vacancies. Provost
     Pipes pointed out that of the budget reductions already made, 18.8% of
     the cuts have been in the administrative side, 14.4% in academic support,
     and 7.9% in academic units. He announced that programs still under
     discussion include Medical Technology, Interior Design, American Studies,
     Cognitive Sciences, and Neuroscience. He also announced that he had made
     a budgetary presentation before the Coordinating Committee on Education
     and the Committee on Budgetary and Space Priorities.

     Provost Pipes disclosed that admissions are up 10% and that the
     Admissions Office has initiated a new enrollment management committee
     whose primary objective is to include faculty in the admissions process.
     He reminded the Senate that the telephone numbers on campus will change
     on January 18th.

     Provost Pipes also announced that the University had received a major
     grant of $2.5 million from the Longwood Foundation for the development of
     the new chemistry, biochemistry, and marine studies building. In the area
     of research, Provost Pipes reported an increase in the number of
     proposals for sponsored programs to $37 million in proposals and that
     over $500,000 is being distributed within the University for faculty

     Provost Pipes ended by reaffirming that faculty have the authority and
     responsibility to measure student performance, that students have the
     right to uniformity and equity in grading systems, and that the Provost's
     Office will enforce policies that have been duly passed by the Faculty


     Senate President Taggart announced that the Senate Office is receiving
     two new printers and a fax machine. He also reiterated the Senate
     attendance policy, reminding Senators that substitutes can attend and
     speak in Senate meetings, but they cannot vote unless they are permanent
     replacements elected by secret ballot. He announced the results of the
     1992 apportionment which increases the number of Senators by one added to
     the number of Senators from the College of Agricultural Sciences.
     Finally, he reported that the Committee on Committees and Nominations'
     review of the Committee on Faculty Welfare and Privileges is close to

     Announcements for Challenge: After amending the Bilingualism portion of
     the proposed revision of the B.A. in Educational Studies (attached), the
     Senate approved the proposal. The Senate also approved the change in the
     name of the Department of Sociology to the Department of Sociology and
     Criminal Justice.


     Item A on the agenda was a resolution brought by Senator Signorielli who
     agreed to a substitute resolution proposing a return to the grading
     system in effect through the 1990/1991 academic year as of September,
     1992. After voting down an amendment that attempted to make the change
     immediate, and discussing issues of faculty prerogative, Senate
     intention, the Senate history of plus/minus, the reliability of catalogue
     information and the meaning of "optional," the Senate approved the
     following resolution substituted for the original substitute resolution:

     WHEREAS, the University Faculty Senate approved the establishment of a
              plus/minus grading system on May 6, 1985 by a vote of 29 to 25,

     WHEREAS, the Senate renewed its analysis of the merits of a plus/minus
              grading system in an informational discussion (no motion
              presented) at its meeting of March 2, 1987, and

     WHEREAS, the Senate reaffirmed its support of a plus/minus grading system
              on November 13, 1989 by a vote of 32 to 22, and

     WHEREAS, in each of these three meetings there were explicit comments
              that the plus/minus system should only be approved if it were
              optional for each faculty member, and

     WHEREAS, due to delays relating to the installation of a new computer
              system for student records, the plus/minus grading system was
              implemented for the first time in the fall of 1991, with the
              result that many current faculty are at a considerable distance
              from the original discussion, and

     WHEREAS, the plus/minus grading system currently implemented is being
              interpreted as a non-optional grading policy, be it therefore

     RESOLVED,  that the Senate reaffirms the existence of the 11-point
                grading system with the understanding that the faculty may use
                as many points as in their academic judgment are appropriate
                for the purposes of evaluating the students' academic

     President Taggart adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

           Respectfully submitted,

           Judith Roof
           Senate Secretary
