REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE December 7, 1992 MINUTES Senator not in attendance was: Gene Bartlett Senators excused were: Kenneth Biederman, Charles Boncelet, Gordon Bonner, Rick Cunningham, Alexander Doberenz, Bernard Herman, Carol Hoffecker, Judy Hough-Goldstein, Edward Kerner, James Kirby, Peter Lomtevas, Michelle Provost-Craig, Daniel Rich, David P. Roselle, Elaine Safer, Edward Schweizer, Stuart Sharkey, Lesa Sterling I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Senate adopted the Agenda as printed. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Senate approved the Minutes of November 2, 1992 as distributed. III. REMARKS BY UNIVERSITY PROVOST PIPES University Provost Pipes extolled the seriousness and commitment of players on the football team and commended the quality of academic programs that are able to attract that kind of student athlete. He drew attention to the recommendations of the Committee on Student and Faculty Honors and the recommendation for the disestablishment of the Council on Program Evaluation (COPE), and the establishment of the Academic Program Review (APR) to be considered by the Senate. He reiterated his commitment to working with the Senate and the AAUP to restore confidence in higher education and stressed that part of that endeavor is to increase efficiency. Provost Pipes explained the $1.2 million budget cut from the colleges and the $700,000 restoration for new program initiatives. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Lomax presented the revised procedures for the writing of a Statement of Principles which includes the participation of a representative committee and a second open hearing. David Smith (Chairperson, Committee on Committees and Nominations) announced that members of the Ad Hoc Greek Task Force for monitoring Greek activities are almost in place and the new Chairperson of the University Promotions and Tenure Committee is Jon Olson. V. OLD BUSINESS Item A. Sense of the Senate Resolution from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee concerning attitudes on campus and a need to improve the climate of respect and tolerance. After discussion of the resolution's wording and the passage of two amendments revising its language, the Senate passed the following resolution: WHEREAS, a traditional role of the University is to be a locus for free inquiry, the interchange of ideas, and the acquisition and generation of knowledge, and WHEREAS, the preservation of academic freedom and First Amendment rights is crucial to those endeavors, and WHEREAS, the University has a duty to guard against abuses of those rights and the disruption of the environment of collegiality and respect for differences that enables open exchange, and WHEREAS, recent incidents of verbal abuse, assault, and intolerance in the campus community have insulted and injured many members and have jeopardized the University's ability to maintain a safe and open environment, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Faculty through the Faculty Senate hereby denounces the attitudes that generate intolerance, and destructive behavior, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Faculty through the Faculty Senate exhorts all in the University community to improve the climate of respect, tolerance, and intellectual richness by education. VI. NEW BUSINESS Item A. Request from the Committee on Committees and Nominations for Senate confirmation of a committee appointment to the Committee on Academic Appeals. The following resolution was approved: RESOLVED, that the appointment of William Nichol, Agricultural Engineering, as chairperson of the Committee on Academic Appeals is hereby confirmed. Item B. Report and recommendations from the Committee on Committees and Nominations (D. Smith, Chairperson) to establish criteria and procedures for the Committee on Student and Faculty Honors. After some discussion of how activities other than classroom performance might be construed as excellent teaching, the Senate approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, written criteria and procedures for the operation of the Committee on Student and Faculty Honors do not exist, and WHEREAS, the Committee on Committees and Nominations was instructed to examine the operation of the Committee on Student and Faculty Honors and to establish written criteria and procedures, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the report and recommendations prepared by the Committee on Student and Faculty Honors and endorsed by the Committee on Committees and Nominations, be approved as the operating instructions for the conduct of the Committee on Student and Faculty Honors, and that these recommendations be maintained in the Faculty Senate Office and made available to anyone upon request, effective immediately. Item C. Recommendation from the Coordinating Committee on Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson '91-'92) for the disestablishment of the Council on Program Evaluation (COPE) and the adoption of the Academic Program Review (APR). After an explanation of the changes in process represented by the new procedure, and a question about the inclusion of non-academic units, the Senate approved the following resolutions: WHEREAS, current procedures for reviewing academic programs (COPE, Council on Program Evaluation), are no longer effective, and WHEREAS, a task force of Senate officers and administrators in the Provost's Office worked together to develop a new review procedure (APR, Academic Program Review) involving the Coordinating Committee on Education in the review process, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Council on Program Evaluation (COPE), which was approved by the University Faculty Senate on May 7, 1973, be discontinued immediately, and be it further RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate adopt in its place the Academic Program Review policy, effective immediately. Item D. Recommendation from the Committee on Student Life (R. Bennett, Chairperson), for the deletion of the Harassment section (4.B.) under the Code of Conduct in The Official Student Handbook. The Senate discussed such issues as the deletion's effect on sexual harassment policies, whether it is necessary to remove the entire section, whether anything can be done about harassment without such a provision, the introduction of the Delaware State criminal code on harassment, and the difficulties in predicting the constitutionality of any speech code, and after much citing of court dicta and opining about the enforceability of provisions, the Senate approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, recent court decisions protecting first amendment rights of free speech have forced the retraction of university speech code policies similar to the University of Delaware's policy, and WHEREAS, under existing circumstances the present policy appears to be legally unenforceable, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Section 4.B. (Disruptive Conduct: Harassment), under the Code of Conduct in The Official Student Handbook be deleted. Item E. David Smith (Chairperson, Committee on Committees and Nominations) introduced the following new business: WHEREAS, at the meeting of May 11, 1992, the University Faculty Senate considered several resolutions relating to Greek Life at the University of Delaware, and WHEREAS, the Senate instructed the Committee on Committees and Nominations "to create an Ad Hoc Task Force to report to the Senate next year with a new proposal on the house monitor concept," and WHEREAS, the Committee on Committees and Nominations has reviewed the house monitor concept and has concluded that the Faculty Senate does not have the jurisdiction nor the expertise to make meaningful recommendations on this subject and that it is not an appropriate matter for the University Faculty Senate to take up, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate withdraws its instructions of May 11 to the Committee on Committees and Nominations to create this task force, and be it further RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate requests the administration of the University to consult with the civic authorities of the City of Newark to seek resolution of the concerns raised at the May 11 meeting. Senate President Lomax adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judith Roof Senate Secretary rg