December 6, 1993


Senators not in attendance were:  William Daniels, Larry Holmes, Vivian Klaff,
                                  C. A. Thoroughgood

Senators excused were:  Christine Delbeau, James Kirby, Robert Knecht, Roger
                        Kobak, Richard Murray, Jon Olson, Betty Paulanka,
                        James Pizzuto, David Roselle, Jack Smith, Janet Smith


      The agenda was adopted as submitted.


      The minutes for the November 1 meeting were approved as submitted.


      Vice Provost Andersen's remarks were withheld due to illness.


      A.  Daniel Rich, Chairperson, Provost Search Committee, reported on the
          status of the Provost search, the depth of the candidate pool, and
          the tempo for the remainder of the search.  The search has used ads
          in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Black Issues in Higher
          Education, and Update.  Letters requesting nominations were sent to
          the 167 presidents in the National Association of State Universities
          and Land-Grant Colleges, 59 presidents of the American Association
          of Universities, and 229 deans of colleges of arts and science. 
          Special attention was paid to minority and women candidates and to
          direct and indirect referrals from the University community.

          These efforts have yielded 206 internal and external candidates who
          are intellectually diverse, widely experienced, and who have
          exceptional academic and scholarly achievements.  While the Search
          Committee will continue to receive applications until the position
          is filled, the review of the candidates began on November 15.

          The initial screening is to be completed by mid-January and the
          first set of interviews by the Committee are to be completed by
          February.  The sub-group of finalists are to be brought on campus
          through March, and the search process is to be completed by the
          beginning of April.

          The candidates are being supplied extensive material about the
          institution.  Suggestions about this material have come from the
          Senate Executive Committee and the University community.  In
          response to a question, Prof. Rich stated that the Search Committee
          intends to arrange for the final candidates to discuss issues with
          the Senate.

      B.  Bonnie Kime Scott, President, announced the following:

          1.  The next meeting of the University Faculty Senate is on February
              7, the day before classes resume for the Spring term.

          2.  The ad hoc Committee on Freedom of Expression in Public Events
              has been formed.  The members are:  Robert Brown, Director of
              University Honors, Chair; Joanne Browning, Associate Professor
              of Theatre; Belena Chapp, Director of the University Gallery;
              Vernese Edghill, Assistant Dean of Students; Thomas Harr,
              undergraduate; Bernard Kaplan, Associate Professor of English;
              Scott F. Mason, Assistant Director of the Student Center; Rika
              Schmidt, graduate student; and W. Gary Smith, Assistant
              Professor in Plant and Soil Sciences.  The committee will give
              an initial report at the April meeting.

          3.  Announcements for Challenge

              a.  Revision of the B.A.S. in Engineering Technology (See
                  Attachment 1 of agenda).  Approved as submitted.
              b.  Approval of proposal to include concentration titles on
                  transcripts of the M.S. in Physical Education (See
                  Attachment 2 of agenda).  Approved as submitted.




      A.  Recommendation from the Vice President of Employee Relations, Maxine
          Colm, with the concurrence of the Committee on Faculty Welfare and
          Privileges (H. Hall, Chairperson) and the Faculty Senate Executive
          Committee, revising the Faculty Handbook to conform to the new
          Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (as stated in Attachment 3 of
          the agenda).

          In a very brief discussion it was determined that the purpose of
          this resolution is to bring the Faculty Handbook into compliance
          with the Family and Medical Leave Act.  The proactive policy of the
          University is reinforced by these changes.  The following resolution
          was passed unanimously.

          WHEREAS,   the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was enacted on
                     February 5, 1983 with an effective date of August 5,
                     1993, and

          WHEREAS,   the provisions of the Act apply to public agencies
                     including schools and colleges, as well as to private
                     sector employers, and

          WHEREAS,   the University of Delaware is obligated to assure that
                     its family and medical leave policies for employees
                     comport with the provisions of the Act, be it therefore

          RESOLVED,  that the changes contained in Attachment 3 be made to the
                     Faculty Handbook (Section III-36, 37) to bring the
                     Handbook in line with the provisions of the Family and
                     Medical Leave Act.

      B.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (M.
          Keefe, Chairperson) with the concurrence of the Coordinating
          Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin, Chairperson), for the
          granting of permanent status of the Air Force ROTC Program.

          Debate began with a brief report from Michael Keefe.  The Committee
          on Undergraduate Studies approved this resolution by a vote of 11-2. 
          Those opposed feel that ROTC does not belong on campus.  Those in
          favor believe that Air Force ROTC parallels the Army program, which
          has permanent status, and that the issues of gays and lesbians in
          the military is isolated from the academic courses in ROTC.  Col.
          Richard Martel added further background information.  The AFROTC was
          started in 1982 and provides the opportunity for students to earn a
          commission in the AFROTC and to compete for scholarship aid.  The
          program is 16 hours of electives taken over four years.  The program
          at Delaware currently is budgeted at $490K, with a nominal student
          body of 75 and an average of 13 commissions per year.  The program
          is well regarded in its group of 38 other institutions.  From
          questions it was established that there are seven active
          scholarships for 60 students currently and that the eight-year delay
          in review for the program was an oversight.
          Hilton Brown spoke in opposition to the resolution on behalf of the
          Committee on Diversity and Affirmative Action and the Lesbian Gay
          Bisexual Concerns Caucus by introducing a letter sent with Co-chair
          Cynthia Cummings to President Scott on November 22 (Attachment 1). 
          He asked directly if the ROTC discriminates against gays and

          Col. Martel replied that neither the no-credit Leadership Laboratory
          component of the program nor AFROTC scholarships currently are open
          to individuals who state their homosexuality.  Students can be
          disenrolled from ROTC for professing homosexual status and may be
          required to reimburse the scholarship funding.  The specific actions
          are decided on a case-by-case basis.

          Dean Murray, Senator Idsardi and President Scott established through
          questions that the laboratory portion of the Air Force ROTC courses
          are not available to individuals not qualified to be cadets. 
          Similarly the Summer training programs are open to cadets only.

          Senator Martuza objected to the program because of these exclusions,
          and Senator Reedy observed that the Policies Catalog does not define
          eligibility.  Senator Taggart asked the extent to which a land-grant
          institution is required to provide ROTC, and President-elect
          McLaughlin replied by paraphrasing from the Morrill Act:  "States
          which take advantage of the act must support and maintain at least
          one college [where the] leading object shall be, without excluding
          other scientific and classical studies and including military
          tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to
          agriculture and the mechanic arts."

          Senator Bonner spoke in favor of the resolution as a general way of
          bringing freshness to the military.  Dean Murray then urged the Air
          Force to eliminate the course listing of a laboratory from which
          students are excluded on the basis of sexual orientation.  Senator
          Boncelet suggested this could end could be accomplished by
          eliminating the laboratory course section but not the laboratory

          Senator Haslett asked Senator Cooper (Army ROTC) to identify ways in
          which students are excluded.  Senator Cooper identified age and
          physical conditioning as the major reasons individuals will
          notqualify for commissioning and emphasized that the Army ROTC
          permits anyone to take the classes.

          Senator Martuza argued against permanent status for the Air Force
          ROTC program because of the total contradiction of University policy
          against discrimination just prior to the vote.

          The following resolution was passed by a tally of 34 ayes, 21 nays
          and 4 abstentions.

          WHEREAS,   AFROTC represents a nationally recognized training
                     opportunity for interested and qualified students, and 

          WHEREAS,   the University of Delaware's program has consistently
                     received high ratings among AFROTC programs regionally,
                     and has recently been recognized as the Northeast
                     Region's top program as measured by student training
                     awards and numbers of students contracted, and

          WHEREAS,   this opportunity provides a potential resource for
                     students to use to help fund their academic career, and

          WHEREAS,   AFROTC would join an already permanent Army ROTC program,
                     be it therefore

          RESOLVED,  that, effective immediately, permanent status be granted
                     to the AFROTC program.

      C.  Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for
          clarification on eligibility of students for ROTC programs.  The
          resolution read as follows:

          WHEREAS,   the military may have policies inconsistent with
                     University of Delaware policies, and

          WHEREAS,   catalog listings for Army and Air Force ROTC programs
                     state that students at the University have the
                     opportunity to earn commissions in the military, be it

          RESOLVED,  that, beginning with the 1994-1995 edition, the listings
                     in the University of Delaware Undergraduate Catalog for
                     the Air Force ROTC program and the Army ROTC program
                     shall state clearly:

                     a.  the accessibility of ROTC courses at the University
                         of Delaware to all students, and

                     b.  any military restrictions based on sexual orientation
                         that prevent a student from participating in field
                         training and/or becoming a commissioned officer.


                     that this resolution shall continue until the conflict
                     between Federal and University of Delaware policies on
                     sexual orientation is resolved.

          The resolution was replaced by the following substitute resolution
          from Senator Cooper.  Both resolutions read the same except that the
          substitute replaces a), b), and the final sentence of the original
          resolution as follows:

                     a.  the distinction between those ROTC courses accessible
                         to all University of Delaware students and those
                         which are not, and

                     b.  that not all students may qualify for ROTC
                         scholarships, and

                     c.  that not all students may qualify for a commission in
                         the Armed Forces.


              that this resolution shall continue as long as there are
              differences between the policies of the U.S. Department of
              Defense and the University of Delaware.

          Senator Boncelet spoke on behalf of the substitute resolution
          because it is more inclusive and Senator Flynn noted that the
          substitute corrects a contradiction in a) of the original
          resolution.  Dean Murray faulted the resolutions for not being
          helpful to the student denied permission to attend a course on a
          basis illegal according to University policy.  In response to a
          question by Senator Grubb, Col. Martel answered that the regulations
          for participation in ROTC are explained very early in the program.

          President Scott informed the Senate that members of the Executive
          Committee met with Maj. John Cooper, Col. David Harris of Army ROTC
          and Col. Richard Martel, AFROTC, to discuss the resolution and to
          suggest revisions to the Policies Catalog program descriptions. 
          These draft descriptions were read to the Senate and, after a brief
          discussion, it recommitted (tabled) both resolutions to the
          Executive Committee with the intent of revision for reconsideration
          at the February meeting.

      D.  Introduction of New Business

          Senator John Cooper introduced the following resolution under new

          WHEREAS,   many departments of the various schools and colleges of
                     the University of Delaware may have policies inconsistent
                     with University of Delaware policies, and

          WHEREAS,   the Faculty Senate is concerned with equal treatment for
                     all, and

          WHEREAS,   the Faculty Senate Executive Committee has begun to
                     identify those departments, be it therefore

          RESOLVED,  that beginning with the 1994-1995 edition of the
                     University of Delaware Undergraduate Catalog each
                     department whose programs or policies are inconsistent
                     with the policies of the University of Delaware shall
                     clearly identify which courses, scholarships, activities,
                     and/or careers and employment opportunities for which
                     they are preparatory are restrictive.

          Senator Magee asked how the proposal was connected to the resolution
          which failed in the November meeting, and Senator Flynn noted that
          the new resolution expands the inquiry on discrimination to include
          other factors.  After a brief interchange on this issue Senator
          Lemay moved for adjournment.

Senate President Scott adjourned the meeting at 5:22 PM.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Jon Olson
                                            University Faculty Senate

Attachments:  1.  Letter (11/22/93) to B. Scott from H. Brown and C. Cummings