December 1, 1997
Karen Butler, Debra Cooperman, Pamela Cummings, Kelly Druga, David Ermann, John Gallagher, Thomas Ilvento, Leslie Knapp, Greg Weight
Stuart Cooper, Dana Johnson, Lawrence Kalkstein, Clifford Keil, Carlos Plata-Salaman, Leslie Reidel, Dan Rich, Bonnie Scott, Carolyn Thoroughgood, Richard Wolbers
The agenda was adopted.
The Minutes of the November 3, 1997 meeting of the Senate were approved as distributed.
President Carroll called attention to the announcements on pp 6-9 and 10 of the agenda. These are information items not requiring Senate approval, and have been reviewed by the relevant Senate Committees. The first comes from the University Council on Teacher Education and sets forth "Guidelines for Professional Conduct During Clinical Experiences," and the second comes through the Committee on Graduate Committee and contains modifications of the "English Graduate Policy Guidelines," which had originated in that Department.
Beginning with the next Senate Meeting, which will be on Monday February 9, 1998, all future Senate meetings will be held in Gore Hall, in a meeting room to be announced.
Provost Schiavelli reviewed with the Senate some material on recent decentralization of portions of the academic budget to the Deans, and on the University's budget request to the state. The material had been developed at the request of Alex Cheng, chair of the Senate Budget and Space Committee, to help that committee, the Academic Priorities Committee and the Executive Committee understand better the new budgeting process (see attachments).
1. Changes in the PhD Program in Educational Studies, proposed by that Department, and approved by the Committee on Graduate Studies were announced for challenge. The proposals effected a consolidation of offerings, made explicit some additional concentrations, and require no additional resources. There being no challenge, the changes were approved.
2. Revisions in the MA in ESL/Bilingualism, originating from the faculty of the ESL/Bilingualism Program in response to changes in certification requirements and efforts to make the program more attuned to the needs of future ESL teachers, and approved by the Committee on Graduate Studies, were presented for challenge. The changes do not change the hours required for the degree, and do not require the creation of new courses. The minimum TOEFL score for admission was raised from 550 to 575. There being no challenge, the changes were approved.
There was no old business.
A. A proposal to approve the BA Major in Theater Production
was presented by the Committee on Undergraduate Studies. The program had produced its first major in 1993 and has graduated ten majors. The recommendation to approve for permanent status originated in the College of Arts and Science which used a Task Force to gather information about the program and enrollments and to survey graduates and current majors. The Dean of that College also recommended its approval. The program was approved by vote of the Senate.
B. A proposal for a one year extension for the BA in Latin American Studies was presented by the Committee on Undergraduate Studies. The request had originated with the Director of the Latin American Studies program, and was based on the fact that the University is currently engaged in a review of International Studies programs. The program currently has two students and no permanent budget. The recommendation was endorsed by the College of Arts and Science and its Dean. The motion was adopted.
C. A proposal to define the composition of Master's Thesis Committees was proposed by Vice Provost Cavanaugh, and came forward with the approval of the Committee on Graduate Studies. By amendment, the clause "and approves them through appropriate departmental procedures" was inserted, and the amended motion was adopted. Its text follows.
Masters thesis Committees. A program of study is planned for each candidate in consultation with an advisor and/or an advisory committee. Each department determines the number of faculty that are required to serve on a thesis committee and approves them through appropriate departmental procedures. The professor in charge of the thesis on behalf of the Advisory Committee should have established a record of publication and/or scholarship in the field of the thesis and shall be a full-time member of the faculty of the University. The definition of faculty shall include professional staff who hold secondary faculty appointments within the department. Faculty who have retired or resigned from the University may continue to chair committees of students whose work began under their direction prior to their retirement or departure from the University. Individuals who do not meet the above stated definition given for faculty status may co-chair the thesis providing that the other co-chair meets the definition for faculty status.
D. President Carroll asked if there were other items of new business, reminding the Senate that such proposed items could not be acted upon until the next meeting. There being no new items, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted
Frank B. Dilley, Secretary
University Faculty Senate