February 10, 1992


      On Monday, February 10 at 4:00 p.m. Senate President Taggart called the
regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate to order.

Senators not in attendance were:    Susan Amert, Gene Bartlett, Gordon Bonner,
                                    Steven Dentel, Bernard Herman, James
                                    Magee, Anne McCourt-Lewis, Betty McGrath,
                                    Henry Nyce, Michelle Provost-Craig,
                                    William Saylor, Christopher Smith, Carolyn
                                    Thoroughgood, Alfred Wedel

Senators excused were:        Charles Boncelet, Costel Denson, Carol
                              Hoffecker, Douglas Miller, Daniel Neale, Debra
                              Norris, John Pikulski, Leslie Reidel, Peter Roe,
                              David P. Roselle, Tuncay Saydam, Edward
                              Schweizer, Stuart Sharkey


      The Senate adopted the Agenda as published.


      The Senate approved the Minutes of the December 4 meeting as published.


      Associate Provost Andersen discussed the pending Middle States Review,
      stating that the team will arrive on campus February 23, and that copies
      of the self-study document are available in the library. She announced
      the beginning of a new "Delaware Dialogues" program, a University-wide
      forum for the discussion and analysis of current issues. She also
      reported that the new Dean of Nursing is Betty Paulanka, and that the
      Provost's Office is commencing a search for a new Vice Provost for


      Senate President Taggart reported that the new fax number for the
      Faculty Senate Office is 831-8198.


      The following Announcements for Challenge were approved:

      1. Revision of the major in Food Science

      2. Revisions of the major in Animal Science:
            a. Preveterinary Medicine
            b. Agricultural Biotechnology
            c. Applied Animal Science
            d. General Animal Science

      3. Revisions of the major in Agricultural Engineering Technology and
      change of degree type from B.S. in Agriculture to Bachelor of Applied

      4. Revision of the major in Engineering Technology

      5. Revision of the major in Chemical Engineering

      6. Revisions of the major in Physical Education Studies
            a. Fitness Management
            b. Addition of Minor


      Item A. on the Agenda was a recommendation from the Committee on
      Undergraduate Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson) with the concurrence of
      the Coordinating Committee on Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson), for
      generic requirements for a minor and a concentration within a major to
      apply to all undergraduate degrees. After discussion of the policy's
      history and ostensible purpose, the Senate defeated the following

      WHEREAS,    a minor represents a certain breadth of knowledge, and that
                  knowledge should be somewhat distinct from that which forms
                  the basis for the student's major, and

      WHEREAS,    there should be a clear distinction between a concentration
                  in a major and a minor, therefore be it

      RESOLVED,   that a majority of the credits that a student uses towards
                  fulfilling the requirements of a minor must be taken outside
                  the primary subject area courses used to fulfill the
                  requirements of the major.

      (The four letter codes used for the various subject areas are listed in
      the Undergraduate Catalog. )


      Item A. on the Agenda is a recommendation from the Committee on
      Undergraduate Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson) with the concurrence of
      the Coordinating Committee on Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson), for
      provisional approval of a new major in Environmental Soil Science
      leading to a B.S. degree in Agriculture. After discussing the meaning of
      the adjective "Environmental" and the possibility that the program's
      title might be confusing, the Senate defeated a motion to return the
      resolution to Committee and approved the following Resolution:

      RESOLVED,   that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for four
                  years, the establishment of a new major in Environmental
                  Soil Science, leading to a B.S. in Agriculture (Department
                  of Plant and Soil Sciences), effective immediately.

      Item B. on the Agenda was a recommendation from the Committee on
      Undergraduate Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson) with the concurrence of
      the Coordinating Committee on Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson), for
      provisional approval of a new major in Latin American Studies leading to
      a B.A. degree. After several questions about the level and availability
      of the program' s courses, the Senate voted to send the following
      Resolution back to committee:

      RESOLVED,   that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for four
                  years, the establishment of a new major in Latin American
                  Studies leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree, effective
                  immediately. This major shall be administered by a multi-
                  departmental committee within the College of Arts and

      Item C. on the Agenda was a recommendation from the Committee on
      Undergraduate Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson) with the concurrence of
      the Coordinating Committee on Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson), for the
      establishment of three new Honors Baccalaureate Degrees in the following
      programs: Family and Community Services, Human Development and Family
      Processes, Early Childhood Development and Education in the College of
      Human Resources. The Senate approved the following Resolution:

      RESOLVED,   that the Faculty Senate approves the establishment of three
                  new Honors Baccalaureate Degrees in the following programs:
                  Family and Community Services, Human Development and Family
                  Processes, Early Childhood Development and Education
                  (Individual and Family Studies Department in the College of
                  Human Resources), effective immediately.

      Item D. on the Agenda was a recommendation from the Committee on
      Undergraduate Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson) with the concurrence of
      the Coordinating Committee on Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson), for the
      establishment of four new majors in Management, Finance, Marketing, and
      Operations Management, leading to a B.S. in Business Administration.

      RESOLVED,   that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for four
                  years, the establishment of four new majors in Management,
                  Finance, Marketing, and Operations Management, leading to a
                  Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (College of
                  Business and Economics), effective immediately.

      Item E. on the Agenda was a recommendation from the Rules Committee (J.
      Roof, Chairperson), inviting a representative from the Professional
      Advisory Council to participate in the Faculty Senate as a non-voting
      member. The Senate approved the following Resolution:

      WHEREAS,    the Senate may establish rules by which members of the
                  University community other than voting faculty may attend
                  and be heard at its meetings, and

      WHEREAS,    it is in the interest of the Senate to receive and share
                  information with the larger University community, be it

      RESOLVED,   that the Faculty Senate invites a representative from the
                  Processional Advisory Council to participate as a non-voting
                  member of the Senate beginning September, 1992.

      Item F. was a recommendation from the Coordinating Committee on
      Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson), regarding the elimination of the
      major in Interior Design. The Senate approved the following substitute

      WHEREAS,    the Dean of the College of Human Resources, in consultation
                  with the Department Chairperson of Textiles, Design and
                  Consumer Economics, has recommended the elimination of the
                  major in Interior Design, therefore be it

      RESOLVED,   that the Interior Design major is to be disestablished
                  effective September 1, 1992, and be it further

      RESOLVED,   that the phase-out schedule for course offerings through
                  Spring, 1995, shall assure the completion of the major for
                  currently enrolled students.

      President Taggart adjourned the meeting at 5:05 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Judith Roof
                              Senate Secretary
