February 8, 1993


Senators not in attendance were:          Barbara Curry, Lucia Palmer, Larry
                                          Peterson, Kent Price, Peter Roe,
                                          William Stanley, Roger Steiner

Senators excused were:        Suzanne Alchon, Kenneth Biederman,
                              Margaret Birney, Alexander Doberenz, Selcuk
                              Guceri, Betty Haslett, Larry Holmes, James
                              Kirby, James Magee, Betty Paulanka, Henry
                              Reynolds, Mary Richards, David Roselle,
                              David Sheppard


      The Senate adopted the Agenda as presented and circulated.


      The Senate approved the Minutes of the December 7, 1992 meeting
      with the following changes:  That Dean Rich's absence be listed as
      "Excused" and that the "Resolved" on page 3 be changed to the
      following:  (Change underlined)

           RESOLVED,     that the report and recommendations for
                         determination of Excellence in Teaching and
                         Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising
                         Awards recipients, as prepared by the Committee
                         on Student and Faculty Honors and endorsed by
                         the Committee on Committees and Nominations,
                         be approved as the operating instructions for the
                         conduct of the Committee on Student and Faculty
                         Honors, and that these recommendations be
                         maintained in the Faculty Senate Office and made
                         available to anyone upon request, effective


      Provost Pipes spoke on the issues of communication in the
      University community, University procedures and policies, and
      University commitments.  He outlined his plans for improving
      communications between the Provost's Office and the faculty,
      including speaking at the Chairs' Caucus and meeting regularly with
      Senate officers.  While explaining that with new University officers
      the interpretation of procedures sometimes changes, he emphasized
      that it is not his intention to use an observer in the promotion and
      tenure process and he reassured the Senate that if the need should
      ever again arise for such an observer, that he will obtain the
      agreement of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee before taking
      such action.  Provost Pipes made a distinction between individual
      and programmatic commitments, stating that despite difficult
      economic circumstances, commitments to individuals must be met,
      while commitments to programs may change.


      The Senate approved the following program changes without
      challenge.  Senators raised questions about changes of requirements
      to prerequisites and the large number of required credit hours in the
      Revision of the B.M. in Applied Music.          

      1.   Revision of the B.A. in Sociology 

      2.   Revision of the B.A. in Music 

      3.   Revisions of the B.M. in Applied Music: 
          a.    Voice
          b.    Piano/Organ
          c.    Instrumental

      4.   Revision of the B.M. in Theory and Composition:  Theory or

      5.   Revisions of the B.M. in Music Education-General/Choral: 
         a.   Voice 
         b.   Keyboard

      6.   Revision of the B.M. in Music Education:  Instrumental 

      7.   Revision of the minor in Applied Music 


      Item A was a resolution, introduced by David Smith (Chairperson,
      Committee on Committees and Nominations) at the December 7,
      1992 Faculty Senate meeting, requesting the University Faculty
      Senate to withdraw its instructions to create an Ad Hoc Task Force. 
      After explaining that it was COCAN's belief that such a task force
      was beyond the jurisdiction and expertise of the Faculty Senate and
      that matters involving zoning and building codes in Greek housing
      might be best treated by the administration, the Senate passed the
      following Resolution:
            WHEREAS,              at the meeting of May 11, 1992, the
                                  University Faculty Senate considered
                                  several resolutions relating to Greek Life
                                  at the University of Delaware, and          
           WHEREAS,           the Senate instructed the Committee on
                              Committees and Nominations "to create an
                              Ad Hoc Task Force to report to the Senate
                              next year with a new proposal on the house
                              monitor concept," and

            WHEREAS,              the Committee on Committees and
                                  Nominations has reviewed the house
                                  monitor concept and has concluded that
                                  the Faculty Senate does not have the
                                  jurisdiction nor the expertise to make
                                  meaningful recommendations on this
                                  subject and that it is not an appropriate
                                  matter for the University Faculty Senate
                                  to take up, be it therefore

           RESOLVED,          that the University Faculty Senate withdraws
                              its instructions of May 11 to the Committee
                              on Committees and Nominations to create
                              this task force, and be it further

           RESOLVED,          that the University Faculty Senate requests
                              the administration of the University to
                              consult with the civic authorities of the City
                              of Newark to seek resolution of the concerns
                              raised at the May 11, 1992 meeting.

      Item A was a recommendation from the Committee on Graduate
      Studies (P. Hooper, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
      Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott, Chairperson) for a
      change in title of the Master's Degree in Nursing from Master of
      Science (M.S.) to Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.).  The
      Senate approved the following resolution:

            WHEREAS,              the degree initials M.S. used for the
                                  Master's degree awarded in the College
                                  of Nursing since 1968 do not convey that
                                  this is a degree in nursing, and

            WHEREAS,              the initials M.S.N. (Master's of Science in
                                  Nursing) are recognized by nursing
                                  colleagues as the preferred degree for the
                                  advanced nursing professional, be it

           RESOLVED,          that as of September 1, 1993, the Master's
                              degree in Nursing be changed from Master of
                              Science (M.S.) to Master of Science in
                              Nursing (M.S.N.).

     Item B was a report and recommendation from the Committee on
     Committees and Nominations (D. Smith, Chairperson) to establish
     criteria and procedures for the Committee on Student and Faculty
     Honors establishing procedures, Criteria, and Recommendations for
     the Francis Alison Award.  The Senate approved the following

            WHEREAS,              written criteria and procedures for the
                                  operation of the Committee on Student
                                  and Faculty Honors do not exist, and

            WHEREAS,              the Committee on Committees and
                                  Nominations was instructed to examine
                                  the operation of the Committee on
                                  Student and Faculty Honors and to
                                  establish written criteria and procedures,
                                  be it therefore

           RESOLVED,          that the report and recommendations for
                              determination of Alison Award recipients, as
                              prepared by the Committee on Student and
                              Faculty Honors and endorsed by the
                              Committee on Committees and Nominations,
                              be approved as the operating instructions for
                              the conduct of the Committee on Student
                              and Faculty Honors, and that these
                              recommendations be maintained in the
                              Faculty Senate Office and made available to
                              anyone upon request, effective immediately.

Senate President Lomax adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  Judith Roof
                                  Senate Secretary


Attachments:  Committee Activities Report
  1. Revision of the B.A. in Sociology
  2. Revision of the B.A. in Music
  3. Revision of the B.M. in Applied Music
  4. Revision of the B.M. in Theory and Composition
  5. Revisions of the B.M. in Music Education-General/Choral
  6. Revision of the B.M. in Music Education
  7. Revision of the minor in Applied Music
  8. Report on the Cte. on Student and Faculty Honors:  Procedures,
Criteria, and Recommendations for the Francis Alison Award

     Degree:  Bachelor of Arts:  Major:  Music

     There are four proposed changes to this degree:

     (1)  The addition of MUSC 175 (Class Piano: Elementary I) to the
     degree for all students except those with piano or organ as the
     principal instrument.  MUSC 175 will replace 1 credit of elective in
     the B.A. to keep the number of music credits at 45.  The Bachelor of
     Arts in Music is the only music degree that doesn't require its majors
     to acquire at least some piano proficiency.  The addition of this
     course will insure that the B.A. students receive training in this very
     important skill.

     As a result of the substitution of MUSC 175 for the elective in the
     B.A., the credits in the degree will remain the present minimum of