February 9, 1998
John Bulkowski, Karen Butler, John Cavanaugh, Thomas Church, Costel Denson, Rudy D
=Souza, Mark Huddleston, Dana Johnson, Ludwig Mosberg, Betty Paulanka, Carlos Plata-Salamon, TuncaySaydam, Melvyn Schiavelli, Karen Stein, Rich Wolbers
Kelly Druga, Alan Horowitz, Leslie Knapp, John Kraft, Alexander Selimov
The agenda was adopted.
The Minutes of the December 1, 1997 meeting of the Senate were approved with the following correction:
a) Senators Excused were listed as Senators Absent and Senators Absent were listed as Senators Excused.
b) Page 3, NEW BUSINESS, A. Recommendation from the University Committee...from two to five working days. The word days was omitted but it was agreed to insert the work and accept it as presented.
President Carroll announced that Graduate Studies approved changes in program policy documents for English, Dietetics, and Nursing. He also announced that the February agenda refers to the College of Agriculture and not the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, which was the approved name change at the November 1997 meeting of the Senate. Materials were submitted as the College of Agriculture and approved as such. Senators were reminded that selected materials are attached to the agenda but that additional support materials may be reviewed in the Faculty Senate Office.
There were no remarks from Provost Schiavelli.
The following Announcements for Challenge were approved:
1. Revision to the B.S. in Applied Nutrition, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, College of Health and Nursing Science
2. Revision to the B.S. in dietetics, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, College of Health and Nursing Science
3. Revision to the FREC M.S. in Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
4. Revision to the B.S. in Athletic Training, College of Health and Nursing Science
5. Revision to the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Degree - Literacy and Schooling
6. Revision to the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Degree - Specialization in Technology
7. Revision to the Master of Instruction Degree - Specialization in Educational Technology
8. Revision to the major in Medical Technology, College of Health and Nursing Science
9. Revision to the major in Human Development and Family Process
10. Revision to the major in Family and Community Service
11. Revision to the major in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management
12. Revision to the major in Early Child Development and Education
13. Revision to the major in Health and Physical Education (HPE) Degree Program
14. Revision to the major in Entomology/Plant Pathology and change the title to
15. Revision to the minor in Entomology, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
16. Revision to the major in Entomology, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Concentration: Wildlife Conservation
17. Revision to the major in Food Science and Technology, College of Agricultural and Natural Resources - Add Concentrations Food Science, and Food Technology
18. Revision to the major in Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
19. Revision to the major in Agricultural Economics: Resource Economics concentration, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
20. Revision to the major in Food and Agribusiness Management, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
21. Revision to the minor in Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
22. Revision to the major in English Education, College of Arts and Science
23. Revision to the major in Foreign Language Education, College of Arts and Science
24. Revision to the minor in Statistics, Department of Mathematical Sciences
A. A proposal to approve the Promotion and Tenure Request for Appeal from two to five working days was presented by the University Committee on Promotions and Tenure. The proposal was approved by vote of the Senate.
B. The Faculty Senate approved provisionally, for five years, a recommendation for the establishment of a new Graduate Program leading to the M.S. Degree in Health Promotion.
C. The Faculty Senate approved the establishment of a new Honors B.S. Degree in Entomology in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
D. The Faculty Senate approved the establishment of a new Honors B.S. Degree in French, German, or Spanish, and Political Science.
E. The Faculty Senate approved the establishment of a new Honors B.S. Degree in Animal Science in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
F. The Faculty Senate endorsed the proposal to merge the Department of Educational Development and the Department of Educational Studies to form a School of Education.
G. President Carroll asked if there were other items of new business, reminding the Senate that such proposed items could not be acted upon until the next meeting. There being no new items, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Frank B. Dilley, Secretary
University Faculty Senate