March 1, 1993


Senators not in attendance were:          Jeff Gillespie, Leo Lemay, Ratna
                                          Shekhar, Roger Steiner

Senators excused were:      Kenneth Biederman, Rich Cunningham, Judy 
                            Hough-Goldstein, Vivian Klaff, Jerome Lewis,
                            Daniel Neale, Larry Peterson, Mary Richards,
                            David Roselle, Carolyn Thoroughgood


      The Senate adopted the Agenda as distributed.


      The Senate approved the Minutes as distributed.  The Senate
      Secretary wishes to amend the minutes of the meeting of February
      8, 1993 to include Lucia Palmer as Excused and Kent Price as


      Provost Pipes had no comments.


      Senate President Lomax requested that Senators comment on the
      proposed new Mission Statement distributed through campus mail
      and send suggestions to the Senate Executive Committee by March
      15.  He also announced the March 26 meeting of campus
      representatives to review the three proposed versions of a
      Statement of "Principles," "Ideals," or "Responsibility."

      The Senate considered and made no challenge to the following 
      Announcements for Challenge:

      1.    Revision of the major in Agricultural Business Management to
            create a concentration in Food Marketing 

      2.    Revision of the B.S. in Agriculture:  

            a.    Entomology/Plant Pathology
            b.    Agricultural Business Management
            c.    Agricultural Economics and concentrations in Production
                  and Management, and Resource Economics and Rural

      3.    Revision of the B.A.S. in:  

            a.    Agricultural Engineering Technology
            b.    Engineering Technology

      4.    Revision of the major in Entomology:  Concentrations in
            General Entomology and in Wildlife Conservation 
      5.    New minor in Agricultural Business Management/Agricultural

      6.    Revision of the B.S. in Accounting 

      7.    Revisions of the majors/minors in the Bachelor of Music degree

            a.    Retitling of majors in Applied Music to include the titles
                  of existing concentrations and adding eighteen (18) new
                  concentrations, reflecting the principal instrument, to the
                  newly-titled Applied Music--Instrumental major

            b.    Retitling of Music Education major to include the title of
                  an existing concentration (Instrumental) and adding
                  seventeen (17) new concentrations, reflecting the
                  principal instrument, to the newly-titled Music Education-
                  -Instrumental major.  In addition, changing the title of
                  the concentration of the Music Education--
                  General/Choral major from "Keyboard" to "Piano."

            c.    Retitle concentration under Theory and Composition
                  major to split Theory and Composition

            d.    Retitling of existing Music minor:  Applied Music to
                  include the principal instrument (by adding nineteen [19]
                  specific minors)

      8.    Revision of the minor in Art History 

      9.    Revision of the minor in Spanish 

      10.   Revision of the B.A. in Mathematical Sciences 

      11.   Revision of the concentrations in the B.S. in Mathematical
            a.    Mathematics of Computation
            b.    Mathematics of Management Science and Operations
            c.    Physical Mathematics (revise and change name to
                  Mathematical Physics/Applied Mathematics)

      12.   Revision of the B.S. in Human Resources:  

            a.    Human Development and Family Processes
            b.    Family and Community Services
            c.    Coordinated Undergraduate Dietetics

      13.   Revision of the B.M.E. in Mechanical Engineering 

      After questions about the new required Math class and the
      Computer course, the Senate also made no challenge to the
      following Announcement for Challenge:

      14.   Revision of the Bachelor of Chemical Engineering  

V.    OLD BUSINESS -  There was no Old Business.


      Item A.   Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate
                Studies (P. Hooper, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
                the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
                Chairperson), for the establishment of an option within
                the M.S. in Nursing (M.S.N.) entitled Family Nurse
                Practitioner.  After brief questions about the entire
                educational process and the history of nurse practitioners
                in Delaware, the Senate approved the following
             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally,
                            for four years, the establishment of an option
                            within the M.S. in Nursing (M.S.N.) entitled
                            Family Nurse Practitioner, effective September
                            1, 1993.

      Item B.   Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
                Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
                the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
                Chairperson), for provisional approval of a new major
                entitled Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse (BRN),
                effective September 1, 1993.  After a question about the
                pool of students for such a degree, the Senate approved
                the following Resolution: 

             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally,
                            for four years, the establishment of a new
                            major entitled Baccalaureate for the Registered
                            Nurse (BRN), effective September 1, 1993.         

      Item C.   Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
                Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
                the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
                Chairperson), for the establishment of Honors Degrees
                within the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics (B.S.
                College of Human Resources) in Applied Nutrition;
                Dietetics; Nutritional Sciences; Coordinated
                Undergraduate Dietetics; and Hotel, Restaurant and
                Institutional Management.  The Senate approved the
                following Resolution: 

             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves the
                            establishment of Honors Degrees within the
                            Department of Nutrition and Dietetics (B.S.
                            College of Human Resources) in Applied
                            Nutrition; Dietetics; Nutritional Sciences;
                            Coordinated Dietetics; and Hotel, Restaurant
                            and Institutional management, effective immediately.

      Item D.   Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
                Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
                the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
                Chairperson), for the establishment of new Honors
                Degrees leading to the Honors B.A. in Geography and in
                Geography Education in the College of Arts and Science. 
                The Senate approved the following Resolution:
             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves the
                            establishment of new Honors Degrees leading
                            to the Honors B.A. in Geography and in
                            Geography Education in the College of Arts
                            and Science, effective immediately. 

      Item E.   Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
                Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
                the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
                Chairperson) for provisional approval of a new major
                leading to the B.A. degree in Women's Studies.  After a
                discussion about lines of authority, advisement, and the
                effects of changing from an Interdisciplinary major to
                another major, the Senate approved the following

             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally,
                            for four years, the establishment of a new
                            major leading to the B.A. degree in Women's
                            Studies, effective September 1, 1993. 

      Item F.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
               Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
               the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
               Chairperson) for provisional approval of three new majors
               within the B.A. degree: German/Political Science,
               Spanish/Political Science, French/Political Science.  After
               discussion about the feasibility, fairness, and definitions of
               these programs' requirements for study abroad, a question
               about the proliferation of "hybrid" Majors and the relation
               of the proposed programs to a double major or to a Major
               with a minor, and a query about advisement, the Senate
               approved the following resolution:

             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally,
                            for four years, the establishment of three new
                            majors within the B.A. degree: German/Political
                            Science, Spanish/Political Science,
                            French/Political Science, effective September
                            1, 1993.

      Item G.   Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
                Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
                the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
                Chairperson), for the establishment of three International
                Honors Certificates for students majoring in  Political
                Science, International Relations, or Foreign Languages
                and Literatures (Spanish Studies, German Studies, French
                Studies).  The Senate approved the following Resolution: 
             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves the
                            establishment of three International Honors
                            Certificates for students majoring in Political
                            Science, International Relations, or Foreign
                            Languages and Literatures (Spanish Studies,
                            German Studies, French Studies), effective

      Item H.   Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
                Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
                the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
                Chairperson), for provisional approval of a new major,
                listed under "Majors in Area Studies," leading to the B.A.
                degree in Classical Studies.  After questions about the
                foreign language requirement and the survival of the
                regular Classics major, the Senate approved the following

             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally,
                            for four years, the establishment of a new
                            major leading to the B.A. degree in Classical
                            Studies, effective September 1, 1993.

      Item I.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
               Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
               the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
               Chairperson), for revision of the Academic Renewal Policy
               (page 7 of the 1992 - 1993 Undergraduate Catalog).  After
               discussion of the rationale for the policy and the failure of
               an amendment to retain the former "C" standard, the
               Senate approved the following resolution:  

             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves the revised
                            Academic Renewal Policy to remove the clause
                            "who have been dropped from matriculated
                            status for academic reasons," and change the
                            letter grade "C" to "C-" in the fourth

            Shown below is the revised policy:

            Academic Renewal Policy

            Undergraduate students who return to the University after a
            separation of at least five calendar years, and who earn at
            least a C in each course taken for 12 semester hours after
            returning, may be given the option of requesting a quality
            point status equivalent to that of a transfer student admitted
            to the University.

            The following regulations will govern this option:

            1)  consultation with the dean of the college in which the
            student plans to major is required, and course selection must
            be approved in writing before the student registers.

            2) the option may be exercised after completion of 12 credit
            hours following return to the University.  The student must
            initiate the procedure; it will not be automatic.

            3)  all courses and grades will remain on the student's
            transcript.  Courses set aside under the academic renewal
            policy will be identified.

            4)  courses in which grades of C- or better were earned prior
            to return may be counted toward the degree, but will not be
            included in the student's index.

            5)  the option will be extended only once during the student's
              enrollment at the University.

      Item J.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
               Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of
               the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott,
               Chairperson), for the establishment of new Honors Degrees
               leading to the Honors B.A. in Foreign Languages and
               Literatures (all existing concentrations) and in existing
               Foreign Language Education majors.  The Senate approved
               the following Resolution:
             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves the
                            establishment of new Honors Degrees leading
                            to the Honors B.A. in Foreign Languages and
                            Literatures and any of the following
                            concentrations: Classics, French Studies,
                            German Studies, Italian Studies, Latin Studies,
                            Russian Studies, Spanish Studies, Three
                            Languages, and Four Languages, and further
                            be it

             RESOLVED,      that the Faculty Senate approves the
                            establishment of new Honors Degrees leading
                            to the Honors B.A. in  Classics Education,
                            French Education, German Education, Latin
                            Education, Russian Education, and Spanish
                            Education, effective immediately.

      Item K.   New business introduced by Senator Shapiro, consisting
      of the following Resolution:

             WHEREAS,         the Faculty Senate often deals with issues
                              directly affecting the student body of the
                              University of Delaware, and

             WHEREAS,         the student body has little influence over
                              issues directly affecting them, and

             WHEREAS,         the perspective of informed and experienced
                              students participating in the policy-making
                              process of the Faculty Senate will enhance
                              and strengthen the decisions made by the
                              Faculty Senate, and

             WHEREAS,         the Delaware Undergraduate Student
                              Congress (DUSC) is the official
                              undergraduate student government of the
                              University of Delaware, elected by students
                              across colleges, and representative of
                              students encompassing all of the colleges of
                              the University and many of the backgrounds
                              of different students, and

             WHEREAS,         the DUSC has the knowledge, leadership,
                              and experience necessary to evaluate and
                              consider proposals and to determine their
                              relative effect upon the student body,
                              therefore be it

             RESOLVED,      that any resolution facing the Faculty Senate
                            from one of the following committees be
                            reviewed and voted upon by the DUSC before
                            presentation to the full Faculty Senate, and be
                            it further

             RESOLVED,      that if the DUSC votes AGAINST said
                            resolution, the Faculty Senate must gain a 2/3
                            vote IN FAVOR of said resolution in order for
                            the resolution to pass.

                              Senate Committees 

                      Coordinating Committee on Education
                       Diversity and Affirmative Action
                             International Studies
                                 Student Life
                             Undergraduate Studies
                 ad hoc committees pertaining to student life

Senate President Lomax adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,             

                              Judith Roof
                              Senate Secretary
