March 7, 1994


Senator not in attendance were:     Stuart Cooper, Robert Knecht, Victor

Senators excused were:      Frank Dilley, Kenneth Biederman, Jackson
                            Gillespie, Carol Hoffecker, Vivian Klaff, Ajay
                            Manrai, Richard Murray, Betty Paulanka, David
                            Roselle, Carolyn Thoroughgood


      The first item, Revision to the B.A. S. in Engineering Technology, on
      the Announcements for Challenge was removed and will appear
      later.  The third item, Meeting with Candidate for the Provost's
      Position, was removed because this meeting had just been held. 
      The Agenda was approved with these modifications.


      The minutes for the February 7, 1994 meeting were approved as

      Deleted from agenda.


      No remarks were made at this meeting.


      1.    Dean Daniel Rich invited those present to the reception for Dr.
            Hopkins at 4:45 pm. in the Library Lecture Room.  Her CV
            (and those of the other two candidates) are available on U-
            Discover.  There are two more visits--one on March 16 and
            the final candidate on March 21.  Faculty are invited to send
            their comments via e-mail to the Search Committee (Via Daniel
            Rich) or to President Roselle.  The Committee plans to make
            its final recommendation shortly after the last visit.

            In response to a question on the values used in the selection
            process, Dean Rich said the 175 applications were reduced to
            20 outstanding semi-finalists.  The final selection was very
            difficult because the candidates were excellent.

      2.    President Scott announced the next open meeting for a
            Provost candidate is at 3:30 p.m., March 16 in Mitchell Hall. 
            The final meeting is at 3:00 p.m., March 21 in 110 Memorial

            Memorial Hall 110 will be busy March 21.  An open hearing to
            consider permanent status of the Professional Theatre Training
            Program will be held there from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. and the
            Arts and Science Senate will met at 4:00 p.m.  

      The following program revisions were accepted without challenge:
      2.    Addition of course designator for Jewish Studies (JWST)
      3.    Revision to the B.A. in English to include:
            a.  English
            b.  Business/Technical Writing
            c.  Film
            d.  Journalism
      4.    Revision of the B.A. in English Education

      5.    Revision of the minor in English

      6.    Revision of the minor in Art History      
      7.    Revision of the B.A. in Art
      8.    Revision of the B.S. in Art:  Deletion of concentration in Visual

      9.    Revision to the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree:  Addition of
            concentration in Visual Communications

      9.    New minor in Japanese

      10.    Revision of the minor in Italian

      11.    Revision of the B.M. in Applied Music:  
            a.  Piano       
            b.  Voice

      12.    Revision of the B.A. in Women's Studies

      13.    Revision of the B.S. in Medical Technology

      14.    Revision of the B.S. in Economics

      15.    Revision of the B.A. in Economics

      16.    Revision of the B.S. in Nursing

      17.    Revision of the B.S. in Education
            a.  Elementary Education
            b.  Special Education
            c.  Special Education and Elementary Education
      18.    Change in College Course Prefix in the College of Physical
             Education, Athletics and Recreation from PHED to HPER
      19.    Revision of the B.S. in Physical Education and Health


      A.    Revision of the Wording for Passing/Progression in
            Undergraduate Nursing Courses

            John McLaughlin, Chairperson of the Coordinating Committee
            on Education stated that the College of Nursing has research
            which shows that students with C- or below do not fare well
            on certification exams.  The proposal requires nursing students
            to earn a 2.0 [C] to continue in the sequence.  The resolution
            then was amended to insert "a minimum of 2.0," and the
            following amended resolution was passed by voice vote:

                WHEREAS,      research completed by the nursing faculty
                              has determined a strong correlation between
                              grades below 73 in nursing courses and
                              failures on the national licensing examination
                              required for our graduates, be it therefore

               RESOLVED,      that students in the nursing program must
                              have a minimum of a 2.0 in each nursing
                              course to progress in the nursing sequence.

      B.    No new business was introduced.

Senate President Scott adjourned the meeting at 4:12 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Jon Olson
                              University Faculty Senate


February 25, 1994

TO:         All Faculty Members

FROM:       Thomas S. Angell, Vice President
            University Faculty Senate

SUBJECT:    Regular Faculty Senate Meeting, March 7, 1994

      In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the
regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday,
March 7, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in room 110 Memorial Hall.  The agenda will
be as follows:


I.    Adoption of the Agenda.

II.   Approval of the minutes of the Senate meeting of February 7, 1994.

III.  Meeting with a candidate for the Provost's position.

IV.   Remarks by Interim University Provost Murray and/or Vice Provost

V.    Announcements

      1.    Daniel Rich, Chairperson, Provost Search Committee          

      2.    Senate President Scott

      Announcements for Challenge

      1.    Revision of the B.A.S. in Engineering Technology (Attachment

      2.    Addition of course designator for Jewish Studies (JWST) 
            (Attachment 2)

      3.    Revision of the B.A. in English to include:  (Attachment 3)
            a.    English
            b.    Business/Technical Writing
            c.    Film
            d.    Journalism

      4.    Revision of the B.A. in English Education (Attachment 4)

      5.    Revision of the minor in English (Attachment 5)

      6.    Revision of the minor in Art History (Attachment 6)

      7.    Revision of the B.A. in Art (Attachment 7)

      8.    Revision of the B.S. in Art:  Deletion of concentration in Visual
            Communications (Attachment 8)

      9.    Revision of the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree:  Addition of
            concentration in Visual Communications (Attachment 9)

      10.    New minor in Japanese (Attachment 10)

      11.    Revision of the minor in Italian (Attachment 11)

      12.    Revision of the B.M. in Applied Music:  (Attachment 12)
             a.    Piano
             b.    Voice

      13.    Revision of the B.A. in Women's Studies (Attachment 13)

      14.    Revision of the B.S. in Medical Technology (Attachment 14)

      15.    Revision of the B.S. in Economics (Attachment 15)

      16.    Revision of the B.A. in Economics (Attachment 16)

      17.    Revision of the B.S. in Nursing (Attachment 17) 

      18.    Revision of the B.S. in Education (Attachment 18)

      19.    Change in College Course Prefix in the College of Physical
             Education, Athletics and Recreation from PHED to HPER
             (Attachment 19)

      20.    Revision of the B.S. in Physical Education and Health
             Education (Attachment 20)

VI.   Old Business - None

VII.  New Business

      A.    Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
            Studies (B. Viera, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
            Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin,
            Chairperson), for the revision of the wording for
            passing/progression in undergraduate nursing courses.
      B.    Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion
            introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to
            committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the

Attachments:  Committee Activities Report
  1.  Revision of the B.A.S. in Engineering Technology  
  2.  Addition of course designator for Jewish Studies (JWST)
  3.  Revision of the B.A. in English
  4.  Revision of the B.A. in English Education
  5.  Revision of the minor in English
  6.  Revision of the minor in Art History
  7.  Revision of the B.A. in Art   
  8.  Revision of the B.S. in Art
  9.  Revision of the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
 10.  New minor in Japanese
 11.  Revision of the minor in Italian
 12.  Revision of the B.M. in Applied Music
 13.  Revision to the B.A. in Women's Studies
 14.  Revision of the B.S. in Medical Technology
 15.  Revision of the B.S. in Economics
 16.  Revision of the B.A. in Economics
 17.  Revision of the B.S. in Nursing
 18.  Revision of the B.S. in Education
 19.  Change in College Course Prefix
 20.  Revision of the B.S. in Physical Education and Health Education         

V.    Old Business 

      A.     Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Executive
             Committee to prevent listing of academic activities not in
             compliance with the University non-discrimination policy. 

              WHEREAS,        the University of Delaware has the following
                              policy on discrimination:

                                 The University of Delaware is committed
                                 to assuring equal opportunity to all
                                 persons and does not discriminate on the
                                 basis of race, color, gender, religion,
                                 ancestry, national origin, sexual
                                 orientation, veteran status, age, or
                                 disability in its educational programs,
                                 activities, admissions or employment


              WHEREAS,        to comply with this, courses offered by
                              departments and programs must be open to
                              all academically qualified students, be it

              RESOLVED,       that beginning with the 1994-1995 academic
                              year, no academic activity (e.g., course,
                              section, or laboratory) with admissions
                              criteria inconsistent with University policies
                              shall be listed on transcripts, in registration
                              booklets, or in the undergraduate or graduate
                              catalogs, and be it further

              RESOLVED,       that any complaint about academic
                              qualifications for such activities shall be
                              adjudicated by the University Faculty Senate
                              Committee on Undergraduate Studies or the
                              University Faculty Senate Committee on
                              Graduate Studies, as appropriate.

      B.     Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Executive
             Committee regarding publication of restrictions on admission
             to certification programs.

              WHEREAS,        the University of Delaware has the following
                              policy on discrimination:
                                 The University of Delaware is committed
                                 to assuring equal opportunity to all
                                 persons and does not discriminate on the
                                 basis of race, color, 
                                 gender, religion, ancestry, national origin,
                                 sexual orientation, veteran status, age, or
                                 disability in its educational programs,
                                 activities, admissions or employment


             WHEREAS,            course work in some programs and
                                 departments at the University of Delaware
                                 may provide opportunities for
                                 certifications beyond the University, and

             WHEREAS,            admissions criteria for these certifications
                                 may be at variance with the University of
                                 Delaware's policy on discrimination, be it

             RESOLVED,        that starting in the 1994-1995 academic
                              year, any description of such opportunities in
                              University publications shall clearly state the
                              existence of restrictions upon the eligibility of
                              students that are inconsistent with the
                              University policy on discrimination.

VI.   New Business

      A.    Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies 
            (P. Hooper, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
            Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin,
            Chairperson), for the provisional approval of a new major
            leading to an M.A. in Foreign Languages and Pedagogy. 
            (Attachment 8)

             RESOLVED,        that the Faculty Senate approves
                              provisionally, for four years, the
                              establishment of a new major leading to the
                              M.A. in Foreign Languages and Pedagogy.  

      B.    Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
            Studies (B. Viera, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
            Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin,
            Chairperson), for the establishment of a new Honors Degree
            leading to the Honors B.S. in Business Administration. 
            (Attachment 9)

             RESOLVED,        that the Faculty Senate approves the
                              establishment of a new Honors Degree
                              leading to the Honors B.S. in Business

      C.    Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
            Studies (B. Viera, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
            Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin,
            Chairperson), for the establishment of a new Honors Degree
            leading to the Honors B.S. in Accounting. (Attachment 10)

             RESOLVED,        that the Faculty Senate approves the
                              establishment of a new Honors Degree
                              leading to the Honors B.S. in Accounting.

      D.    Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
            Studies (B. Viera, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
            Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin,
            Chairperson), for the permanent status of the Bachelor of
            Applied Science, Engineering Technology.  (Attachment 11)
              WHEREAS,        the Bachelor of Applied Science, Major: 
                              Engineering Technology, has been recognized
                              by the national accrediting agency as a
                              quality program, and

              WHEREAS,        this program generates tangible benefits to
                              the students who successfully complete it, in
                              terms of recognition by employers, and

              WHEREAS,        these opportunities are available state-wide;
                              i.e., to students in Kent and Sussex Counties
                              as well as those enrolled at the Newark
                              campus, be it therefore   

             RESOLVED,        that permanent status be granted to the
                              Bachelor of Applied Science, Major: 
                              Engineering Technology.

      E.     Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
             Studies (B. Viera, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
             Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin,
             Chairperson), for the permanent status of the Bachelor of
             Applied Science, Agricultural Engineering Technology. (See
             Attachment 5)

              WHEREAS,        the Bachelor of Applied Science, Major: 
                              Agricultural Engineering Technology has been
                              recognized by the national accrediting agency
                              as quality programs, and

              WHEREAS,        the program generates tangible benefits to
                              the students who successfully complete it, in
                              terms of recognition by employers, and

              WHEREAS,        these opportunities are available state-wide;
                              i.e. to students in Kent and Sussex Counties
                              as well as those enrolled at the Newark
                              campus, be it therefore

             RESOLVED,        that permanent status be granted to the
                              Bachelor of Applied Science, Major: 
                              Agricultural Engineering Technology.

      F.     Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
             Studies (B. Viera, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
             Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin, Chairperson),
             regarding a minimum grade requirement for all students
             enrolled in ENGL 110.

              WHEREAS,        currently the University requires all students
                              to complete ENGL 110, and

              WHEREAS,        given such a requirement, it is reasonable to
                              expect all students to demonstrate
                              Proficiency in English composition, and

              WHEREAS,        such proficiency is an essential element for
                              conducting a successful undergraduate
                              course of study, be it therefore

             RESOLVED,        that, effective September 1, 1994, all
                              students enrolling in ENGL 110 must
                              complete the course with a grade of C- or

      G.     Recommendation from the Committee on Faculty Welfare and
             Privileges (H. Hall, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the
             Committee on Committees and Nominations (F. Dilley,
             Chairperson), to revise the Committee on Faculty Welfare and
             Privileges Termination and Complaint Procedures. 
             (Attachment 12)

              WHEREAS,        there exists currently no specific procedure
                              for termination hearings, and

              WHEREAS,        those hearings are much more serious than
                              other hearings conducted by the Committee
                              on Faculty Welfare and Privileges, and

              WHEREAS,        the Faculty Handbook, Section III-N, sets
                              forth some specifics in regard to termination
                              procedures, and

              WHEREAS,        major changes require approval of the whole
                              Faculty Senate, therefore be it

             RESOLVED,        that the attached "Committee on Faculty
                              Welfare and Privileges Termination and
                              Complaint Procedures" be approved by the
                              University Faculty Senate, effective
                              immediately, and placed on file in the
                              University Faculty Senate Office.
      H.     Recommendation from the Committee on Committee and
             Nominations (F. Dilley, Chairperson), amending the Faculty
             Handbook concerning the Committee on Instructional,
             Computing and Research Support Services.  [Deleted text is
             double underlined and added text is in bold type.]

              WHEREAS,        the University Bookstore is vital to the
                              support of the instructional program of the
                              University, and

              WHEREAS,        no Faculty Senate committee currently
                              consults with and advises the Director of the
                              University Bookstore, be it therefore

             RESOLVED,        that the charge to the Committee on
                              Instructional, Computing and Research
                              Support Services, as it appears in Section I-
                              III, page I-20, of the Faculty Handbook, be
                              amended as follows:

                                 This committee will advise the Senate on
                                 policies, practices, and needs for
                                 educational resource facilities and
                                 computer facilities.  It will further
                                 represent the faculty to the Director of
                                 Academic Computing and Instructional
                                 Technology, and the Director of the
                                 Library, and the Director of the University

                                 The Committee on Instructional
                                 Computing and Research Support Services
                                 shall consist of one faculty member from
                                 each of the colleges of the University, one
                                 of whom shall be appointed as
                                 chairperson; an undergraduate student; a
                                 graduate student; a designee of the
                                 Director of the Library; a designee of the
                                 Associate Provost for Instructional
                                 Technology; a designee of the 
                                 Associate Vice President for Computing
                                 and Network Services; and a designee of
                                 the Director of the University Bookstore.

      I.    Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion
            introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to
            committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the

Attachments:  Committee Activities Report
  1.  Revision of the B.S. in Chemistry
  2.  Revision of the B.A. in Theater Production
  3.  Revision of the B.S. in Human Resources:  Dietetics
  4.  Revision of the minor in Food Science
  5.  Revision of the major in Agricultural Engineering Technology
  6.  Revision of the minor in Economics
  7.  Revision of the Master of Business Administration
  8.  M.S. in Foreign Languages and Pedagogy
  9.  Honors B.S. in Business Administration
 10.  Honors B.S. in Accounting
 11.  Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Technology
 12.  Termination and Complaint Procedures