REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE MARCH 3, 1997 MINUTES Senators Absent: None I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved as distributed. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Minutes of the February 10, 1997 meeting were approved as distributed. III. REMARKS BY PROVOST SCHIAVELLI In the absence of Provost Schiavelli, Vice-Provost Andersen declined the opportunity to make remarks. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CHALLENGE The following fourteen items for challenge were approved without discussion. They had all been reviewed by the appropriate Senate committees. A correction has been applied to number three. 1. Change in name of the Department of Agriculture Engineering to the Department of Bioresources Engineering 2. Change of name of Physical Education Program to the Department of Health and Exercise Sciences (HESC) 3. Revision of the B.A. in Art Conservation and the creation of a second concentration in Collection's Care. (Documentation for the cretion of a second concentration in Collection's Care was disseminated and approved, but was not listed as such on the agenda) 4. Revision of the B.A. in Communication 5. Revision of the B.A. in English: new concentration in Drama 6. Revision of the Minor in Japanese, B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literature 7. Deletion of the Four-Language Option of the B.A. in Foreign Language and Literature 8. New Minor in Music Management Studies 9. Revision of the B.A. in International Relations 10. Revision of all Concentrations of the B.S. in Animal Science 11. Revision of the Food Science Major in the B.S. in Food Science 12. Revision of the B.S. in Accounting 13. Revision of the major in Recreation and Parks Administration: all concentrations 14. Revision of the existing major in Athletic Training V. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. VI. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. President Marian Palley stated that she had no comments or announcements. She asked if there was any old business or new business. There being none she stated that she had the honor of making this the shortest meeting that had ever been held. The meeting was adjourned at 4:01 pm. Respectfully submitted, Frank Dilley Secretary University Faculty Senate