REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE APRIL 7, 1997 Senators Excused: Thomas Angell, Pamela Cummings, Roberta Golinkoff, Alan Horowitz, Dana Johnson, Lawrence Kalkstein, Kevin Laverty, Ajay Manrai, Betty Paulanka, Carlos Plata-Soloman, and Roland Smith Senators Absent: Steve Bennett, Edmunds Bunske, Barbara Curry, Rudy D'Souza, Steven Helming, Paul Hooper, Dene Klinzing, Nancy Nobile, Shawn Phillips, Mary Richards, and Richard Wolbers I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was modified by consent, to consider the items under New Business before Old Business. 11. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Minutes of the March 3, 1997 minutes were approved as distributed. III. REMARKS BY PROVOST SCHIAVELLI The Provost reported that as of this date there were over 16,000 applicants for admission, as contrasted with 14,000 last year. The test scores of the ones admitted as of this date are superior to those of last year, and 70% are from out of state. He emphasized two concerns shown by our better applicants and parents: concern for a coherent educational experience (and he commended the University Senate and the College of Arts and Science Senate for their committees which are exploring this issue); and concern for opportunities to do undergraduate research, for which there are many opportunities organized by the Honors Program at present. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS President Palley announced some changes in the announcements for challenge, deleting #3, and adding the fact that items #1 and #2, the BS and BA degrees in Economics, contain a reduction in the number of hours required for graduation from 124 to 120. The list of items for challenge, as modified, received no challenges. V. NEW BUSINESS On the recommendation of the Graduate Committee, with concurrence by the Coordinating Committee on Education, the approval of the request of the Department of Bioresources Engineering (formerly Agricultural Engineering) to participate in the Operations Research Ph.D program was passed unanimously. VI. OLD BUSINESS President Palley announced that in the event that this meeting was not completed by 5:30, that the meeting would be adjourned until the 14th of April, and even to the 21st of April if needed, to allow ample time to complete the discussion of the Tenure and Promotion Document revisions. Senator Nees, who chaired the task force that has been working on revisions of the University Policy on Promotion and Tenure, introduced the document with its ten resolutions. These considerations have been developed over a two year period and have been the subject of a public hearing, and have been modified as a result of that hearing. He said that the proposed changes were primarily for the purpose of clarification, of simplifying the procedures at all levels, and of highlighting those respects in which individual units differ from the standard. There are only a few changes that alter existing policy. He also observed that current faculty are "grandfathered," that is, will be able to continue to seek promotion under the policies and procedures which were in operation when they were hired, and that a section on pp 7-8 should be highlighted and included in brackets because the text presents new wording. Resolution #1 was introduced as moved and seconded. A question was raised about the word "generally" as it pertained to persons who were promoted to Associate Professor but without tenure. Senator Nees and Vice-Provost Andersen both mentioned that such a class of persons already exists, Associate Professors who have been promoted but are members of the University Parallel Faculty (and cannot have tenure) and Professionals who have secondary appointments as faculty and who do not receive tenure when promoted to Associate Professor. Resolution #1 was approved unanimously. Resolution #2 was introduced as moved and seconded. Questions were raised about deleting the present opportunity faculty have to go up for promotion in the seventh year. One clarification was that the policy would not go into effect on faculty currently employed at the University, but would apply only to faculty hired subsequent to the policy change. Questions were also raised about including specific dates in this section of the policy. An amendment was introduced which replaced the specific dates with the phrase "in accordance with the calendar" and this amendment was adopted [with 9 dissenting votes.] [32 yes, 9 no] Resolution #2 as amended was adopted [with three dissenting votes.] [44 yes, 3 no] Resolution 3 was introduced as moved and seconded. It was explained, in response to a question about the purpose of the resolution, that the intent of the section is to highlight the distinctive features of unit policies which, in current practice, are easy to overlook. An amendment was introduced which replaced the existing language with "After approval at all levels, any special interpretations specific to that discipline or unit must be published and distributed to all etc." That amendment was adopted unanimously. Resolution #3 as amended was adopted unanimously. Resolution #4 was introduced as moved and seconded. Questions were raised about the desirability of changing practices awhich currently work and which allow faculty at all levels to vote. It was moved and seconded to amend the document to read "comprised of tenured faculty of the college". This amendment was adopted [with 13 dissenting votes.] [34 yes, 13 no] A question was raised about the rule prohibiting members of departments from participating as well as voting on college level committees, but there was no formal motion to amend. The amended resolution was adopted [with 16 dissenting votes.] [25 yes, 16 no] President Palley then announced that as the adjournment time of 5:30 had arrived, the meeting would be adjourned until 4:00pm on the 14th of April. The meeting adjourned at 5:40 pm. Respectfully submitted Frank Dilley Secretary University Faculty Senate