April 6, 1992


      On Monday, April 6, 1992 at 4:00 p.m., Senate President Taggart called
the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate to order.

Senators not in attendance were:    Steven Dentel, Larry Peterson, Victor

Senators excused were:  David Bellamy, Maurice Cope, Costel Denson, Alexander
                        Doberenz, James Hawk, Robert Knecht, James Magee,
                        Frank Murray, Debra Norris, Betty Paulanka, John
                        Pikulski, Leslie Reidel, Peter Roe, Judith Roof, David
                        P. Roselle, Stuart Sharkey, Jack Smith, Alfred Wedel


      The Senate adopted the Agenda as published.


      Senator Robert Knecht was excused from the last meeting rather than
      absent. As there were no other changes, the Minutes of the March 2, 1992
      meeting were approved as published.


      Associate Provost Andersen announced the results of the Middle States
      Review. She indicated that the Middle States Committee's report was
      positive and that it praised the University's strong leadership, high
      campus morale, positive atmosphere for women, and the process for budget
      reduction. The report, however, was critical of the University's
      minority recruitment and retention and its evaluation of multicultural
      offerings and urged further development of electronic technology in
      library systems.

      Associate Provost Andersen indicated that the President's response to
      the Report includes an outline of the University's new initiatives for
      minority recruitment and retention in several colleges and a greater
      University fundraising enterprise.

      Associate Provost Andersen also announced that the final report about
      reaccreditation is due in July.


      President Taggart announced that nominations for honorary degrees are
      due June 1 in the President's office. He also noted that because of
      Senators' complaints about insufficient and/or inconsistent information
      about programs, both the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Committees
      are working on standard forms to be used in the presentation of programs
      to the Senate.


      Item A. Susan Brynteson, Director of the Library, gave a report on the
      status of the Library in which she discussed the library budget for next
      year, the contributions of library staff, the increased demand for
      services, budget-driven service cuts, the expenditure of General Support
      funds, journal cuts, comparisons with other libraries, the causes of
      journal price increases, new electronic resources, better interlibrary
      loan, redistribution of the monograph budget to fund journal
      subscriptions, and more electronic materials.

      Item B. Proposal from the Committee on Committees and Nominations (D.
      Smith, Chairperson) for a modification of the membership to the Faculty
      Senate Committee on Rules. After a brief discussion, the Senate passed
      the following resolution:

      WHEREAS,    the Rules Committee has an important role in reviewing and
                  formulating changes to the Bylaws, and

      WHEREAS,    according to its charge, the Committee currently has only
                  three members, and

      WHEREAS,    the Committee could benefit from an enlarged membership,
                  which would bring with it an increased diversity of opinion,
                  be it therefore

      RESOLVED,   that the second paragraph of the charge to the Rules
                  Committee, as it appears in the Faculty Handbook, Section I,
                  page I-21, be changed to read as follows:

      This committee shall consist of the Secretary of the Senate, who shall
      be its chairperson, and four other members chosen by the Senate. Of
      these four appointed members, no more than two may be from the same

      Item C. Proposal from the Committee on Committees and Nominations (D.
      Smith, Chairperson) to alter the charge to the Committee on Graduate
      Studies. After discussion about the stage--finally approved or
      approved--to which this would apply, the kinds of changes that qualify
      as "minor," whether Senators can bring Graduate Studies Committee
      matters to the floor if they feel it necessary, and the necessity to
      notify the Senate of all changes made by the Graduate Studies Committee,
      the Senate passed the following resolution:

      WHEREAS,    the Committee on Graduate Studies deals with a number of
                  minor alterations to graduate programs, be it therefore

      RESOLVED,   that the second paragraph of the charge to the Committee on
                  Graduate Studies, as it appears in the Faculty Handbook,
                  Section I, page 1-78, be changed to read as follows:

      This committee shall review and consider matters relating to graduate
      education and shall receive, and may stimulate and originate, proposals
      for its development.

      This committee shall formulate, for determination by the Faculty Senate,
      the policies for admission to graduate study. It shall have the power to
      act on the alteration, addition or deletion of individual graduate
      courses recommended by college committees and to delegate this authority
      to the individual colleges, Office of the University Registrar, or
      Office of Graduate Studies, as it deems appropriate. It shall have the
      power to act on minor modifications of approved graduate programs and
      shall make recommendation to the Faculty Senate on courses of study
      leading to graduate degrees and on matters of policy concerning graduate
      study and may employ outside consultants toward this end. The committee
      shall have the authority and responsibility for general policies
      concerning the judicial system for graduate students. In the absence of
      a duly constituted graduate student government, each academic year it
      shall appoint the graduate student member of the Committee on Student
      Life. (Detailed procedures for instituting or modifying graduate degree
      programs are on file in the Senate Office and Office of Graduate

      Item D. Proposal from the Committee on Committees and Nominations (D.
      Smith, Chairperson) to establish hearing procedures for the Committee on
      Faculty Welfare and Privileges. After one change in the proposed
      Procedures' language, and questions about possible sanctions, what
      changes the procedures institute, the effect of party absences in the
      hearing process, the procedures' relation to student grievance
      procedures, the Senate passed the following resolution: (The approved
      Summary of Procedures is attached.)

            WHEREAS,    written procedures for the operation of the Committee
                        on Faculty Welfare and Privileges do not exist, and

            WHEREAS,    unambiguous written procedures are desirable both for
                              faculty members with academic complaints as well
                        as for the members of the Committee as they discharge
                        their function, and

            WHEREAS,    the Committee on Committees and Nominations was
                        instructed to examine the operation of the Committee
                        on Faculty Welfare and Privileges and to establish
                        written procedures, be it therefore

            RESOLVED,   that the procedures prepared by the Committee on
                        Committees and Nominations, in consultation with the
                        Executive Committee and the Committee on Faculty
                        Welfare and Privileges, be approved as the operating
                        instructions for the conduct of the Committee on
                        Faculty Welfare and Privileges, and that these
                        procedures be maintained in the Faculty Senate Office
                        and made available to anyone upon request, and be it

            RESOLVED,   that the summary of these procedures prepared by the
                        Committee on Committees and Nominations be included in
                        the Faculty Handbook, Section 111, currently page 111-
                        0-A, under the heading "Academic Complaint Procedure,"
                        as a replacement for the paragraph which is currently
                        in that location in the Faculty Handbook.

      Item E. Proposal from the Committee on Committees and Nominations (D.
      Smith, Chairperson) to alter the charge to the Committee on Faculty
      Welfare and Privileges. After discussion about the relation of the
      Senate procedures to the Union procedures, the Senate passed the
      following resolution:

            WHEREAS,    the procedures for the Committee orb Faculty Welfare
                        and Privileges have been clarified, be it therefore

            RESOLVED,   that the charge to the Committee on Faculty Welfare
                        and Privileges, as it appears in the Faculty Handbook.
                        Section I, pages I-17 and I-18, be amended to read as

            This committee is charged to develop and review general policies
            in the areas of reappointment, dismissal, faculty evaluation and
            appraisal, academic freedom and other areas of personnel policy
            and conditions of faculty employment, and to prepare
            recommendations concerning such policies for transmission to the
            Trustees through the faculty or its Senate, and through the
            President of the University, in accordance with Trustee Bylaws.

            This committee is charged with jurisdiction over faculty
            complaints which are not grievances as defined in the Collective
            Bargaining Agreement. Procedures for mediation and hearing of
            complaints are detailed in "Mediation and Hearing Procedures"
            which was approved by the University Faculty Senate April 6, 1992
            and is maintained in the office of the University Faculty Senate.
            The committee's decisions on complaints are presented as advisory
            opinions to the Provost.

            This committee shall consist of seven faculty members, one of whom
            shall be designated chair and one of whom shall be an assistant

            Nothing in the charge to this committee shall be interpreted as
            overriding the Collective Bargaining Agreement or the laws of the
            State of Delaware governing collective bargaining.

      Item F. Senator Herman presented the following resolution from the
      Professional Staff Council of the College of Urban Affairs and Public

            WHEREAS,    professional staff at the University of Delaware play
                        significant and important roles in accomplishing the
                        University's educational, research and public service
                        mission, and

            WHEREAS,    professional staff at the University of Delaware are
                        currently not represented as full voting members on
                        any University-wide policy making organization dealing
                        with issues directly related to the interests and
                        concerns of professionals, be it therefore

            RESOLVED,   that professional staff of the College of Urban
                        Affairs and Public Policy shall strongly advocate that
                        professional staff persons at the University of
                        Delaware be represented on the University Faculty
                        Senate as full voting members. The number of voting
                        professional staff members, as well as the method by
                        which such members should be chosen, should be
                        determined through discussions between representatives
                        of the professional staff and the University Faculty
                        Senate, and be it further

            RESOLVED,   that the professional staff of the College of Urban
                        Affairs and Public Policy believes that this matter
                        should be pursued as rapidly as possible, and be it

            RESOLVED,   that this resolution be conveyed to both the
                        University Faculty Senate and to the University's
                        Professional Advisory Council for their information
                        and consideration.

      President Taggart adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Judith Roof
                              Senate Secretary

Attachment: Summary of Procedures