April 5, 1993


Senators not in attendance were:          James Magee, Peter Roe, William

Senators excused were:      Susan Amert, Kenneth Biederman, Stuart
                            Cooper, Alexander Doberenz, Steven Grant,
                            Judy Hough-Goldstein, William Idsardi, Robert
                            Knecht, Leo Lemay, Ajay Manrai, Thomas
                            Meierding, Henry Reynolds, David P. Roselle


      The Senate adopted the Agenda as printed and distributed.


      The Senate approved the Minutes of the meeting of March 1, 1993
      with the following addition to the bottom of page 4:  After receiving
      assurance from the three Program Directors that there would be
      funds available for scholarships based not only on high grades but
      also on financial need in order that these programs will not become
      financially elitist programs excluding students who could not afford
      to go abroad, the resolution was approved.


      Provost Pipes ceded the floor to Bruce Walker, Associate Provost
      for Admissions and Financial Aid who described this year's faculty-
      inclusive process of awarding scholarships and its results and the
      general growth of scholarship funding at the University of Delaware.


      Senate President Lomax announced that those who wish to submit
      names for consideration for Honorary Degrees must send them to
      the President's Office by June 1.  He also announced that the
      proposed Statement of Responsibility would be distributed at the
      end of the meeting.


      Item A. was a resolution introduced at the March Senate meeting
      by Senator Shapiro which was referred to the Executive Committee. 
      After consultation with the Executive Committee, Senator Shapiro
      withdrew her original resolution and substituted another resolution
      having to do with the representation of students on the Student Life
      Committee and on all Ad Hoc Committees that may treat student
      issues.  After discussion of the nature and inclusiveness of student
      representation, why the resolutions were changed, the politics of
      student-faculty factions on committees, the nature of the Faculty
      Senate's democracy, and problems with the second resolution, the
      Senate separated the two resolutions and approved the following

              WHEREAS,        the Faculty Senate deals with issues directly
                              affecting the student body of the University
                              of Delaware, and

              WHEREAS,        the perspective of informed and experienced
                              students participating in the policy-making
                              process of the committees of the Faculty
                              Senate enhances and strengthens the
                              decisions made by these committees, and

              WHEREAS,        the purpose of certain committees is to deal
                              predominantly or fully with issues pertaining
                              to student life, and

              WHEREAS,        the purpose of these committees warrants
                              the equal representation of faculty and
                              student voting members, and

              WHEREAS,        the Delaware Undergraduate Student
                              Congress (DUSC) is the official
                              undergraduate student government of the
                              University of Delaware, and has the
                              knowledge, leadership, and experience
                              necessary to evaluate and consider
                              candidates for positions on the Faculty
                              Senate Committee on Student Life, therefore
                              be it

             RESOLVED,        that the second paragraph of the charge to
                              the Committee on Student Life, as it appears
                              in the Faculty Handbook, Section I, page I-
                              22, be changed to read as follows:  "This
                              committee shall consist of . . . four
                              undergraduate students to be appointed by
                              the Delaware Undergraduate Student
                              Congress, . . . . " 

      After a discussion of the second Resolution's ambiguities, the
      Senate then returned the following resolution to DUSC for rewriting:
              RESOLVED,       that the first paragraph of the charge to the
                              Committee on Committees and Nominations,
                              as it appears in the Faculty Handbook,
                              Section I, page I-14, be changed to read as
                              follows:  "It is authorized directly to
                              constitute on an interim basis such
                              subcommittees, task forces, or study panels
                              as may be requested by faculty committees
                              to help carry out their work, in each case
                              promptly recording through faculty or Senate
                              minutes the membership and charges of such
                              subgroups.  Such subgroups which directly
                              concern themselves with student issues shall
                              consist of an equal number of faculty and
                              student voting    

      Item B. was a recommendation from the Faculty Senate Executive
      Committee concerning a statement of mission for the University of
      Delaware.  After a review of its history, a discussion of grammar
      and style, some discussion of its content, and some editorial
      changes, the Senate approved the following resolution:  [A copy of
      the approved Mission Statement for the University is attached.]

              WHEREAS,        the University should have a statement
                              identifying its purpose and goals, and

              WHEREAS,        several committees developed a statement of
                              mission for the University during the
                              processes of first the Focused Vision effort,
                              and then the Middle States Accreditation
                              Self-Study, and

              WHEREAS,        the Faculty Senate Executive Committee has
                              developed a proposed statement in response
                              to Senate action in October 1992, and 

              WHEREAS,        the content and principles of a statement of
                              mission should reflect the consensus of the
                              faculty, be it therefore

             RESOLVED,        that the University Faculty Senate approves
                              as the statement of mission, the "Mission
                              Statement for the University" and also
                              recommends its approval by the Board of Trustees.

      Senator Murray introduced the following resolution:

      1.    A grade of A+ be established effective September 1993.

      2.    The A+ grade will have a numerical value of 4.33.

      3.    The GPI will be calculated, as it is now, on the weighted
            numerical values of each letter grade, but with the restriction
            that a GPI greater than 4.0 be rounded to 4.0.

      4.    All other policies and procedures regarding the plus/minus
            grading option will remain in place.

      After distributing the Statement of Responsibility and explaining its
genesis, Senate President Lomax adjourned the meeting at 5:38 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Judith Roof
                              University Faculty Senate

Attachment:  Approved Mission Statement

After receiving assurance from the three Program Directors that there
would be funds

 available for scholarships based not only on high grades but also on
financial need

 for students who could not afford to go abroad, the resolution was