REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE APRIL 4, 1994 MINUTES Senators excused were: Thomas Angell, Kenneth Biederman, Christine Cannon, Barbara Curry, Ardeshir Faghri, Judith Hough-Goldstein, Roger Kobak, Vivian Klaff, Ajay Manrai, Frank Murray, John Nye, James Pizzuto, Kent Price, Mary Richards, Carolyn Thoroughgood, D. A. Waterfield Senators absent were: Richard Cunningham, William Daniels I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was adopted as presented. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The minutes of the March 7, 1994 meeting were approved. III. REMARKS BY INTERIM UNIVERSITY PROVOST MURRAY Provost Murray gave a progress analysis on the five goals for the University developed by the Focused Vision Implementation Committee (Hoffecker Report). [A copy of the overheads used by Provost Murray are available for inspection by Senators in the Senate Office. These minutes are a brief summary of these remarks.] The five goals of the Hoffecker Report are a distillation of material presented by units in 1987-88, collated by the Dilley Committee in 1989, and clarified by the Hoffecker Committee. Provost Murray's remarks examine the progress made since 1990. The first goal is to provide high-quality undergraduate education, particularly for Delawareans. The resident fraction has increased from 31% to 36% and the freshman to sophomore retention increased from 81% to 85% (the national average is about 70%). There are 50 new scholarships available to talented Delaware residents. The average SAT scores have improved. Commitment to undergraduate education is evidenced by the small increase in the number of sections of regularly scheduled courses during a period of financial strain. The first two Distinguished Alumni Professorships were awarded in recognition of outstanding teaching. The second goal is to strengthen research and to increase the distinction of selected graduate programs. The graduate student body has grown from 14% to 17% (the goal is 20%) primarily through growth in Master's programs providing professional training and the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) program. The graduate program offerings in Southern Delaware have been expanded. Financial assistance to graduate students has increased by 20% in the 1989-1993 period. Externally funded research has grown from $40 million (1990) to $58 million (1993). The third goal is to better integrate public service values into University life and to provide greater assistance. This goal was to be accomplished by integrating public service more fully into research and instruction. Externally funded efforts in extension and public service grew from $3.8 to $5.4 million in the last five years. New service program examples include the Delaware Transportation Institute, the Wilmington Community Development Project and 11 new projects in Cooperative Extension. The fourth goal is to nurture a campus environment characterized by respect for people of different genders, nationalities, sexual orientations, and backgrounds. Toward this goal the following activities have emerged: The Campus Diversity Unit, the Office of Affirmative Action and Multicultural Programs, the Office of Women's Affairs, the Commission to Promote Racial and Cultural Diversity, and the diversity education component of New Student Orientation. The graduation rate of African-Americans has increased from 45% (1990) to 54% (1993) while the national average is about 50%. The fifth goal is to provide the many resources required to meet the University's goals. The physical plant has been improved: nearly all of the central classrooms have been rehabilitated in the last three years, Lammot du Pont Chemistry building is completed, the Colburn Laboratory expansion is underway and an addition to Purnell Hall is being planned. Scholarship aid has increased 40% in the last four years. University revenue from gifts increased 63% and contracts and grants increased 46%. In the last four years the total compensation for faculty has reached the median of the 23 similar institutions in the mid-Atlantic region. Provost Murray closed by acknowledging the assistance of Michael Middaugh, Dale Trusheim, and Carol Hoffecker. Senator Grubb asked if the increase in course sections was accomplished by adding teaching assistants, and Mike Middaugh reported the percentage of courses taught by teaching assistants has been constant during the last four years. He also asked if the increase in average faculty compensation was achieved by large gains of a few at the expense of others. The answer was that average salary by rank and discipline are above the medians of the comparison group. Senator Wolters asked about the average SAT total score of 1020. He observed that for weak state universities this number is in the 900s and only two or three state universities have a 1200+ average. Delaware is about in the middle of the pack. Provost Murray replied that the institution is improving this average through additional financial aid and growth of the Honors Program. Senator Bolden asked if any type of religious studies are included in the multicultural program and was answered that they are. She further asked if SAT scores really reflect student quality and, in response, was told that the correlation coefficient of freshman grades with SAT scores is about 0.2; grades are mostly dependent on other unmeasured factors. President Scott commented that the creation of new knowledge is a major goal of the institution which is unmeasured. Provost Murray responded that increases in grant funding are a measure of success. IV. REMARKS ON SENATE ACTIVITIES President Scott gave a progress report on the activities of the Senate Executive Committee this year. This report was presented to allow time for completion of unmet needs. The Senate set a precedent for broad-based faculty participation in the search process for a senior administrator. The Senate kept track of the progress of the Search Committee throughout the year, and Search Committee Chair Daniel Rich spoke twice to the Senate. The Executive Committee wrote a charge and formed an Ad Hoc Committee on Freedom of Expression in Public Events under the leadership of Robert Brown. The work of this Committee will continue into next year, and it is likely that the Committee will produce a policy statement on free expression in an educational setting. President Scott developed "Guidelines for Changes in Academic Programs" and distributed them throughout the campus. These guidelines are helpful to those needing to understand and expedite the approval of academic program revisions. The Senate Office tracks the progress of program change proposals when they properly pass through the Senate Office in the approval chain. President Scott described the operations and responsibilities of the Faculty Senate to the Board of Trustees Committee on Education and Training. Faculty observers to Trustees' committees were asked to share their observations with the Executive Committee and other related Senate committees. The efforts of the faculty committees were extensive this year, and the work of four committees was emphasized. The Committee on Promotions and Tenure received attention for the number of negative verdicts, the Committee on Faculty Welfare and Privileges had an extremely heavy workload, particularly in the summer and early fall. The Committee on Instructional, Computing and Research Support Services worked to define its position in a thicket of related committees. The Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events initiated a program for borrowing sculpture; Wendy Lehman 's "Sky High" is on exhibit in the Ewing, Smith and Purnell patio. A new committee, Academic Priorities Review Committee, is to deal with assessing academic and intellectual needs of the University. In response to discussion at breakfast meetings with the President, chairpersons were asked to provide examples of unique commitment of faculty to undergraduate teaching. The 23 responses resulted in a four-page report which may improve the public perception of university education. The budget of the Senate Office was increased, and the computing equipment will be updated this summer. This year use of E-mail improved the operations of the office greatly. President Scott initiated discussions by the Executive Committee, two former members of the Greek Life Task Force and student leaders of Greek organizations and John Burke (DUSC President) on implementation of the 1992 Senate Resolutions, particularly the reduction and eventual elimination of the pledge (associate membership) period. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS President Scott made two announcements: (1) Wanda Cook of the Senate Office received a salaried staff merit award this year, and (2) suggestions of nominations for honorary degrees should be forwarded to President's Roselle's Office by June 1st. VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Recommendation from the Committee on Committees and Nominations (F. Dilley, Chairperson) amending the Faculty Handbook concerning the replacement for an elected position. The following resolution was passed by voice vote (no opposition): WHEREAS, the rules of the Committee on Committees and Nominations currently allow the appointment of persons to fill unexpired vacancies on all committees, and WHEREAS, some of those committees contain members elected by the Senate, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the charge to the Committee on Committees and Nominations, as it appears in Section I-III, page I-15, second paragraph, of the Faculty Handbook, be amended as follows: Except in cases where individuals are elected by the University Faculty Senate, this committee shall fill vacancies in faculty committees for the unexpired terms using the following options: 1.) replacement for the period of the vacated member's term or 2.) for the period of the vacated member's term and an additional full term not to exceed three years. Whenever a vacancy occurs in a position which was filled by a Senate election, the replacement will be filled by a special Senate election. The committee is encouraged to solicit, receive, and hear suggestions regarding . . . . B. Recommendation from the Committee on Committees and Nominations (F. Dilley, Chairperson) amending the Faculty Handbook concerning the Library Committee. The following resolution was passed by voice vote: WHEREAS, The Library Committee contains only one representative from the College of Arts and Science. Since the Humanities make heavy use of the library, it is highly desirable to always have someone represent the Humanities, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the charge to the Library Committee, as it appears in Section I-III, page I-20, of the Faculty Handbook be amended as follows: This committee shall consist of the Director of Libraries; one faculty from each of the several colleges (with the exception of the College of Arts and Science which shall have two, one of whom shall be from a discipline in the Humanities); one undergraduate student; and one graduate student. One of the faculty shall be appointed chairperson. It shall serve as a focus for advising the Director and the faculty or its Senate as to policies and practices regarding the University Libraries. C. Introduction of new business - None introduced. Meeting adjourned at 5:45. Respectfully submitted, Jon Olson Secretary University Faculty Senate JO/rg