Senators not in attendance were:    Robert Knecht, Peter Lomtevas, Michelle
                                    Provost-Craig, Alfred Wedel

Senators excused were:  Costel Denson, Alexander Doberenz, Reed Geiger, James
                        Hawk, Patricia Haynor, Douglas Miller, Henry Nyce,
                        Betty Paulanka, Larry Peterson, John Pikulski, Leslie
                        Reidel, Daniel Rich, David P. Roselle, Carolyn


      President Taggart announced that William Gerhlein's name was
      inadvertently omitted from the list of new members to be confirmed at
      the May 4 meeting and should be added as a member of the Committee on
      Promotions and Tenure.  He reiterated notice for the Open Hearing on the
      Master of Instruction Program in Economic Education.  Finally, he
      thanked all retiring Senators.


      Item H.  Recommendation from the Committee on Instructional, Computing
      and Research Support Services (R. Wilson, Chairperson), setting forth a
      Policy for Responsible Computing at the University of Delaware.  After a
      friendly amendment to change the language of the second resolution from
      "will modify" to "may modify," the Senators questioned the relation
      between the proposed Policy and the Guidelines, especially insofar as
      the Resolution refers to judicial procedures that are not included in
      the Policy, but are in the Guidelines which are not submitted for
      approval by the Senate.  The Senate approved the Committee's first two
      resolutions as follows:

         WHEREAS, the Committee on Instructional, Computing and Research
                  Support Services began work on this task in 1989, and
         WHEREAS, the Committee has interacted with various faculty, student,
                  administrative and professional staff groups, and

         WHEREAS, the University must be diligent to protect itself from
                  liability from computer misuse, and

         WHEREAS, the responsible use of computer utilization is essential
                  within the University community and the selected misuse of
                  computers is contrary to the mission of the University,
                  therefore be it

         RESOLVED,  that the Policy for Responsible Computing at the
                    University be adopted by the University Faculty Senate and
                    that the Policy be inserted in the Faculty Handbook in
                    Section III, page III-Z-3, paragraph Z.1., (moving the
                    present paragraph Z.1., "Acquisition of Computer Hardware,
                    Software, or Associated Computing Services" to Z.2.) and
                    be it further

         RESOLVED,  that each unit of the University may modify the Guidelines
                    for Implementing the Policy for Responsible Computing at
                    the University of Delaware to meet their individual unit
                    needs, and be it further

      The Senate referred the third resolution treating the issue of judicial
      policy back to the Committee.

         RESOLVED,  that the judicial processes outlined within the policy and
                    the guidelines will be followed.

      Item I. Report and recommendations from the Greek Life Task Force (D.
              Sperry, Chairperson).  The Faculty Senate discussed the virtues
              of eliminating pledging and the amount of transition time the
              resolution proposes, and passed the following resolution:


         WHEREAS, that students seeking membership in Greek organizations will
                  benefit by terminating the pledging process, and

         WHEREAS, the faculty of the University of Delaware have the
                  responsibility for student welfare, therefore be it

         RESOLVED,  that The Official Student Handbook of the University of
                    Delaware be modified by the 1994-1995 academic year to
                    limit the pledging period of all officially recognized
                    student organizations to not more than four weeks, and be
                    it further

         RESOLVED,  that The Official Student Handbook of the University of
                    Delaware be modified by the 1997-1998 academic year to
                    state that organizations having a pledging process or
                    pledge status for prospective members will be denied
                    official recognition, and be it further

         RESOLVED,  that the national Greek organizations with local chapters
                    at the University of Delaware and those seeking official
                    status for local chapters be informed of this impending
                    permanent change at the University of Delaware.

      The second resolution set minimum grade point and other requirements for
      membership in a Greek organization.  The Faculty Senate passed the
      following resolution:


         WHEREAS, the first priority of students must be academic matters, and

         WHEREAS, students also have an obligation for responsible social
                  conduct, and

         WHEREAS, Greek organizations will benefit from more stringent
                  membership requirements, therefore be it

         RESOLVED,  that the University Faculty Senate requests the
                    Panhellenic, Interfraternity, and National Pan Hellenic
                    Councils adopt new minimum criteria for students seeking
                    to join local chapters of Greek organizations, and be it

         RESOLVED,  that students seeking to join local chapters of Greek
                    organizations must have completed successfully 12 credit
                    hours at the University of Delaware, and be it further

         RESOLVED,  that students seeking to join local chapters of Greek
                    organizations must also have a minimum cumulative index of
                    2.33 (C+), and be it further

         RESOLVED,  that students seeking to join local chapters of Greek
                    organizations must also be free of all current judicial
                    sanctions imposed by the University's student judicial
                    system, and be it further

         RESOLVED,  that these minimum criteria be in effect at the start of
                    the 1993-1994 academic year.

      The third resolution proposed a monitoring system for Greek
      organizations.  The Faculty Senate discussed at length the mechanism of
      this monitoring, what aspects of Greek life will be monitored, who is
      responsible for it, and providing for a meaningful basis of comparison
      between students in the Greek system and others.  After three friendly
      amendments changing language, adding a provision for a mechanism of
      comparison and a proviso requiring the Committee to report its system
      back to the Senate, and after passage of an amendment shifting the
      responsibility for designing such a system from the Dean of Students to
      an Ad Hoc Senate Committee named specifically for this purpose, the
      Senate passed the following resolutions, (with changes):


         WHEREAS, the University of Delaware should have a comprehensive
                  system for monitoring the academic performance, disciplinary
                  problems, and conduct of all students, therefore be it

         RESOLVED,  that the Committee on Committees and Nominations appoint
                    an Ad Hoc Task Force that will design a system of record
                    keeping that will allow, among other things, an accurate
                    and impartial measure of each Greek organization's
                    collective profile and the collective profile of the
                    general student composition for a statistically
                    significant basis of comparison, and that a draft
                    collective profile be reported back to the Faculty Senate
                    for approval and implementation, and be it further, and be
                    it further
         RESOLVED,  that the Administration provide sufficient resources to
                    enable the Office of the Dean of Students to establish and
                    maintain such a record system once established and
                    approved by the Faculty Senate.

      The Faculty Senate passed Resolution 4 which proposes a mechanism for
      the periodic review of organizations in the Greek system:


         WHEREAS, all organizations benefit from long-range planning and
                  periodic assessment of strengths and weaknesses, therefore
                  be it

         RESOLVED,  that a process of periodic review of all local chapters of
                    Greek organizations be established, the format and
                    schedule for such reviews to be determined by
                    representatives from the Office of the Dean of Students
                    and the Interfraternity, Panhellenic, and National Pan
                    Hellenic Councils, and be it further

         RESOLVED,  that the first review of the local chapter of each Greek
                    organization shall be completed by the 1997-1998 academic
                    year, and be it further

         RESOLVED,  that the Office of the Dean of Students establish a
                    procedure for collating and summarizing the information
                    regarding local chapters so it is available to governing
                    or decision-making bodies reviewing the status of Greek
                    life at the University of Delaware, and be it further

         RESOLVED,  that the Administration provide sufficient resources to
                    enable the Office of the Dean of Students to undertake and
                    complete such reviews on an ongoing basis.

      The Faculty Senate considered Resolution 5 which requires the Dean of
      Students and the Vice President of Student Affairs to review and modify
      existing University criteria used to identify and officially recognize
      Greek organizations.  After discussing issues of potential University
      liability for more liberal recognition policies and the fairness of the
      current procedures, the Faculty Senate passed the following resolution:


         WHEREAS, the existing procedures for expanding the local Greek system
                  encourage groups of students to exist and operate outside of
                  reasonable rules and regulations guiding student behavior
                  and protecting student welfare, and

         WHEREAS, groups of students have a right to promote their common
                  interest by being registered student organizations subject
                  to reasonable, equitable, and defined limits, and

         WHEREAS, the existing Greek councils representing local registered
                  chapters must be accountable to explain their expansion
                  decisions, therefore be it

         RESOLVED,  that the Offices of the Dean of Students and of the Vice
                    President for Student Affairs cooperate to review and
                    modify existing University criteria, procedures and
                    policies used to identify registered student organizations
                    in order to incorporate Greek-interest groups, and be it

         RESOLVED,  that the Offices of the Dean of Students and of the Vice
                    President for Student Affairs, with the cooperation of the
                    Panhellenic, Interfraternity, and National Pan Hellenic
                    Councils, establish reasonable and fair procedures that
                    direct the development of Greek- interest groups towards
                    full University recognition.

      Resolution 6 proposed to terminate the house monitor experiment.  After
      the Faculty Senate discussed the reasons for terminating, the
      experiment's flaws, and whether another mechanism should be instituted,
      the resolution was amended to provide for the creation of another Ad Hoc
      Senate committee to report to the Senate with a more viable house
      monitor proposal.  After passing the amendment, the Senate approved the
      following resolution (with changes):


         WHEREAS, the house monitor "experiment" instituted by the University
                  Faculty Senate in the spring of 1991 is inadequate to the
                  tasks for which it was intended, therefore be it

         RESOLVED,  that the University Faculty Senate terminate the house
                    monitor "experiment" immediately and that the Committee on
                    Committees and Nominations be instructed to create an Ad
                    Hoc Task Force to report to the Senate next year with a
                    new proposal on the house monitor concept. 

      After discussion of the appropriateness of specifically mentioning the
      Office of Women's Affairs as part of a periodic review mechanism, the
      Faculty Senate passed the following resolution:


         WHEREAS, periodic and equitable reviews of Greek organizations will
                  be conducted, and

         WHEREAS, reviews of these organizations will allow for determining
                  that these organizations operate in accordance with the
                  University's goals for student development, and

         WHEREAS, establishing that an organization is not willing to operate
                  or capable of operating in accordance with the University's
                  goals for student development could be used to deny
                  recognition to or withdraw recognition from student
                  organizations, and

         WHEREAS, the Faculty have the responsibility to set the course of
                  student development and to protect student welfare,
                  therefore be it 

         RESOLVED,  that the University Faculty Senate asks the President of
                    the University of Delaware to institute a policy of
                    granting renewable charters to Greek organizations, and be
                    it further

         RESOLVED,  that official recognition of Greek organizations be based
                    on their performance determined by periodic review, and be
                    it further

         RESOLVED,  that the University Faculty Senate Committee on Student
                    Life and representatives from the Offices of the Dean of
                    Students, of Women's Affairs, and of the Vice President
                    for Student Affairs establish procedures for making
                    recommendations to the President of the University of
                    Delaware regarding the initial application of, or the re-
                    application of, Greek organizations seeking charters at
                    the University of Delaware, and be it further

         RESOLVED,  that this policy take effect in the 1997-1998 academic

      The Faculty Senate approved Resolution 8:


         WHEREAS, the changes proposed by the Greek Life Task Force are
                  diverse and far reaching, therefore be it

         RESOLVED,  that the University Faculty Senate establish a new task
                    force in the academic year 1997-1998 to re-evaluate the
                    status of Greek life at the University of Delaware and to
                    determine the effectiveness of all of the recommendations
                    of the 1991-1992 Greek Life Task Force and to propose
                    their continuation, modification, or elimination.

      President Taggart adjourned the meeting at 5:53 p.m.

                Respectfully submitted,

                Judith Roof
                Senate Secretary

Attachment:  Annual Committee Reports