REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE May 3, 1993 and May 10, 1993 MINUTES Senators not in attendance at the May 3 session were: Selcuk Guceri, John Kraft, Leo Lemay, Peter Lomtevas, William Stanley, David Stone Senators excused from the May 3 meeting: Margaret Birney, Karen Curtis, Betty Haslett, William Idsardi, Edward Kerner, Ajay Manrai, David Roselle, Ratna Shekhar I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Senate adopted the agenda as revised so as to place New Business Item A, the election of Senate Officers and New Business Item C, the Reorganization of Nursing, after remarks by the Provost but before Announcements or Old Business. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Senate approved the Minutes as distributed III. REMARKS BY UNIVERSITY PROVOST PIPES Provost Pipes summarized the University's recent achievements, indicating that faculty salaries are now appropriate to faculty in this region, that the University now provides more student scholarships, and that the physical plant has improved. He warned that higher education must change in the future, including a revisitation of the balance of teaching and research. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Lomax thanked this year's Senate Committees for their work and announced the formation of an Ad Hoc Smoking Committee which will continue its work next year and that the Senate will also continue to investigate issues about final exams and exam week next year. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CHALLENGE The following Announcements were approved without challenge: 1. Revision of the M.S. in Operations Research 2. Revision of the M.S. in Life Span Development (Department of Individual and Family Studies): retitle degree "M.S. in Individual and Family Studies;" recognize specializations in Applied Family Studies, Early Childhood Development and Education, and Gerontology; revise curriculum 3. Retitling of graduate degrees in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (M.A., M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemistry and Biochemistry) and change of course requirements in five existing concentrations 4. Revision of the B.S. in Human Resources: a. Apparel Design b. Textiles and Clothing: Merchandising V. OLD BUSINESS Item A. was a Resolution, introduced by Dean Frank Murray at the April 5, 1993 Faculty Senate meeting, on the establishment of an A+ grade. After discussing whether such a grade is feasible, its effect on grade inflation, the balance of the grading system, problems with a 4.33 point system, and problems with a 4.33 grade in a 4 point system, the Faculty Senate divided the three resolutions and defeated the following resolution: RESOLVED, that a grade of A+, with the weighted numerical value of 4.33, be established effective September 1993 Because the first resolution was defeated, the Faculty Senate did not vote on the following two resolutions: RESOLVED, that the GPI will be calculated, as it is now, on the weighted numerical values of each letter grade with the restriction that GPIs' greater than 4.0 will be rounded down to 4.0, and be it further RESOLVED, that all other policies and procedures regarding the +/-grading system will remain in place. Item B. was a recommendation from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee on a Statement of Responsibility for the University of Delaware. After emphasizing that the Statement is not a code and carries with it aspirations rather than regulation, the Senate approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, the University does not have a concise statement that communicates ideals to which the community should aspire, and WHEREAS, the University Faculty Senate is interested in the campus community as it influences the learning and social growth of individuals, and WHEREAS, the University Faculty Senate at its November 2, 1992 meeting approved the preparation of a Statement expressing our collective aspirations for respect, responsibility, and community, and WHEREAS, the Statement of Responsibility was finalized with the assistance of an invited representative committee on March 22, 1993, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the following version of the Statement of Responsibility be approved: STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY The University of Delaware community values both personal and academic freedom. All members of the campus community have the personal responsibility to promote an atmosphere of civility in which the free exchange of ideas and opinions can flourish. We do so by learning from individual and collective differences and respecting every human being. Item C. was a resolution, submitted by M. Shapiro, DUSC, to alter the charge to the Committee on Committees and Nominations which was a revision of the resolution returned to DUSC at the April 5, 1993 Senate meeting. The Senate considered issues of jurisdiction, the purpose of the change, the difference between membership on a committee and voting rights, difficulties with the amendment's ambiguous language, questions about the balance of representation on committees, the effect of such a change in balance on faculty responsibility for students, and after defeating an amendment to the resolution, the Senate continued discussion of the original resolution at the May 10 meeting. VI. NEW BUSINESS Item A. Senator Smith announced the results of the election of Senate Officers: President-Elect John McLaughlin (Psychology) Vice President David Sperry (Life & Health Sciences) Secretary Jon Olson (Chemical Engineering) The Senate also elected Charles Boncelet, Electrical Engineering, and Judith Roof, English, to the Committee on Committees and Nominations; Committee on Rules, Robert Warren, Urban Affairs. Item B. A slate of persons nominated for committee positions by the Committee on Committees and Nominations was approved by the Faculty Senate. (Copy of the Committee appointments is attached.) Item C. was a recommendation from the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott, Chairperson), for the reorganization of the College of Nursing. After minimal discussion the Senate approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, programmatic changes in the nursing curricula have been approved, and WHEREAS, the current separation of faculty into undergraduate and graduate departments seems less efficient, and WHEREAS, the faculty and administration of the College of Nursing have developed a new plan for organizational structure, and WHEREAS, the Coordinating Committee on Education held an Open Hearing on the Reorganization of the College of Nursing on April 7, 1993, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the existing Departments of Advanced Nursing Science and Nursing Science are dissolved and that the College of Nursing will have a department called "Department of Nursing" and a "Division of Special Programs." The May 3 session adjourned at 5:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judith Roof Senate Secretary rg Attachment MINUTES OF MAY 10, 1993 MEETING Senators not in attendance were: Barbara Curry, Selcuk Guceri, John Kraft, Leo Lemay, Peter Lomtevas, Ratna Shekhar, William Stanley, David Stone Senators excused were: Suzanne Alchon, Susan Amert, Kenneth Biederman, Margaret Birney, Stuart Cooper, Karen Curtis, Steven Grant, Larry Holmes, Edward Kerner, Robert Knecht, Ajay Manrai, Byron Pipes, Kent Price, Michelle Provost- Craig, Chandra Reedy, David Roselle, Lesa Sterling The Senate continued its discussion of Item V.A, the proposal from DUSC, who introduced a substitute resolution. Without much further discussion, the Senate approved the following revised resolution: WHEREAS, the Faculty Senate deals with issues directly affecting the student body of the University of Delaware, and WHEREAS, the perspective of informed and experienced students participating in the policy-making process of the subcommittees, task forces, and study panels of the Faculty Senate which deal directly with student issues may enhance and strengthen the decisions made by these groups, and WHEREAS, the purpose of certain committees is to deal predominantly or fully with issues pertaining to student life, and WHEREAS, the purpose of these committees warrants the equal representation of faculty and student members, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the first paragraph of the charge to the Committee on Committees and Nominations, as it appears in the Faculty Handbook, Section I, page I-14, be changed to read as follows: "It is authorized directly to constitute on an interim basis such subcommittees, task forces, or study panels as may be requested by faculty committees to help carry out their work, in each case promptly recording through faculty or Senate minutes the membership and charges of such subgroups. Such subgroups which directly concern themselves with issues falling under the jurisdiction of the Vice-President of Student Life shall include a substantial number of students to ensure the diverse representation of student interests, with voting status to be determined by this committee." VI. NEW BUSINESS Item D. was a recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (R. Dalrymple, Chairperson '91-'92) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott, Chairperson), for the permanent status of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) Program. After no discussion, the Senate approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, the MALS Program was provisionally approved on November 3, 1986, and WHEREAS, at the end of the provisional period an external review team recommended that the MALS Program be given permanent status, be it therefore RESOLVED, that, effective immediately, the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) Program be granted permanent status. Item E. was a recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott, Chairperson), for provisional approval of a new major in Physical Education leading to the B.S. in Athletic Training. The Senate discussed the proposed program's effects on Biology course enrollments, issues about the Chemistry requirements, and questions about the relation of the program to certification. The Coordinating Committee also listed on-going concerns that should be addressed in the future when the program returns for permanent approval, including the percentage of graduates who gain certification, the faculty teaching load, how often PHED 420 and 448 were offered during regular terms, the total number of students enrolled each year, and how funding needs would be handled. The Senate approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for four years, the establishment of a new major in Physical Education leading to the B.S. in Athletic Training, effective September 1, 1993. Item F. was a recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott, Chairperson), for the establishment of a new Honors Degree leading to the Honors B.S. in Athletic Training. After questioning the lack of PHED Honors courses, the substitution of 600-level courses for honors courses, the Biology course, and the possible prematurity of the request, the Senate defeated the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves the establishment of a new Honors Degree leading to the Honors B.S. in Athletic Training, effective September 1, 1993. Item G. was a recommendation from the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott, Chairperson), for approval of a policy for the use of videotaped courses. After discussing the difference between this policy and the "Policy on Audiovisual Works," the Senate approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, the presentation and availability of courses via videotape can be effective for selected learning situations, and WHEREAS, existing guidelines and policies in the Faculty Handbook emphasize production and development of videotape (and other techniques of) instruction, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the attached policy entitled "Policy for the Use of Videotaped Courses, University of Delaware" be approved effective immediately, and be it further RESOLVED, that the above policy be added to the Faculty Handbook, Section II, Conduct of the Academic Program, Article II, Selected Academic Policy Statements, as a new number 8 (with appropriate renumbering of subsequent policies), and be it further RESOLVED, that the title for existing number 17c., "Audiovisual Policy" be change to "Policy on Audiovisual Works." Item H. was a recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (M. Keefe, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott, Chairperson), for permanent status of the B.S. degree in Human Resources with a major in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management. After discussing areas of concern, including faculty credentials, the issue of the configuration of the University, and resources, and after hearing an overview of the program and its history, the Senate defeated a motion to change the program's degree from a B.S. to a B.A. The Senate discussed other aspects of the program including its success in placing its graduates in jobs in the field, its potential duplication of some of the business school, faculty productivity, tenurability, and work load, and the promise of additional resources, and approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources with a major in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management was provisionally approved on May 4, 1987, and WHEREAS, at the end of the provisional period an external review team recommended that the major in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management be given permanent status, be it therefore RESOLVED, that, effective immediately, the Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources with a major in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management be granted permanent status. Item I. was a Sense of the Senate resolution introduced by B. Scott thanking Senate President Kenneth Lomax. After suspending the rules, the Senate approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the members of the University Faculty Senate of 1992-1993 express their thanks for the leadership of its President, Kenneth Lomax. He has demonstrated the capacity to listen as well as to guide, providing a model of quiet competence, intelligence and civility. Senate President Lomax adjourned the meeting at 5:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judith Roof Senate Secretary rg Attachment: Annual Committee Reports POLICY FOR THE USE OF VIDEOTAPED COURSES UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE The University of Delaware is committed to the use of audiovisual works to enhance and extend undergraduate and graduate instruction. To insure that these products, and videotaped courses in particular, are used to support rather than replace live instruction in Newark, the following policies will direct their use: 1. Live courses instruction must remain the standard, with videotaped courses serving to facilitate the development of innovative educational programs (such as distance learning, supplemental or make-up instruction, and optional instructional formats). The development of videotaped courses should be based on sound pedagogical value, not solely on financial expediency. 2. Videotaped courses may not be used to replace faculty, or to change faculty teaching loads, and faculty may not be required to participate in videotaped courses.