REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE MAY 2, 1994 MINUTES Senators excused were: Kenneth Biederman, Karen Curtis, Philip Flynn, Jeff Gillespie, Ajay Manrai, Thomas Meierding, Frank Murray, Roger Murray, Betty Paulanka, David Roselle, Barbara Sheer, Cruce Stark, Carolyn Thoroughgood Senators absent were: Kent Price, Scott Silberfein I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved as submitted by voice vote. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The minutes of the April 4, 1994 meeting were approved. III. ELECTION OF SENATE OFFICERS AND CERTAIN COMMITTEE MEMBERS President Scott commented that by tradition the election of Senate officers and certain committee members is the third item of business of the May meeting. The election was held, votes counted, and the following results were announced later in the meeting: President-Elect Thomas Calhoun (English) Vice President Thomas Angell (Mathematical Sciences) Secretary Jon Olson (Chemical Engineering) Committee on Committees and Nominations Charles Boncelet (Electrical Engineering), Chair Elaine Safer (English) Rules Committee: Carol Denson (Textiles, Design, & Cons. Ec.) Frank Dilley (Philosophy) Nicolas Gross (Foreign Languages & Literatures) IV. REMARKS BY VICE PROVOST ANDERSEN Provost Andersen reviewed academic achievements of the past year. 1. The Provost's Office initiated a new program for academic orientation of first year students. Faculty will participate in the expanded program on Monday, August 29 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Two videos have been prepared by Academic Services Center on note taking in lectures and reading text books. The Professional Theater Training Program (PTTP) is preparing a skit on the pitfalls of not following academic procedures. The efforts this year are intended to inspire other programs for first-year students. 2. Academic advising is being enhanced through a program "On Course Advisement System." The program sorts the student's transcript against the requirements of the student's major. The program is operational in Engineering, under development in Education, Human Resources and Nursing, and planned for the remaining colleges. The program develops a list of the courses needed to complete the major. 3. The Provost's Office has a strong commitment to teaching in all forms. As examples students in the Undergraduate Research Program learn and develop sophisticated research techniques. Candidates for the third Alumni Distinguished Professor are being sought; the selection will be announced in the Fall. Six professors were given Excellence in Teaching or Excellence in Advising Awards this year. They include: Ajay Manrai, Business Administration; Andrew Zydney, Chemical Engineering; Brian Ackerman, Psychology; Errol Lloyd, Computer and Information Sciences; Roland Roth, Entomology and Applied Ecology, and Pamela Beeman, Nursing. Vice Provost Andersen thanked Dr. Richard Murray for his two terms of service as Interim University Provost. He exhibited strong commitment to excellence of academic programs and to faculty governance. He was careful with details and had a strong drive to do the right thing. Dr. Murray will return to Physics this Fall to continue research and teaching. There was spirited applause as Vice Provost Andersen closed by saying faculty and deans appreciate his service. John McLaughlin was recognized to introduce a resolution thanking Richard Murray for his dedication and service to Delaware. The resolution passed by acclamation. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Robert Brown presented a preliminary report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Freedom of Expression in Public Events. His remarks were informal because the committee had not yet agreed on the language of the report. Public events are defined as those sponsored or presented by constituent groups of the University. These events are open to the general public. The committee was formed in response to a controversial art exhibit in Fall '92 and to the Leonard Jeffries lecture later that year. The committee members are: Robert Brown, Joann Browning, Belena Chapp, Vernese Edghill, Thomas Harr, Bernard Kaplan, Scott Mason, Frederika Schmitt, and Gary Smith. The committee was charged with five elements upon which to make recommendations. The first task was to draft a statement on freedom of expression in an educational setting. They have drafted a ringing endorsement of freedom of expression without censorship. It will support the right of groups to sponsor programs and speakers of their choice. At the same time others have the right to protest these programs so long as these protests do not interfere with the event. This statement will come to the Senate in the Fall. The second charge was to suggest ways in which dissenting or a full range of opinion related to a specific event can be given forum. The committee decided not to address this issue and instead to let the free market prevail. It remains appropriate for the University to sponsor events in which a diversity of opinion is expressed. The third charge was to suggest ways for encouraging coordinated exhibits or public lectures in times of constrained budgets. The committee has declined to endorse lecture series by high profile individuals because the costs are too high. The fourth charge was to suggest ways that the full schedule of exhibits, performances and events can be better communicated. This task has been subsumed by the Events and Entertainment Committee. The last charge was to provide guidance to student organizations in the selection of guest speakers. The committee found that relatively small amounts of University funds are spent in these activities and that the student groups are advised very well by the Student Activities Office. Thus no action is needed on this item. In humor Robert Brown closed by asking if this report excused him from another oral report when the final draft is completed. President Scott responded that the written report will be distributed to the Senate, and the recommendations considered in consultation with the committee. 2. President Scott advised that Jackson Gillespie is to be chair of the newly-formed Task Force on Smoking, a large group of faculty, professionals, students and staff. The election results reported in Item III were given. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CHALLENGE The following items were approved without discussion: 1. Revision of the B.A.S. in Engineering Technology 2. Revision of the B.S. in Human Resources: Apparel Design or Textiles and Clothing: Merchandising VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, with the concurrence of the Committee on Committees and Nominations (F. Dilley, Chairperson), for the creation of a new standing committee of the University Faculty Senate. The charge of the proposed committee (Attachment 5 of the Agenda) was read by President Scott. In the discussion that followed, Provost Murray, Frank Dilley, Charles Boncelet and David Bellamy spoke on behalf of the resolution as a helpful input to long-range planning. Senator Hobbie requested that a student representative be added, and John Burke, President of DUSC, noted that he served on the Coordinating Committee on Education, the source of the members of the proposed committee. Senator Bonner observed that the committee members would serve for five years without review by the Senate and took exception to this structure. Senator Taggart asked why the current and past four chairs of the Coordinating Committee on Education were more appropriate committee membership than the Executive Committee. President Scott replied the proposed group have experience and historical prospective. Senator Grubb said this service does not provide the font of wisdom, and Senator Boncelet replied that while Senator Grubb's observation may be true, his experience with the Committee on Committees and Nominations showed that experience is a virtue. Senator Haslett questioned how the proposed committee would interact with the similar committee proposed for Arts and Science. President Scott replied that these committees are expected to exhibit teamwork. In response to the students' desire for membership to the committee Senator Bellamy proposed the following amendment to follow the first "Resolved:" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Senate encourages DUSC to form a parallel committee of students for similar liaison with the Office of the Provost. The amendment passed by a vote of 26 ayes and 25 nays. Senator Klaff introduced a substitute description of the composition of the committee: The past three chairs of the Coordinating Committee on Education, a member elected by the Senate to serve one year, and a student member elected by DUSC for one year. The chair of this committee will be selected by the committee. After some discussion on the specifics of a proposal by Senator Klaff's, Senator McCoy introduced a resolution to return the proposal to the Executive Committee for further consideration. This resolution was approved by a vote of 32-23. The following resolution was recommitted: WHEREAS, faculty need to have an advocacy position directly with the Provost concerning long- term planning, and WHEREAS, faculty members who have chaired the Coordinating Committee on Education and have been on the Executive Committee have a broad perspective of problems and priorities of the University, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate approves the creation of a Faculty Senate committee to be called the Academic Priorities Review Committee, effective immediately, and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Senate encourages DUSC to form a parallel committee of students for similar liaison with the Office of the Provost. B. Request from the Committee on Committees and Nominations (F. Dilley, Chairperson) for Senate confirmation of committee appointments. The amended list (attachment 1) of committee appointments was confirmed by voice vote. C. Election of a chairperson for the Committee on Committees and Nominations to be chosen from the committee members elected by the Senate. Charles Boncelet was elected chairperson, please see Item III. D. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (B. Viera, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin, Chairperson), for revision of the Credit-by-Examination Form. The discussion of this proposal concerned the mechanics by which the grade is assigned. B. Viera explained that the current grade choices are A, B or Pass. These are to be replaced by A, B, C, or D and that if the student fails the examination, the failure does not appear on the academic record. Senator Boncelet proposed that the student be allowed to decide to accept the credit and grade. There was sufficient confusion on the grading processes that the following resolution was recommited to the Committee on Undergraduate Studies by voice vote. WHEREAS, some abuses of the credit-by-examination option have been noted, and WHEREAS, the current credit-by-examination application form contains a misleading option as a basis for request, and WHEREAS, the current credit-by-examination application permits only three grades (A, B, P), and WHEREAS, a broader range of grades can be achieved in most University courses, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the relevant paragraph in the Academic Regulations section of the Undergraduate Catalog, page 21, be amended as follows: [Deleted text is double underlined and added text is in bold type.] CREDIT BY EXAMINATION The University provides to all matriculated and Continuing Education students the opportunity to obtain college credit by examination for demonstrated competence attained through professional experience, independent study, or some similar learning experience, but not by previous enrollment in a University of Delaware course. General inquiries concerning credit by examination should be directed to the department offering the course for which the student seeks credit. Credit by examination is not allowed in experimental courses or independent study courses. A credit-by-examination form, available at the . . . . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any legal grade may be assigned to performance in credit-by-examination substitutions and that the application form reflect that range of grades. E. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (B. Viera, Chairperson), with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (J. McLaughlin, Chairperson), for a change in policy to the Dean's List requirement. After a very brief discussion in which it was established that the proposed change would lower the fraction of students attaining the Dean's List by two percent to yield a range of 18 to 20 percent, the following resolution was passed by voice vote: WHEREAS, the current grading system in force at the University quantifies a B+ grade as 3.33 while the current criterion for inclusion on the Dean's list is 3.25, and WHEREAS, some confusion exists about whether a student's semester average or cumulative average should be used to include or exclude a student from the Dean's List, and WHEREAS, a student should be rewarded for improvement in performance, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the criterion for inclusion on the Dean's List be a semester grade average of 3.33, and further be it RESOLVED, that the new criterion for inclusion be phased in beginning with students in the Class of 1998. President-Elect McLaughlin requested a suspension of the rules to introduce the following resolution: RESOLVED, that members of the University Faculty Senate express their thanks to President Bonnie Kime Scott for her energy and leadership in the 1993-1994 year. This resolution was approved heartily by voice vote. F. Introduction of new business - None introduced. The meeting was adjourned at 5:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jon Olson Secretary University Faculty Senate JO/rg Attachments: 1. Committee Appointments 2. Annual Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees