MAY 6, 1996


Senators excused were:  Kenneth Biederman, Hugh Frick, Steven Helmling, 
                        Neil Houser, Vera Kaminski, Calvin Keeler,
                        Michael Rosenberg, Leonard Schwartz, Roland
                        Smith, Tracy Smith, William Stanley, Carolyn

Senators absent were:   Steven Bennett, Paul Hooper, William Idsardi,
                        Abigail Jahiel, Arnold Kerr, Francis Kwansa, Bill
                        Lawson, Ajay Manrai, Kara Newport Paige, Shawn
                        Phillips, Ali Poorani, Kent Price, Tuncay Saydam


      The agenda was approved as submitted.


      The minutes of the April 1, 1996 meeting were approved as written.


      Balloting for Senate Officers and certain committee members was
      held.  Ballots were collected and removed for counting by members of
      the Committee on Committees and Nominations.


      The Provost had no remarks.


      President Hall thanked all members of the Faculty Senate for their
      work during the year and remarked that the business of the Senate
      could not proceed smoothly without the dedicated work of the several
      committee chairs and those serving on the committees.


      The following two Announcements for Challenge were accepted without

      1.    Modification of degrees and modification of GPA requirements
            for admission to EDDV 400 Student Teaching
      2.    Revision of the Master s in Business Administration: Creation
            of concentration in Leadership and Management of Museums

      There was no old business.


      A.    Request from the Committee on Committees and Nominations for
            Senate confirmation of appointments.  

            The amended list (attachment 1) of committee appointments was

      B.    Election of a chairperson for the Committee on Committees and
            Nominations to be chosen from the committee members elected by
            the Senate.

            This position appeared on the ballots already cast.
      C.    Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for
            revision to the Promotion Policy as stated in the Faculty
            Handbook, Section III, Personnel Policies for Faculty, Section
            K, pages III-24 through III-33, and to the charge of the
            Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure as stated in
            the Faculty Handbook, page I-19.

            President Hall listed a few typographical corrections to be
            made to the document on the floor.  He then explained that the
            proposal was the result of a two-year self-study and review by
            the University Committee  on Promotions and Tenure and
            primarily consisted of procedural changes and clarifications
            intended to make the system work more smoothly and
            efficiently.  Moreover, there was a companion resolution from
            the Committee on Committees and Nominations (COCAN) concerning
            the charge to the University Committee on Promotions and
            Tenure Committee which arose from the routine evaluation
            carried out by COCAN.  These, together with the results of
            conversations between members of the Provost s Office and the
            University Committee on Promotions and Tenure, resulted in the
            recommendations which were now on the floor.

            President Hall then stated that his intention was to consider
            the proposals contained in the document in seriatim

            Senator David Bellamy stated that the College of Arts and
            Science Senate intended to recommend that the University
            Committee on Promotions and Tenure be abolished and made the
            following motion as a substitute resolution:

                  RESOLVED,   that the duties of the University Committee
                              on Promotions and Tenure be suspended for
                              twenty-four months.

            President Hall ruled that the motion was more appropriate for
            the next question concerning the charge to the Committee. 
            This ruling was accepted by Senator Bellamy.

            Senator Maurice Cope asked if there were procedures in the new
            document which were in conflict with present practices and
            whether the new procedures would take precedence.

            President Hall stated that any such change would be applicable
            only to future proceedings.  Cases currently in the system
            would proceed under the old procedures.

            Senator Lu Ann DeCunzo said that she had taken the proposed
            changes to her departmental colleagues and that it was their
            opinion that there were several substantive changes that were
            being suggested.  She objected to the consideration of the
            proposals in the document serially as she would be voting on
            portions of the document before she had a chance to discuss
            the final form of the proposal with her colleagues.  She felt
            that, in spite of President Hall s characterization of the
            majority of changes as minor, she should have the opportunity
            to take the proposed document back to her department for
            discussion before voting on it.

            Senator De Cunzo s motion was interpreted by the
            Parliamentarian to be a motion to consider the motion on the
            floor as a whole.  The motion  was seconded.  Senator De Cunzo
            then clarified that she wished to move--that the document be
            returned to the committee because the compelling reasons for
            introducing the proposed changes were not clear to the members
            of her department.  She then agreed to withdraw the motion
            until some debate on the main motion could take place and 
            some of the motivation for the changes could be made clear.

            Senator Gordon Bonner asked for some comment on the background
            of  Senator Bellamy s motion.  President Hall confirmed that
            he had received a motion from the College of Arts and Science
            to abolish the University Committee on Promotions and Tenure. 
            Senator Bonner asked if Senator Bellamy had anything to add to
            the discussion since such a recommendation should be
            considered if the resolution was returned to  Committee.

            Senator Bellamy remarked that the motivation of the College of
            Arts and Science was to confine assessment of a case closer to
            those who have the expertise to make the required professional
            judgments.  There were adequate safeguards within the system
            and, unless the Provost felt a need for the input of another
            committee, the College of Arts and Science Senate did not see
            the need for the University Committee on Promotions and
            Tenure.  Provost Schiavelli stated that he did not think that
            the floor of the Faculty Senate was the appropriate forum in
            which to discuss the question of abolition of the University
            Committee on Promotions and Tenure.  He remarked that he had
            lived for nine years without a university committee and would
            not like to go back to that state of life.

            The Chairperson of the University Committee on Promotions and
            Tenure  was asked by Professor Kenneth Koford both to discuss
            the issue of the difficulty of evaluating individuals across
            different departments, as well as to identify those proposals
            in the resolution which he believed were potentially

            Professor Dalrymple replied to the first question that the six
            members of the Committee did represent some breadth of
            discipline.  What the Committee does is to make judgments as
            to whether the material in the dossier supports the assertion
            that the departmental criterion for excellence in research
            and/or teaching is met.  It is not necessary to be an expert
            in the field in order to see whether, for example, research is
            being pursued or contributions to the profession are being
            made, nevertheless it is a difficult, but not an impossible

            Regarding changes in the Promotions and Tenure documents of
            the departments, Professor Dalrymple remarked that much of the
            document is a restatement of the University policy and that
            streamlining those documents would be of considerable help to
            those who must read the  dossiers.  Further changes are
            designed either to protect confidentiality of outside
            reviewers, and close loopholes in terms of deadlines or to
            make other minor changes.

            Professor Dalrymple further stated that it was not the
            intention of the proposed changes to alter departmental
            criteria.  Misinterpretations could be a source of
            controversy.  The other potentially controversial point was
            some change made to the criteria for promotion to full

            President Hall added that an additional change was that of
            disallowing tenure-track individuals  coming up for promotion
            in their terminal year.

            Senator Linda Gottfredson remarked that some changes might
            throw the College of Education procedures out of compliance. 
            For example, they currently have untenured individuals serving
            on their committees.  Moreover, having only two departments,
            if members of a department were not allowed to vote on the
            promotion of a departmental colleague,  the other department
            would control promotions in that department.  Furthermore, the
            timetable being proposed would make it more difficult to
            obtain outside reviews in a timely fashion.

            Vice Provost Andersen commented that current policy forbids
            the service of untenured faculty on promotions and tenure
            committees and,  if that was the current practice in the
            College of Education, they were currently out of compliance.

            Senator De Cunzo asked that Professor Peter Weil of
            Anthropology be allowed to speak.  There being no objection,
            Professor Weil reviewed some of the history of the current
            policy and some of the abuses that it was designed to prevent. 
            In particular, the policy put primary responsibility on the
            departments.  He expressed concern that the proposed policy
            could be interpreted in shifting some of that responsibility
            to the University Committee and that such a shift should be
            carefully debated.

            The motion to return to committee was then seconded and the
            first part of the resolution was returned to the Committee on
            Promotions and Tenure.

                  WHEREAS,    the Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions
                              and Tenure has been involved in a two-year
                              self-study of its policies and procedures
                              which has resulted in recommending a number
                              of minor revisions aimed at improving the
                              information submitted to the Committee,
                              making its efforts more efficient, and
                              producing the best judgment of which a
                              faculty committee is capable, and

                  WHEREAS,    a subcommittee of the Committee on
                              Committees and Nominations has recently
                              completed a routine review of the Committee
                              on Promotions and Tenure and recommended
                              several minor revisions to its procedures
                              and constitution, therefore be it 

                  RESOLVED,   that the revised Promotion Policy, as
                              attached, be approved by the University
                              Faculty Senate, 
            The Faculty Senate then considered the second part of the
            resolution which was to change the charge to the Committee on
            Promotions and Tenure as stated in the Faculty Handbook.  As
            certain proposed changes were contingent upon the passage of
            the preceeding part of the resolution, the Chairperson
            considered the resolution on the floor to be amended to
            exclude those changes which were dependent upon the preceeding
            motion being passed.

            Senator Bellamy s motion to substitute a recommendation
            suspending the review of promotion and tenure cases by the
            Committee on Promotions and Tenure for a period of 24 months
            was reintroduced and ruled in order by President Hall.  After
            being seconded, the floor was open for debate.  Interim
            Associate Provost John Cavanaugh pointed out that the current
            document promised a university-level faculty review of cases,
            and any suspension of those rules should not be immediately
            implemented.  Senator Bellamy was asked what implementation
            schedule he intended, and replied that he intended that the
            suspension be effective with the next academic year.

            Senator Stuart Cooper spoke against the motion.  Professor
            Dalrymple commented that it was clear to him, after
            discussions with the President of the Arts and Science Senate,
            that that body did not have a clear idea of just what the
            Committee did.

            The question was called and the motion to substitute was

            Debate on the original question proceeded.  The Chairperson of
            COCAN, Carol Denson, explained the thrust of the proposal: 
            the reordering of the charge would make the Committee s role
            clearer;  lines 8 through 17 were not to be amended, as the
            previous question had been returned to committee, and the
            charge would disallow department chairs from serving on the
            University Committee on Promotions and Tenure.

            Senator Jay Hildebrandt inquired if the long delay which his
            department experienced for the approval of changes to the
            departmental promotion and tenure document was at all typical
            and, if so, whether the Committee was overworked and that its
            duties should be divided.  Professor Denson remarked that the
            subcommittee did not consider that issue.  The question of
            delays was referred to Professor Dalrymple who commented that
            the Committee on Promotions and Tenure continued to meet and
            was considering document changes at the present time.  He
            stated that he believed it a bad idea to separate the duties
            because the University Committee on Promotions and Tenure must
            familiarize itself with all departmental documents.  If there
            were a separate committee  two sets of individuals would have
            to familiarize themselves with the documents.

            Senator Bellamy remarked that his department had also
            experienced a long delay before its document was approved.

            The following recommendation was voted on and carried by a
            vote of 32 to 2: (The revised charge is at Attachment 2) 
                  AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,

                              that the revised charge to the Committee on
                              Promotions and Tenure, as stated in the
                              Faculty Handbook, page I-19, be approved.

            President Hall then interrupted further consideration of New
            Business to announce the results of the election:  

                  President-Elect               Robert Carroll
                  Vice President                Joann Browning
                  Secretary                     Frank Dilley
                  Member, Committee on Committees
                   & Nominations                Barbara Viera
                  Chairperson, Committee on Committees
                   & Nominations                Carol Denson

      D.    Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies for
            a change to the Faculty Handbook and Undergraduate Catalog
            pertaining to student class attendance.

            Professor Robert Taggart, Chairperson of the Committee on
            Undergraduate Studies, explained that there were a number of
            students who, as parents, occasionally were required to miss
            a class because of the illness of a child or other members of
            the immediate family.  Professor Kenneth Koford, Chairperson
            of the Committee on Graduate Studies, supported the motion,
            pointing out that there were also students who were required
            to take business trips for their employer and were therefore
            absent.  Professor Robert Bennett, Chairperson of the
            Committee on Student Life, suggested that the new statement
            also be placed in the Student Handbook and his suggestion was
            incorporated in the motion without objection.  

            The following resolution was unanimously approved:

                  WHEREAS,    many students have children or other family
                              members for whom they are responsible, and

                  WHEREAS,    these family members may have medical
                              emergencies that make it impossible for the
                              student to attend class, therefore be it 

                  RESOLVED,   that the following additions in wording be
                              made to the section on Student Class
                              Attendance in the Faculty Handbook, page
                              II-9, section d., second paragraph,  to the
                              Undergraduate Catalog, page 17, section d.,
                              second paragraph, and to the Official
                              Student Handbook, page 59, section d.,: 
                              [Additions in bold and underlined]

                  d.    [Second paragraph] For relatively minor, short-
                        term illnesses of students (e.g. colds and flu,
                        where attendance  in class is undesirable) or
                        their immediate family, the University system
                        depends upon reasonable communication between
                        students and faculty.  If possible, students
                        should report such illnesses before the affected
                        class, following the directions of the instructor
                        of the term.      
      E.    Introduction of New Business

            Senator Maurice Cope presented a resolution for consideration
            by the Faculty Senate concerning the journal holdings in the
            Morris Library.  While the Faculty Senate has no budgetary
            power, he asked that the resolution be presented as a  Sense
            of the Senate. 

            President Hall inquired if he wished the resolution be
            forwarded to the Faculty Senate Library Committee.  After some
            discussion, it was decided that the following resolution be
            presented to the Faculty Senate at its next meeting.

                  WHEREAS,    the library is mandating cutbacks in the
                              orders of professional journals (1991--20%,
                              1992--18%, 1997-98--30%), and

                  WHEREAS,    periodical literature is of fundemental
                              importance for teaching and research in all
                              field, and is crucial for departments
                              offering graduate degrees, and

                  WHEREAS,    other sources of periodical material are at
                              present grossly insufficient: most journals
                              are not yet on-line, some may not be on-
                              line for the forseeable future, and there
                              is not yet the technology for reproduction
                              adequate for all needs, and

                  WHEREAS,    having to order each article separately
                              will greatly increase the time needed for
                              research and its cost as well, costs which
                              the library will cover only in part, 
                              therefore be it

                  RESOLVED,   that the cutback in journal orders for 1997
                              and 1998 be rescinded, and the entire
                              program be reconsidered in the light of the
                              needs of the various departments, the state
                              of technology, and the actual availability
                              of articles of comparable quality from
                              other sources.  Any future cutbacks should
                              be discussed with and approved by the
                              individual departments before

            There being no further new business, the meting was adjourned
            at 5:15 p.m.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    Thomas Angell
                                    University Faculty Senate

 1.   Committee Appointments
 2.   Revised charge to the Committee on Promotions and Tenure
 3.   Annual Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

      E.    Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion
            introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to
            committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the

Attachments: Committee Activities Report
  1.  Slate of Nominees
  2.  Biographies of Nominees
  3.  Modification of degrees and modification of GPA requirements
  4.  Revision of the MBA
  5.  Confirmation of Appointments
  6.  Present and Revised Promotion Policy
  7.  Charge to the Committee on Promotions and Tenure