September 16, 1991


      President Taggart called to order the regular meeting of the University
Faculty Senate on Monday, September 16, 1991 at 4:00 p.m.

Senators not in attendance were:    Suzanne Alchon, Lawrence Nees, Raymond
                                    Nichols, Debra Norris, Alfred Wedel

Senators excused were:  Edith Anderson, Costel Denson, Bernard Herman, Robert
                        Knecht, John Pikulski, Daniel Rich, David P. Roselle,
                        Yda Schreuder, Stuart Sharkey, Janet Smith, Carolyn


      Before explaining the Guidelines for Reduction and Elimination of
      Programs appended to the agenda, President Taggart requested that we
      approve the agenda as distributed, but change the order of business so
      that we could begin the process of electing the chairperson of the
      Committee on Committees and Nominations before commencing with Old
      Business. The Senate approved the modification without objection.


      Since no one offered changes or objections, the Senate approved the
      minutes as distributed.


      Item A was a recommendation from the Ad Hoc Committee on Divestment (D.
      Colton, Chairperson). Wunyabari Maloba, a member of the Committee,
      explained that the Committee's view of the need for divestment had not
      changed. After debate and defeated motions to table and for secret
      ballot, the following resolution was not approved:

      Based on our considered deliberations and our extensive consultations
      and, after having fully considered the significant political changes
      that have taken place in South Africa, we hereby recommend to the
      University Faculty Senate the adoption of the following resolution:

            WHEREAS,    the University of Delaware continues to deplore the
                        policy of apartheid still practiced in South Africa,

            WHEREAS,    the University of Delaware has the moral and
                        intellectual responsibility to provide leadership in
                        opposition to this abhorrent policy, and

            WHEREAS,    divestment has proven to be an effective weapon
                        against apartheid in South Africa, and

            WHEREAS,    a fundamental and irreversible rupture with apartheid
                        policy has not yet occurred, and taking note of the
                        continuing calls for sanctions by organizations
                        representative of the majority of South Africa's
                        people, and

            WHEREAS,    considering that the suspension of armed struggle in
                        South Africa makes economic pressure against apartheid
                        all the more significant at this historic juncture, be

            RESOLVED,   that the University Faculty Senate of the University
                        of Delaware recommend that the officers and trustees
                        of the University divest the University of stocks,
                        bonds and other holdings in all corporations that have
                        operations in South Africa.


      Item A: David Smith was the elected Chairperson of the Committee on
      Committees and Nominations.

      Item B: was a recommendation from the Committee on Committees and
      Nominations (Jon Olsen, Chairperson) to delay its report on the use of
      outside legal advisers in actions before the Committee on Faculty
      Welfare and Privileges. The following motion was approved:

      WHEREAS,    in the March 11, 1991 Faculty Senate meeting, the University
                  Faculty Senate referred the following resolution to the
                  Committee on Committees and Nomination for consideration:

                        Except in cases involving termination (or non-renewal)
                        of faculty, in hearings before the Committee on
                        Faculty Welfare and Privileges, the choice
                        of"advisers" or "observers" who may participate in the
                        hearing shall be limited to persons selected from the
                        University of Delaware faculty.  In a termination (or
                        non-renewal) complaint before the Committee the
                        decision whether to involve non-faculty attorneys
                        shall rest with the person who faces termination.  If
                        the complainant chooses to engage a non-faculty
                        attorney for the hearing, the University shall be
                        obliged to provide an attorney for the respondents to
                        the complaint.

            . . . With the recommendations to be reported at the October 1991 
            meeting, and

      WHEREAS,    the entire procedures for operation of the Committee on
                  Faculty Welfare and Privileges now are being reviewed by the
                  Committee on Committees and Nominations, and

      WHEREAS,    the resolution of March 11 is included within the later
                  charge, be it therefore

      RESOLVED,   that the University Faculty Senate amends the timing of the
                  charge of March 11, 1991 to the date of the report of the
                  review of all of the procedures for the Committee on Faculty
                  Welfare and Privileges.

      Item C: was a resolution amending the Faculty Handbook, changing a title
      in roster of the Committee on Instructional Computing and Research
      Support Services to reflect current usage. The following resolution was

      RESOLVED,   that the second paragraph of the charge to the Committee on
                  Instructional, Computing and Research Support Services, as
                  it appears in Section I-III, page I-19 of the Faculty
                  Handbook be amended as follows:

            The Committee on Instructional, Computing and Research Support
            Services shall consist of one faculty member from each of the
            colleges of the University, one of whom shall be appointed as
            chairperson; an undergraduate student; a graduate student; a
            designee of the Director of the Library; a designee of the
            Associate Provost for Instructional Technology; and a designee of
            the Associate Vice President for Computing and Network Services.

      Item D: Senator Edward Schweizer offered the following motion which was
      placed on the agenda for October:

      BE IT RESOLVED,   that all of the parents of students who are members of
                        live-in social organizations be advised, in writing,
                        that the University does not have Residence Life staff
                        members residing in the social organizations' housing

      President Taggart adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p. m.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Judith Roof

                        University Faculty Senate
