REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE September 14, 1992 MINUTES Senator not in attendance was: Michelle Provost-Craig Senators excused were: Susan Amert, Charles Boncelet, John Nye, Betty Paulanka, R. Byron Pipes, Mary Richards, David P. Roselle, Stuart Sharkey, Carolyn Thoroughgood I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Senate adopted the Agenda as presented. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Senate approved the Minutes as submitted. III. REMARKS BY VICE PROVOST ANDERSEN Vice Provost Andersen discussed the possible need for more budget reductions for 1993-94, announced the appointments of Dr. Costel Denson as Interim Vice Provost for Research, Dr. Carol Hoffecker as Associate Provost for Graduate Studies, Dr. Larry Donnelley as Associate Provost for International Programs and Special Sessions, and her own change of title to Vice Provost for Academic Affairs. She also noted that Dr. Stanley Sandler is serving as Interim Dean of the College of Engineering and that the new Dean, Dr. Stuart Cooper, will begin in January. Vice Provost Andersen reported that the University of Delaware received its reaccreditation from the Middle States Higher Education Commission and thanked all who participated in the review process. She announced the establishment of the first Distinguished Alumni Professorship to be awarded to a senior faculty member for outstanding contributions to teaching and indicated the nomination processes. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Lomax introduced members of the Senate Executive Committee and explained Senate procedures and E- Mail. V. NEW BUSINESS Item A. The Senate elected David Smith (Life and Health Sciences) as Chairperson of the Committee on Committees and Nominations. Item B. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (R. Dalrymple, Chairperson 91-92) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (K. Lomax, Chairperson 91-92) for provisional approval of a new degree called Master of Arts in Economics for Educators. After an explanation of why the Program was being shifted from the College of Education, the Senate approved the following: WHEREAS, the Center for Economic Education in the College of Business and Economics has administered a masters program for teachers since 1981, and WHEREAS, the program has been offered as one of the options in the Master of Instruction degree in the College of Education, and, WHEREAS, the program is unique and different from the general requirements of the Master of Instruction, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for four years, the establishment of a new degree in the College of Business and Economics, entitled Master of Arts in Economics for Educators, and be it further RESOLVED, that the name Master of Instruction in Economic Education be discontinued, with the understanding that a student in the Master of Instruction program can choose economics as the area of emphasis. Item C. Recommendation from the Coordinating Committee on Education (Lomax, Chairperson 91-92) for the creation of a new Department in the College of Arts and Sciences entitled DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL THERAPY. The Senate discussed the potential size of the program, the characteristics of its students, the status of its faculty, the fact that the department will offer only a graduate major, how such a graduate program compares with other programs in the field, the value of the program for student recruitment, the establishment of a fee-for-service physical therapy clinic, who would be able to use such a clinic, the relation of clinic income to the cost of the program, the cost of adding a new department during a period of budget reductions, and how its costs would be balanced in the college and against other possible budget reductions. The Senate then voted to approve the following resolution: WHEREAS, the faculty in the graduate program for Physical Therapy were given the opportunity to request departmental status in the College of their choice, and WHEREAS, the College of Arts and Science, both the College Senate and Dean Mary Richards, accepted the request from faculty in the Physical Therapy program to become a department, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate support the establishment of a new Department of Physical Therapy. Item D. Senator Haslett raised a question about copyright policies in higher education which was referred to the Executive Committee. Senate President Lomax adjourned the meeting at 5:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judith Roof Senate Secretary rg