REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE September 13, 1993 MINUTES Senators not in attendance were: Barbara Curry, Roger Kobak, David Stone Senators excused were: John Cooper, Stuart Cooper, James Magee, Betty Paulanka, Daniel Rich, David P. Roselle, Janet Smith, Carolyn Thoroughgood I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Senate adopted the Agenda as printed. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Senate approved the Minutes of the May 3 and May 10 meetings as distributed. III. REMARKS BY INTERIM UNIVERSITY PROVOST RICHARD MURRAY Provost Murray reviewed the growth of international activities at the University of Delaware. The International Programs and Special Sessions Office, headed by Associate Provost Larry Donnelley, offers two types of programs abroad: general interest, taught mostly in English, and intensive language and cultural courses, taught in the language of the host country. These courses are now offered in all terms with the Winter term being the most active. There has been nearly a threefold growth in the registration for these programs in the last nine years. The student cost for these programs are the normal Delaware tuition, lodging, and meals plus transportation. The Foreign Student and Scholar Services office, headed by Susan Lee, facilitates compliance with visa and other regulations for foreign visitors coming here and University students going abroad. Currently there are 400 undergraduates, 800 graduate students and 255 visiting scholars (faculty, post doctoral, research associates, etc.); the total number of foreign visitors of all types is 1800, a 30 percent growth from a year ago. The English Language Institute, headed by Scott Stevens, provides intensive language courses for University teaching assistants and eight week language modules for foreign students seeking admission to U. S. schools. It also provides specialized English courses to foreign businesses. These remarks demonstrate that the University of Delaware is becoming a more cosmopolitan institution and that international activities have grown significantly in a time of declining budgets. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS President Scott welcomed the Faculty Senate membership and urged all, particularly new members, to consider committee service. The members of the Executive Committee, John McLaughlin, President-Elect, Jon Olson, Secretary, and David Smith, Chairperson of the Committee on Committees and Nominations, were introduced. Senators are expected to attend the Senate meetings, and by Senate rules, two consecutive unexcused absences causes dismissal. Excused absences are made by a call to the Senate Office, 2922. The agenda is distributed a week prior to the meeting to provide time for Senators to prepare for the meetings. The meetings normally are scheduled on the first Monday of each month in the Fall and Spring semesters. This year the meetings will be on October 4, November 1, December 6, February 7, March 7, April 4, and May 2. The October and April meetings will be preceded by a meeting of the general faculty. The October Semi-Annual General Faculty meeting is scheduled to begin at 3:45 p.m. [this has since been changed to 3:30]. Senators will pick up their name cards at a table outside Room 110 Memorial. An Open Hearing for an interdisciplinary graduate program in Biomechanics and Movement Sciences will be held at 4:30 p.m. on September 27th in 006 Kirkbride. In addition, the Executive Committee scheduled a special meeting for Senate Committee Chairpersons at 4:00 p.m. on September 20th in the Ewing Room of the Student Center. Senators are encouraged to respond to President Scott's Goals Statement with support, suggestions for modification or substitutions. President Scott expressed her general wishes for productive discussions and accomplishments during the year. V. OLD BUSINESS Item A. Ballots were distributed for the election of the Senate Vice President. At the end of this meeting, David Smith announced that Thomas Angell, Mathematical Sciences, was elected. VI. NEW BUSINESS Item A. It is the privilege of the Senate to elect the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees and Nominations from the three members elected to this Committee by the Senate. Frank Dilley was the sole candidate this year and was elected by acclamation. Item B. Recommendation from the Coordinating Committee on Education (B. Scott, Chairperson '92-'93), as modified by the 1992-1993 Executive Committee to amend the Faculty Handbook on Examinations and Tests. President Scott asked President-Elect John McLaughlin to preside for this item of business since she chaired the Committee which drafted the resolution. President Scott reviewed the history of this resolution. It was originally drafted in 1980 to promote using the 14th week of the term for instruction and review and the 15th week for examinations. Last Year Provost Pipes expressed his concern of the effectiveness of this policy statement. The issue was referred to a large group of committees: Undergraduate Studies, Graduate Studies, Faculty Welfare and Privileges, Research, and Student Life. The reports of this group were sent to the Coordinating Committee on Education. The resolution is presented below for completeness. Words to be added are indicated in bold type. Words to be deleted are indicated in italics and brackets. RESOLVED, that the Examinations and Tests Policy in the Faculty Handbook at II. "Selected Academic Policy Statements," subsection 2. "Examinations and Tests," page II-3 be amended as follows: 2. Examinations and Tests Final examinations or other end-of-the-semester assignments must [should] be given [according to the printed schedule issued by the Records Office.] in all courses. Faculty will inform their chairperson and students of the nature of the end-of-the-semester assignment for each course at the beginning of each term. [By prior arrangement with the department chairperson (or dean), the faculty member may use alternate means of evaluation.] Because the University does not operate with a formal honor system, faculty are responsible for proper monitoring of examinations and tests. MIDDLE PARAGRAPH UNCHANGED No examination, hourly examination, test, or quiz counting for 25% [33 and one-third percent] or more of the semester's grade for any class (except laboratory exams) shall be given during the last week (five class days) of any regular semester. There shall be a 24-hour break between the end of classes and the first examination which shall be designated Reading Day. No examinations, tests, or quizzes may be given on Reading Day, to allow students to review for upcoming finals and to complete projects. Examinations will occur according to the printed schedule issued by the Records Office. President Scott then reviewed the changes in the resolution. Senate members C. Cannon, F. Murray, J. Cavanaugh, and D. Smith questioned how the resolution applies to clinical practice, practice teaching, research courses extending over several terms, and student research projects. Senators F. Murray, V. Klaff and B. Scott questioned if a term paper worth 50 percent of the course grade could be given a deadline of the 14th week under the resolution. Senator F. Grubb observed that the existing wording of the first paragraph provides the flexibility needed to accommodate unique courses and assignments. Vice Provost Andersen suggested that the first paragraph be rewritten to give faculty the right to exercise academic judgment on the appropriate evaluation for all courses and recalled that the third paragraph was drafted to force de facto final examinations to the examination period. At the request of President-Elect John McLaughlin, the resolution was recommitted to the Coordinating Committee on Education by acclamation. Senate President Scott adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jon Olson Secretary University Faculty Senate JO/rg A copy of the transcript and overheads used by Interim Provost Murray are available in the Senate Office, 219 McDowell Hall.