REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 MINUTES Senators excused were: David Bellamy, Kenneth Biederman, Steven Helmling, Paul Hooper, John Kraft, Ali Poorani, Kent Price, David Roselle, D. Allan Waterfield Senators absent were: Arnold Kerr, Duane Milne, Kara Newport Paige, Tuncay Saydam The President of the Senate called the meeting to order and welcomed new faculty senators as well as new and interim administrators to the Faculty Senate. I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved as issued. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The minutes of the May 1, 1995 meeting were approved as written. III. REMARKS BY UNIVERSITY PROVOST SCHIAVELLI Provost Schiavelli introduced the two interim administrators, William Stanley, Interim Dean of the College of Education and John Cavanaugh who is serving as Interim Associate Provost for Graduate Studies. He then introduced the new Vice President for Student Life, Roland Smith. Provost Schiavelli then read his memorandum addressed to Deans, Department Chairs and Academic Program Directors outlining a review of all programs which report to his office. A copy of the memorandum is attached to these minutes. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Hall explained the use of name cards to the senators and requested that Senate members complete and return their forms regarding electronic mail addresses to Rachel Gray at the Faculty Senate Office. He also announced a meeting for all new Senate committee chairpersons on Monday, September 18 in the Williamson Room of the Student Center. V. OLD BUSINESS - None VI. NEW BUSINESS A. There was one item of new business concerning the imposition of limitations on the number of times a person could receive either the Excellence in Teaching or the Undergraduate Academic Advising Awards. Robert Taggart, Chairperson '94-'95, Committee on Student and Faculty Honors, reported that last year's Committee recommended the limitation because they believed that such a limitation would open up the award to a larger number of faculty. It was agreed that few individuals have won the award more than once. Senator Cope reported that his departmental faculty (Art History) had formally discussed the proposed limitation and voted against it. Senator Gottfredson noted that there is currently a rule that excludes, for a period of ten years, those who have won one of the awards from being considered for an award. Senator Cope responded that his department did not believe that excellence in teaching is necessarily a time-limited attribute and that such excellence should continue to be recognized. Associate Provost Andersen reported that, while not a determining factor in the deliberations, the selection committee for the Alumni Distinguished Professor Award was often impressed that candidates had won the Excellence in Teaching Award more than once and, moreover, that in matters of promotion and tenure, such awards are very important. Senator Brown asked for a description of the selection process which was then given by Robert Taggart. He indicated that several people were concerned with faculty "campaigning" for this award. Senator Gottfredson also reported that the Committee was requested several years ago to review the selection procedures. The report is available in the Faculty Senate Office. Senator Perry asked about the length of time the awards have been given and how the nomination forms were distributed. Professor Taggart explained these procedures. The question was called and the following motion to accept the Committee's recommendation was defeated: WHEREAS, the University awards for Excellence in Teaching and Undergraduate Advising are among the most prestigious awards given to faculty by the Faculty Senate, and WHEREAS, a maximum of four awards may be given per year in each category, and WHEREAS, the University employs a large number of eligible faculty, and WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to reward as many deserving faculty as possible, be it therefore RESOLVED, that no previous winner of the University Excellence in Teaching Award or the University Undergraduate Academic Advising Award be eligible for future awards in the same category. B. Introduction of New Business There being no further items of business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Angell Secretary University Faculty Senate TA/rg Attachment