UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE REGULAR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 MINUTES Senators excused were: Brian Ackerman, Paul Hooper, Dene Klinzing, Ajay Manrai, Betty Paulanka, Leslie Reidel, Tuncay Saydam, Carolyn Thoroughgood Senators absent were: Barbara Curry, Steven Helmling, John Kraft, Peter Roe, Rajkumar Varma I. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA No objections being heard, the agenda was approved as distributed. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the May 6, 1996 meeting were approved as distributed. III. REMARKS BY PROVOST SCHIAVELLI Provost Schiavelli announced two new members of the administration: Roberta Golinkoff who is serving as Interim Dean of the College of Education, and Dana Johnson who is the new Dean of the College of Business and Economics. Provost Schiavelli reviewed recent rankings of the University, and announced searches for the positions of Associate Provost for Enrollment Services and Associate Provost for Graduate Studies. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS President Palley explained the use of the name cards, requested Senators to furnish electronic mail addresses on the form provided, and announced the following dates for future meetings: October 7, 1996 March 3, 1997 November 4, 1996 April 7, 1997 December 2, 1996 May 5, 1997 February 10, 1997 V. OLD BUSINESS The following ASense of the Senate@ resolution regarding cutbacks on journal orders which was originally introduced by Senator Maurice Cope at the May Senate meeting, and amended by Senator Cope at the September meeting, was moved, seconded and adopted by the Senate. WHEREAS, the library is mandating cutbacks in the orders of professional journals (1991-- 20%, 1992--18%, 1997-98--30%), and WHEREAS, periodical literature is of fundamental importance for teaching and research in all fields, and is crucial for departments offering graduate degrees, and WHEREAS, other sources of periodical material are at present grossly insufficient: most journals are not yet on-line, some may not be on-line for the foreseeable future, and there is not yet the technology for reproduction adequate for all needs, and WHEREAS, having to order each article separately will greatly increase the time needed for research and its cost as well, costs which the library will cover only in part, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the cutback in journal orders for 1997 and 1998 be rescinded, and the entire program be reconsidered in the light of the needs of the various departments, the state of technology, and the actual availability of articles of comparable quality from other sources. Any future cutbacks should be discussed with and approved by the individual departments before implementation, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee take this matter up with the Provost and President at their next regular meeting. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Recommendation from the Committee on Student Life (R. Bennett, Chairperson >95-96) to rescind the implementation of the no pledging policy. The following resolution was, on the recommendation of Assistant Vice President Timothy Brooks and approved by a vote of the Faculty Senate, postponed for consideration until the next meeting of the Senate. This deferral was for the purpose of giving Senators additional time to consider the resolution and the AUniversity of Delaware Greek System FIVE STAR Chapter Evaluation@ before being requested to vote. WHEREAS, the University of Delaware Faculty Senate in May 1992 passed a resolution eliminating the Greek Pledging Process by 1997-1998, and WHEREAS, the University of Delaware Faculty Senate in May 1992 called for a new Greek Task Force for the academic year of 1997-1998 to re-evaluate the status of Greek life, and WHEREAS, the Office of Student Life has developed a Greek Organization Accreditation Process, effective in the academic year 1996-1997, and WHEREAS, this Greek Organization Accreditation Process will be a thorough review and evaluation of each Greek organization in the areas of academic progress, financial management, university/community/relations and service, campus involvement, and membership intake, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the imposition of the Ano pledging@ resolution be postponed until 1998-1999 to allow the University to evaluate the progress made through the Accreditation Process. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Frank Dilley Secretary University Faculty Senate FD/rg