Monday,   August 23, 2001



10:30 a.m.                                                                                164 South College Avenue


Members Present: President, James Richards, President, Charles Mason , Dallas Hoover, Jeff Jordan, Rita Girardi,

Invited Guests: Roberta Golinkoff, Ken Koford

Members Excused: Michael Keefe, Karen Helsel-Spry


Agenda – Approved


Minutes of April 23, 2001 meeting – Approved


Old Business:

a.                   None.


New Business:

a.                   Jim Richards went over the scheduling process noting that according to Faculty Senate Bylaws agendas must be made available to faculty one week prior to the Senate meetings.   To accommodate this timeline Executive Committee meetings are held approximately two weeks prior to the Senate meetings.  Jim stressed the importance of the Coordinating Committee on Education meeting prior to Executive Committee meetings and the Committee on Graduate Studies and Committee on Undergraduate Studies meeting prior to the Coordinating Committee on Education.

b.                  Jim Richards discussed plans to implement on-line program revisions thus eliminating the need for multiple copies.  One hard copy with appropriate signatures will be retained in the Faculty Senate Office.  Ken Koford spoke to the need for hard copies stating that faculty do not have the time to download documentation for meetings.  Roberta Golinkoff agreed.  Roberta, however, applauded the effort of the electronic data base.  Getting this information to department chairs and deans is crucial.  Chuck Mason suggested that Jim speak to the Chair’s caucus and the Dean’s council.  All thought this a great idea. 

c.                   A tentative schedule of Senate, Executive, and Lunch meetings with President Roselle was distributed and approved. 

d.                  Jim briefly went over the Senate agenda for Monday, September 10 noting that he would have a brief slide presentation on Senate protocol.  Vice-President David Hollowell will present an overview of summer projects.  Acting Provost Dan Rich will make remarks and President Roselle will be invited to speak.


The meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.



Respectfully submitted,

Rita Girardi


Next Meeting:  September 10