University Senate Coordinating Committee on Education
(Senate conference room)
I. Old Business: None
II. New Business:
a. Request to add an honors degree option for Dean’s Scholar students (attachment) Approved
b. Revision of breadth requirement text for clarification (attachment) Denied – Amy will send email. The committee doesn’t approve of math, science, and engineering to satisfy the requirement. They need to clarify, for the students, the groups. They will be asked to follow the catalog beginning on page 95.
c. Revision to the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree program (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) Approved
d. Request to add a new minor in Bioelectrical Engineering (attachment) Approved
e. Revision to the Major in Civil and Environmental Engineering (attachment) Approved
f. Revision to the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (attachment) (attachment) Approved
g. Revision in degree requirement BS-Finance (attachment) Approved
III. Other:
a. Mission Statement (attachment) The committee did some wordsmithing on the document and made the following changes:
Schedule future meeting: The future meetings have been scheduled for
Respectfully Submitted,
Karren Helsel-Spry