Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


10:00 – 11:30 a.m.230 Purnell Hall





I.                   Old Business:


II.                New Business:


a.      UGS0104- Delete Engineering Technology Major as well as two concentrations in Natural Resources Engineering Technology(NRET) and Construction Technology and Technical Management(CTTM)  Delete Engineering Technology Minor (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)  -Approved as presented by a vote of 6-1


b.      UGS0105 Resolution for American Sign Language as meeting foreign language requirement for admissions at UD.   (Attachment) – Approved by a vote of 6-1 with wording change


c.       UGS0108Revision to the major in Wildlife Conservation (attachment) – Approved by a vote of  6-0-1


d.      Final version of the “Saturday Exam” item (attachment) - Unanimously approved.


III.             Other:


IV.              Adjournment: