October 20, 2003






I.                    Adoption of the Agenda – Approved


II.                 Approval of the minutes of October 13, 2003 – Approved


III.               Old Business: Grade Inflation (Learning Assessment):  Establish an ad hoc committee – The Committee began their discussion by talking about the possible make up of the ad hoc committee.  It was suggested that senior faculty as well as junior faculty be considered, and possibly a designee of The Office of Institutional Research.  It was also suggested that a statistician or someone experienced in gathering data should be considered as a member of this ad hoc committee.   There was further discussion as to whether it is appropriate for Faculty to take leadership of this project or should faculty and administration work together.  Administration has requested the Deans look at the grades in their college but, the Committee noted that it is the Faculty that has power over grades.  The charge of the ad hoc committee was discussed next;  it was decided that the charge of the ad hoc committee should be written before the committee is actually established.  Karen Stein suggested that a subset of the Executive Committee should author the charge.  Mike Keefe, Charles Boncelet and Dallas Hoover were selected.


IV.              New Business:

a.       Research Committee proposal – The Use of Animals in the Biomedical and Ecological Sciences – Approved

b.      Clarification of the charge to Academic Appeals Committee; possible need to rewrite – It was decided that this would be forwarded to the Faculty Senate Committee on Rules.  The Rules Committee is being asked to make the language more precise,  relying upon the procedures and  responsibilities set forth in the Student Grievance section of the Student handbook.  The Exec. Committee also discussed the possibility that state regulations concerning the education of certain pre-professionals (like nursing students) could be in conflict with our written policies regarding the composition of a hearing panel. There is a need to rewrite the procedures regarding the hearing panel composition to allow for this possibility.  The Student Life Committee will be asked to consider section 6.9 of the Student Guide to University Policies concerning grade grievance procedures that sets forth regulations regarding the hearing to allow for the possibility of ad hoc members from outside the Academic Appeals Committee itself, if mandated by state regulations.


V.                 Other:

a.       Topic for Senate Luncheon with administration, Oct. 31:

1.      Legal Advise – Can the Senate obtain legal advise should it be needed for reasons such as the grade grievance issue

2.      The Senate intention to appoint an ad hoc committee to evaluate the relationship between student learning and faculty evaluation of students. 

b.      Recycling – Karen Stein will forward communications concerning the issue to the committee.

c.       IT support for the Faculty Senate – Karen talked to the Committee about her meeting with Eric Cantrell of C.F.I.S.  Eric has been assigned, by Bobby Gempesaw, to assess our needs for IT support in the Faculty Senate.  Karen shared Eric’s views that student help should not be considered for such a project because students often leave with projects either unfinished or in codes that even MIS can’t descramble.  The projected time for completion of such a project is approximately a year.

COCAN report – Carmine Balacio, Chairperson of Committee of Committees and Nominations, gave an update on the progress of his committee.  Carmine reported that his committee will be meeting on Wednesday, October 22nd to discuss the nomination of Officers and to recruit student membership.  It was suggested that COCAN send a letter to Department Chairpersons as another avenue for recruiting students.  This was done in the past and was quite successful.

VI.              Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 11:20a.m.



Respectfully Submitted,


Karren Helsel-Spry