Meeting Minutes
Gore Hall
Adoption of the Agenda
Approval of the Minutes: April
7, 2008
III. Election
of Senate Officers and Selected Committee Members – A
slate of nominations prepared by the Committee on Committees and Nominations
(Jack Baroudi, Chairperson) is presented in Attachment
1. Biographies of the nominees are presented in Attachment
2. Senators are reminded that additional nominations may be made from
the floor, and that senators making such nominations
are responsible for determining that a nominee would serve if elected.
President Elect – Cihan Cobanoglu (Statement)
Vice President – Charles Mason
Committee on Committees Chairperson
– Jack Baroudi
Committee on Committees Member At
Large – Jack Baroudi and Evelyn Hayes
Remarks: Provost
Dan Rich. Dr. Rich announced that Honors
Day is this Friday, May 9 and the Delaware Forum is Saturday, May 10. All faculty, staff, and students are invited
to the day long forum. May 1 was the
deadline for deposits for freshmen. The
incoming class will have the largest average SAT score and grade point average
of any preceding class.
The University has announced a number of new administrative appointments. Michael Gamel-McCormick
was named interim dean of CHEP, replacing Timothy K. Barnekov
who will retire at the end of the current academic year. Michael Chajes was
named dean of the
President Harker recently signed two sustainability agreements.
This year’s graduating class gave a
financial gift to look at The University of Delaware’s carbon footprint and for
ways to decrease it. A University
Diversity task force has been formed; a report is due December 2008.
Senate President Alan Fox. Dr. Fox presented Matt Robinson with the Faculty
Senate award for distinguished service.
Dr. Robinson has been a senator for four years, and he chaired the
Faculty Senate Student Life Committee this year while on sabbatical. This was a
significant time commitment involving meeting with students and faculty.
Consent Agenda
Announcements for Challenge:
VII. Regular
Old Business: Update
on Breadth Requirement Issue (attachment)
New Business
Confirmation of Appointments: (attachment)
Standing Committee Annual Reports (attachment)
Rev to GUR guidelines. Did not ift UDRF or GUR, made
changes to give more flexibil to reaseach
scholarship. Cmt would accept reguest
for over $6000. Preference given to assit prof.
Recommendation from the Coordinating
Committee on Education (Amy Johnson, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Alan
Fox, Chair) for the name change of the Individual and Family Studies Department
to Human Development and Family Studies (attachment)
the Department of Individual
and Family Studies has conducted research and instruction in the area of
development of individuals from birth to death since its inception in 1979, and
the Academic Program Review
team visiting the department in October 2007 recommended a change of the
department name to “Human Development and Family Studies,” and
the department has a masters
of science degree in “Human Development and Family
Studies,” and
the department has a Ph.D. in
“Human Development and Family Studies,” and
the name change will emphasize
the lifespan emphasis of the scholarship in the department better enabling the
department to recruit high quality students and faculty; and
over 90 universities
throughout the world house departments with name “Human Development and Family
Studies,” and
the faculty of the Department
of Individual and Family Studies voted unanimously to change the name of the
department, be it therefore
that the Faculty Senate recommends
that the name, Department of “Individual and Family Studies,” be changed to
Department of “Human Development and Family Studies.”
Recommendation from the Coordinating
Committee on Education (Amy Johnson, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Alan
Fox, Chair) for the move of the HRIM program from the College of Human
Services, Education and Public Policy to the Lerner College of Business and
the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
state that the faculty shall be given the opportunity to consider and make
recommendations for proposed changes in the University organization including
the transferof a department from one college to
another before final action is taken by the Board of Trustees.
the faculty of the Department
of Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRIM) have expressed their interest to
transfer to the Lerner College of Business and Economics, and
the Lerner College faculty
have voted to support the transfer of the HRIM program to the college,
the Deans of the Lerner
College and the College of Human Services, Education and Public Policy support
this transfer, and
this transfer will provide for
enhanced recognition of academic programs and opportunities to HRIM students
and faculty and create collaborative opportunities between Lerner College and
HRIM faculty, students and staff, be it therefore
that the Faculty Senate recommends
the transfer of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRIM) to the
Lerner College of Business and Economics effective July 1, 2008.
Recommendation from the Committee on
Rules (Don Lehman, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Alan Fox, Chair) for the
revision to the FACULTY HANDBOOK Section 2: Academic Program
Organization Academic Organization and Roles of Academic Officers Department
Chairpersons (and School Directors) (attachment)
the department chairpersons and school directors are appointed by the President
and Provost, and
the appointments are renewable for five-year terms, and
the advice of a majority of
the faculty within the department or school is required for the appointment or
reappointment of the chairperson or school director, be it therefore
that the Faculty Senate recommends that the formal vote of the faculty must be
communicated to the dean of the college and by the dean to the provost upon the
occasion of any recommendation for appointment or reappointment.
Recommendation from the Committee on
Rules (Don Lehman, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Alan Fox, Chair) for the
revision to the FACULTY HANDBOOK Section: 3 Conduct of Academic Programs (attachment)
the University Faculty
are engaged in basic and applied research, and
the University Faculty
do not engage in research that cannot be published due to limitations by the
funding organization or is classified, and
there are situations
when unclassified externally funded research with limits on publication can be
significant and meet the best interests of the University, be it therefore
that the Faculty Senate
recommends changing the Faculty Handbook to specify situations when the Provost
may approve a faculty member to engage in unclassified externally funded
research with limits on publication.
Friendly amendment, This Handbook change will be reexamined
and brought back to the Faculty Senate in two years.
Recommendation from the Committee on
Student Life (Matt Robinson, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Alan Fox,
Chair) for the endorsement of the attached Residence Life Proposal (attachment)
faculty review of any educational plans involving students is a proper function
of the University Faculty Senate, and
the University Faculty Senate was charged by the Provost to review the
educational plans proposed by the Residence Life Office for the academic year
2008-09, and
the Resident Education Advisory Committee, an Ad Hoc committee formed by the
Faculty Senate President, the Student Life Committee of the Faculty Senate, and
the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate have all reviewed the educational
plans proposed by the Residence Life Office, and
those plans have been revised at each level of the Faculty review, be it
that the Faculty Senate of the University of Delaware has reviewed and
recommends for approval the attached Residence Life educational plans for
A lengthy discussion ensued. Comments from senators
included a concern about the meaning of “sustainability.” Some senators feel
that this has become a word with different meanings that could be
controversial. The Resident Life Residence Program is referring to
environmental sustainability.
Even though the program is voluntary, some senators are concerned about
peer-pressure and pressure from RA’s.
Michael Gilbert, vice president for Student Life, sends a letter to all
freshmen in the fall semester. He will
clearly state that the program is voluntary, and if any student feels pressured
to participate, he or she should contact Dr. Gilbert.
A senator also questioned the lack of a goal of the program concerning
environmental sustainability. This topic is an important aspect of the
program; therefore, a goal would be appropriate.
It is customary for the Faculty Senate to adjourn by 5:30. A vote was taken at 5:30, and a majority of
the senators voted to adjourn. A special
meeting of the Faculty Senate will be held next Monday, May 12 at 4:00 in the
same location. The motion to approve the
Resident Life Residence Program will be the only item on the agenda.
VII. Introduction of New
Such items as may come before the Senate. (No motion
introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be
acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)
Adjourned 5:30.
Submitted by Donald Lehman