SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 – 104 GORE HALL


 September 1, 2011


TO:                  Senators and Executives

 FROM:            Belinda Orzada, Vice President  

                        University Faculty Senate

 SUBJECT:       Regular Faculty Senate Meeting September 12, 2011

             In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, September 12th at 4:00 p.m. in room 104 Gore Hall. 


I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:

Official Minutes


Member Excused:   Dean Robin Morgan, Joseph Daniel, John Gillespie, Jeffrey Heinz, Paul Laux, Santhi Leon, Dean Kathleen Matt, Phillip Penix-Tadsen, Dennis Prather, Matthew Robinson.

I.                Adoption of the Agenda

                        Approved as presented

II.                Approval of the Minutes: May 9, 2011

                  Approved as written

III.             Memorial Tributes: Slide Presentation

Side presentation, by Karren Helsel-Spry, was given to memorialize the following faculty members:

                        James Soles – Arts and Sciences

                        James Thornton – Business and Economics

                        Barbara Curry – School of Education

                        David Robinson - Engineering

                        David Sinkoski - Engineering

IV.             Remarks: Provost Tom Apple      

            Very optimistic of the next year.  Provost Apple introduced the three new deans on campus this year - Lynn Okagaki, Dean, College of Education and Human Development, Babatunde Ogunnaike, Dean, College of Engineering and Bruce Weber,  Dean, Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics.

Middle states commission report – He congratulated the faculty and the university community on the re-accreditation of the University. The Middle States commission was chaired by Dr. Jerry Cohen, President of the Carnegie Mellon University. The Provost said that the university was moving forward at “breathtaking” pace. UD is in the 100-150 AWRU world university rankings and has moved up over a 100 spots. He also discussed UD’s current rankings in the US News and World Report.

Work on Diversity and Academic Rigor. This is the subject of focus for the university this year. Developments will be discussed in the next meeting. Another point of focus is Academic rigor.

P & T:  The Provost said that the CNTT/Tenure Track discussions will continue this year. He sees one critical difference between the two types of positions - TT faculty  are faculty who should have an impact at the national level ; CNTT faculty  are faculty who should have impact at the local level.

Questions/Comments: The Provost answered questions about whether the summer college was closed because of lack of funding. He said that the summer college was funded from a specific state line. That specific state line is part of two lines and the line that comes directly from the state was cut. He said the university was very keen in keeping the summer college going. He said that we will find a way to pay for it by restructuring it. He hopes to include a more diverse student body in the summer college as well.

John Morgan: Diversity – Establishing a reservoir fund to be tapped into by any department on a matching basis if they can identify really well qualified students from disadvantaged BGs.  Provost – focus on diversifying faculty and students and make them more successful. Big difference in graduation rates both at grad and UG level.

Steven Hastings: new students and families have to pay both at AG college and on campus. Provost will pass on his concern to the parking department.


V.                 Announcements: Senate President Jeff Jordan

·        First open hearing Wednesday, Sept. 28, 3pm. – whether ASL should count for admissions

·        Oct. meeting – will bring proposal to amend faculty constitution and handbook and bylaws of the senate – to remove January as a regular meeting.

·        Anticipated items of business

o       Ad Hoc calendar committee open hearing

o       P & T revisions open hearing

o       Open hearing on faculty suspensions

·        Ongoing Senate projects:  (attachment)

·        3 guiding principles:

A. Protect the interests of students.


B. Enhance faculty governance.

C. Promote excellence at UD, in all we do.

VI.              Consent Agenda:

 VII.           Regular Agenda:

 a.      Resolutions:


1.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Rules (Jack Baroudi, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) to amend the charge of the University Council on Teacher Education

(attachment 1)


WHEREAS,     the University Council on Teacher Education reviews all UD programs preparing educational professionals for work in schools, and


WHEREAS,     the description and committee charge of the University Council on Teacher Education found in the Faculty Handbook is badly out of date, and


WHEREAS,     NCATE accreditors will be on campus October 2011 for a site visit reviewing UD programs for teacher education, and


WHEREAS,     revisions to the Faculty handbook require Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore


RESOLVED,   that the Faculty Senate approves the revision and updating of the description and committee charge of the university Council on Teacher Education.

The resolution was approved as presented.

2.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Scheduling Ad Hoc Committee (Joerg Busch, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the request to schedule final exams on the Thursday prior to graduation (attachment 1)


WHEREAS,     the Thursday before graduation has been designated 'Senior Day' only since spring 2010, and


WHEREAS,     there is a need to preserve the days of instruction during the semester and to avoid the use of Saturday as an exam day, be it therefore


RESOLVED,   that in spring semester 2012, and thereafter, the Thursday before graduation be used as a final examination day.

 The resolution was approved as presented.

3.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Rules (Jack Baroudi, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) to amend the Faculty Handbook Section  1: Organization of the Faculty Standing Committee System of the Faculty and Its Senate – Academic Priorities Review Committee (attachment 1)


WHEREAS,     the Academic Priorities Review committee considers matters relevant to the work of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education, and

WHEREAS,     the Academic Priorities Review committee meets after the Faculty Senate elections for the coming year, and

WHEREAS,     changes to the committee structure of the Faculty Senate requires Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore

RESOLVED,   that the incoming chairperson of the Coordinating Committee on Education be a member of the Academic Priorities Review committee.

The resolution was approved as presented.

4.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Rules (Jack Baroudi, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) to amend the Faculty Handbook Section IV – 6 (attachment 1)

WHEREAS,     there has not been a regular meeting of the Faculty Senate during the month of January since at least 2000, and

WHEREAS,     additions and revisions to the FACULTY HANDBOOK require Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore

RESOLVED,   that the FACULTY HANDBOOK be revised to no longer require during January a regular meeting of the Faculty Senate. 

This resolution will be approved at the October Senate Meeting

5.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Rules (Jack Baroudi, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) to amend the Faculty Handbook Section IV – Personnel Policies for Faculty – Academic Freedom and Standards of Conduct – Guidelines for writing letters of recommendation (attachment 1)

WHEREAS,     the Faculty Handbook currently states: “Letters should address only the relevance of the person’s qualifications for the position about which commentary is sought; reference to an individual’s personal appearance, professional ambition, traits of character, marital status, number of children, etc. should be assiduously avoided” and

WHEREAS,     many graduate schools and law schools ask about an applicant's professional ambition and traits of character, and

WHEREAS,     the Faculty Handbook mandates that reviewers refrain from commenting on professional ambition and traits of character, UD applicants are disadvantaged; be it therefore

RESOLVED,   that the relevant section in the Faculty Handbook as indicated in Attachment 1 concerning faculty recommendations be revised as follows: “Letters should address only the relevance of the person’s qualifications for the position about which commentary is sought; reference to an individual’s personal appearance, marital status, number of children, etc. should be assiduously avoided”

The resolution was approved as presented.



VIII.        Unfinished Business:       None


IX.              New Business:     None


X.                 Introduction of New Business:

            2 resolutions introduced by Senator Morgan and Seconded by John Jebb.


Resolution 1


WHEREAS when the University Faculty Senate was established in 1970 there were about 550 faculty and some 40 departments on this campus, but there are now twice as many faculty and about 50 departments, representing a considerably wider diversity of fields now than 40 years ago; and


WHEREAS many faculty wish to elect a senator from their own department to represent knowledgeably their departmental interests in the University Faculty Senate, as has long been the practice in the College of Arts and Sciences and some other colleges; and


WHEREAS the current limit of 50 elected senators originally prescribed by the University Faculty Constitution in 1970, and never increased since then, may soon make it impossible for the faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences and some other colleges to continue to elect one senator from each department; therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED that Section IV-2 of the University of Delaware Faculty Constitution be amended to increase from 50 to 60 the number of elected faculty senators, to take effect at the beginning of Academic Year 2012-2013.

Resolution 2:

WHEREAS the University Faculty Senate bylaws and regulations do not currently provide for any review of changes in procedures for electing senators from each Unit to ensure that the new procedures are consistent with the bylaws and regulations of the University Faculty Senate and free from any other problems,


BE IT RESOLVED that the last sentence of Article X of the bylaws and regulations of the University Faculty Senate be amended to read as



Any changes shall be reported to the Secretary of the Senate and must be reviewed by the Rules Committee and approved by a simple majority of the University Faculty Senate prior to their implementation to assure their practicability, their adherence to traditional principles of democratic faculty governance, and their consistency with the University of Delaware Faculty Constitution and the bylaws and regulations of the University Faculty Senate."

An item was introduced by Senator Buell: Post tenure reviews to be included in the bylaws. Margaret Andersen suggested that the Provost Office make a recommendation to the departments to include post tenure review procedures in the departmental by-laws.