
September 13, 2004


104 Gore Hall                                                                                                  4:00 p.m.



I.                    The meeting was convened by Senate President Charles Boncelet.


II.                 The Agenda was approved unanimously.


III.               The meeting minutes of May 3, 2004 were approved unanimously.


IV.       Remarks by Provost Dan Rich:       Provost Dan Rich welcomed the Faculty Senate and made remarks describing the current student body here at the UD. 

He invited the senate to visit the new Office of Service Learning and the Undergraduate Research Program now located at 12 W. Delaware Avenue.  He informed the senate that a new Service Learning Summer Scholars Program had been approved and will begin in the summer of 05.  The Provost introduced the Institutional Depository to the Senate.  He described it as a place where we can assemble and make accessible all research here at the University.  The goal is also to make this available to our community and to the global community of scholars as well. There will be a dedicated place such as a website where the data will be preserved and connected with similar depositories at institutions across the US.  The Provost described this as being in the pilot stage. He promised to speak more about it through out the coming year.  The Provost also talked about two enrichment items for this fall, one being The Early Learning Center located on Wyoming Rd. and the other being the Paul Jones Art Collection.  He invited everyone to visit Mechanical Hall and then go to the gallery and see the Paul Jones exhibition, a century of African American Art.


V.                 Announcements and introductions were made by Senate President Charles Boncelet.  He welcomed the Senate and thanked them all for their participation. President Boncelet gave a brief overview of the functions of the Faculty Senate and explained official procedures as described in Robert’s Rules of Order.  He went through pending items and items that will be coming to the Faculty Senate this academic year.  President Boncelet talked about grade inflation and explained the Princeton model.  He informed the Senators that the new Academic Program Approval form will be on-line as of October 1st, and this will now be the official procedure for submitting proposals to the Senate.


VI.              No consent agenda.


VII.            No old business.



VIII.         No new business.


IX.              The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.



Respectfully Submitted,


Karren Helsel-Spry


Karren Helsel-Spry

Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant