MAY 3, 2010 – 104 GORE HALL





April 26, 2010



TO:                  Senators and Executives


FROM:            Charles E. Mason, Vice President 

                        University Faculty Senate


SUBJECT:       Regular Faculty Senate Meeting May 3, 2010


            In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, May 3, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. in room 104 Gore Hall.


I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:




Senate meeting was opened as of 4:01


I.        Adoption of the Agenda


Motions to amend the agenda


1)    Athletic Training to be added to agenda – Approved


Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the major in Athletic Training.


2)    Request to move Center for Energy and Environmental Policy – Approved


Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Committee on Graduate Studies (Robert Opila, Chair), the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair), and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request for the move of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy to the College of Engineering


3)    Disestablishment of CEPP – Approved


Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the disestablishment of the College of Education and Public Policy.

Whereas, the faculty in the School of Education and the faculty in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies have voted to form the College of Education and Human Development, and

Whereas, the faculty in the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies have voted to move to the College of Arts and Sciences, be it therefore

Resolved, that the College of Education and Public Policy be disestablished, and be it therefore

Resolved, that the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy will report to the Office of the Provost as a freestanding unit until a permanent resolution is presented to the Faculty Senate within the 2010-2011 academic year.



4)    Remove English Education – Approved


Adoption of Agenda was moved, seconded and approved



II.      Approval of the Minutes: April 12, 2010


Motion to approve was made, seconded and approved


III.             Election of Senate Officers and Selected Committee Members – A slate of nominations prepared by the Committee on Committees and Nominations (Don Lehman, Chairperson) is presented in Attachment 1.  Biographies of the nominees are presented in Attachment 2.  Senators are reminded that additional nominations may be made from the floor, and that senators making such nominations are responsible for determining that a nominee would serve if elected.


A.     President Elect – Jeffrey Jordan 

B.     Vice President – Belinda Orzada

C.     Committee on Committees Chairperson – Don Lehman

D.     Committee on Committees Member At Large – Steve Eidelman


No nominations we made from the floor


IV.               Presentation of the 2010 Faculty Senate Excellence Awards:  Senate President Cihan Cobaoglu


Winners were announced:


Excellence in Teaching

1.         Gabriella Finizio, Foreign Language & Literatures

2.         Susan Groh, Chemistry and Biochemistry

3.         James Magee, Political Science and International Relations

4.         Judith Herrman, School of Nursing

Academic Advising and Mentoring

1.         Karen Avino, School of Nursing

2.         Diane Wright, Accounting & MIS

Graduate Student Teaching

1.         Matthew Civiletti, Physics

2.         Ryan McCabe, Political Science and International Relations


Election results were announced:

            President Elect – Jeffrey Jordan, Philosophy

            Vice President – Belinda Orzada

            Committee on Committees and Nominations Chairperson – Don Lehman

Committee on Committees and Nominations Member-At-Large- Steve Eidelman


V.                  Remarks: Provost Tom Apple


-          Give SUAPP one year to determine how to best organize

-          Research policy statement and our responsibility to help Homeland Security



VI.               Announcements: Senate President Cihan Cobanoglu


Maggie Andersen (Acting Associate Provost) speaking regarding the catalog and related amendments


-Online only

-PDF print option

-Would welcome working with an ad-hoc committee to determine what an on-line catalog should look like

-Finished by May 14, 2010


Senator Hastings raised questions about printed copies for faculty. Discussion followed.


Updates on religious holiday motion from last year – not recommended by Undergraduate studies committee and is under review by the Executive Committee


Ad-hoc committee to look at Calendar Issues an update from this committee should be available in September


COCAN is currently working on establishing an ad-hoc committee to look at RBB


VII.           Item for Information:


A.  Faculty Outreach to Undergraduate Residents at the University of Delaware (FOUR-UD) (attachment)


VIII.        Consent Agenda


1.      Announcements for Challenge:


Undergraduate Studies



a.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to add a concentration in Chinese Studies in the Foreign Languages and Literatures Major (final revised attachment 4-21-2010)


b.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to add a concentration in Japanese Studies in the Foreign Languages and Literatures Major (final revised attachment 4-20-2010)


c.       Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the major in Sport Management (attachment) (revised curriculum attachment 3-25-10) (attachment)  (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)


d.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the English Education Major (attachment)


e.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the minor in Art (attachment)


f.        Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the Astronomy/Astrophysics concentration in the Physics Major (attachment)


g.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the minor in Music – Jazz Studies (attachment) (email attachment)



Graduate Studies


h.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Robert Opila, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to add a new concentration in Healthcare Policy to the MBA Program (attachment)  (attachment)  (attachment)


i.        Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Robert Opila, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the MA Degree in Economics program requirements and policy statement (attachment)


j.        Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Robert Opila, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the PhD Degree in Economics program requirements and policy statement (attachment)


k.            Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Robert Opila, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise and change the name of the MS Degree in Economics to the MS Degree in Economics and Applied Econometrics (attachment)





Item added at the beginning of the meeting during adoption of the agenda:


l.              Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request to revise the major in Athletic Training.



Consent Agenda was approved



IX.              Regular Agenda


A.                 Unfinished Business:  None


B.                 New Business:


1.      Confirmation of Appointments: (attachment)




2.      Standing Committee Annual Reports  (attachment)


3.      Resolutions:


a.       Recommendation from the Committee on Student Life (Mark Parcells, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (CihanCobanoglu, Chair) for the approval of the Student Life Plan 2010 (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)


                                                Whereas,          faculty review of any residential program involving students is a proper function of the University Faculty Senate,



                                                Whereas,          the University Faculty Senate was charged by the Provost to review the residential program proposed by the

                                                                        Residence Life Office for the academic year 2010 - 2011, and


                                                Whereas,          the Resident Education Advisory Committee, an Ad Hoc committee formed by the Faculty Senate President, the

                                                                        Student Life Committee of the Faculty Senate, and the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate have all                                                                                                    reviewed the residential program proposed by the Residence Life Office, and


                                                Whereas,          those plans have been revised at each level of the Faculty review, be it therefore


                                                Resolved,         that the Faculty Senate of the University of Delaware has reviewed and recommends for approval the attached

                                                                        Residence Life residential program for 2010 – 2011


The resolution was approved


b.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request for the move of the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies from the College of Education and Public Policy to the College of Arts and Sciences (attachment) (resolution attachment) (additional whereas: UGS)


      Whereas,          the University’s Path to Prominence has articulated a vision with primary initiatives focused on “Premier Graduate Education and Research,” the “Initiative for the Planet”, “Global Initiative,” and “The Engaged Univesity,” that are to be supported by expanded interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurial efforts, and


      Whereas,          the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies is an interdisciplinary department with strong ties to the social sciences, business, and design, and which is also deeply engaged with sustainability and international initiatives, and


      Whereas,          the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies seeks to continue the excellence of its undergraduate programs in apparel design and fashion merchandising, strengthen its collaborations, and deepen its graduate education and research, and


      Whereas,          the College of Arts and Sciences strongly supports graduate education and research and includes a range of departments and strategic initiatives with which there are potential opportunities for collaboration with the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies, and


      Whereas,          the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies seeks to further its global impact in the fashion industry and with its other stakeholders, and


      Whereas,          the department has agreed to submit undergraduate curriculum change proposals in the academic review cycle 2010-11, so that undergraduate requirements in the current Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design degrees will be reconciled with undergraduate requirements in the College of Arts and Sciences, and


      Whereas,          the Fashion and Apparel Studies faculty have unanimously voted to join the College of Arts and Sciences, be it therefore


      Resolved,         that the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies will move administratively from the College of Education and Public Policy and become a dynamic and contributing member of the College of Arts and Sciences


The resolution was approved



c.       Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Beth Morling, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request for the move of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences from the College of Arts and Sciences to the College of Engineering (attachment) (resolution attachment)  (additional whereas: UGS)


            Whereas,          Computer and Information Sciences fundamentally concerns the engineering of digital technology, seeking ways to enhance its range of useful application and improve its design processes, and


            Whereas,          faculty in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences have voted and reached a consensus to transfer from the College of Arts and Sciences to the College of Engineering, and


            Whereas,          faculty in the College of Engineering endorse the transfer of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences to the College of Engineering, and


            Whereas,          the department has agreed to submit undergraduate curriculum change proposals in the academic review cycle 2010-11, so that undergraduate requirements in the current Computer Science BA and BS degrees may be reconciled with undergraduate requirements in the College of Engineering, and


            Whereas,          the proposal for the transfer of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences from the College of Arts and Sciences to the College of Engineering is acceptable to the Deans of each College and to the Provost, be it therefore


            Resolved,         that the Faculty Senate recommends the proposed transfer of the Department of Computer and Information Science from the College of Arts and Sciences to the College of Engineering


The resolution was approved  


d.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request of the formation of the College of Education and Human Development  (attachment)


Whereas,          the academic interests of the two units, the School of Education and the Department of Human Development and Family Studies are well-aligned, and


Whereas,          the faculty of both units have overwhelmingly endorsed this change, and


Whereas,          no curricular changes are necessitated by this change, and


Whereas,          the move is endorsed by the Interim Dean and Provost, be it therefore


Resolved,         that a new College of Education and Human Development will be formed from the School of Education and the Department of Human Development and Family Studies and their affiliated centers


The resolution was approved



e.       Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Research (Helen Bowers, Chair) with the concurrence of the Rules Committee (Jack Baroudi, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobaoglu, Chair) for the revision of the Open Research Policy Section 3: Conduct of Academic Programs – Research Program Policies in the Faculty Handbook  (attachment) (attachment)  (revised attachment)  (revised attachment pre2008 language w/ revisions)


            Whereas,          the Research Policy of a university is one of its defining attributes; and


            Whereas,          the current Research Policy has not been substantially revised in 30 years; and


            Whereas,          the nature of research and how it is conducted has evolved significantly over this period; and


            Whereas,          the proposed Open Research Policy was formulated in consultation with University faculty whose research and students are directly affected by the proposed policy; and


            Whereas,          the Research Committee of the Faculty Senate has discussed the proposed Open Research Policy and it implications; be it therefore


Resolved,         that the Faculty Senate approves that the proposed Open Research Policy that comprises Section 3: Conduct of Academic Programs - Research Program Policies in the Faculty Handbook


A motion to send the policy back to committee was made and defeated


Helen Bowers spoke to the question regarding re-examining the 2008 changes

The redline copy was submitted but inadvertently was left off the resolution


The resolution was approved by a close margin


f.       Recommendation from the Ad-Hoc Committee on Breadth Requirements (Eric Rise, Chair) with the concurrence of the Undergraduate Studies Committee (Beth Morling, Chair) and the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request for the implementation of University  breadth requirements (attachment) (memo attachment)


Whereas,          The University of Delaware does not have a set of breadth courses that meet requirements for all majors and


Whereas,          it has been difficult for students, advisors and faculty to understand which courses transfer between colleges, departments, majors and programs, and


Whereas,          it would benefit all students to be exposed to courses outside of their major area of study, be it therefore


Resolved,         that beginning with the academic year 2010-2011 a list of courses submitted by the Colleges will be designated as meeting University breadth requirements, and be it further


Resolved,         that all students will be required to complete a minimum of 12 credits from the list of breadth courses, and be it further


Resolved,         that all students will be required to take a minimum 3 credits from each of the following categories, receiving a minimum grade of C-,  in order to meet the University requirement:

-          Creative Arts and Humanities

-          History and Cultural Change

-          Social and Behavioral Sciences

-          Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology

and be it further


Resolved,         that a standing faculty senate sub-committee, with representation from all the Colleges, which reports to the Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee would provide the oversight of the placement of breadth courses in appropriate categories, and ensure that the intent of breadth remains inclusive while maintaining a substantial list of courses that encourage exploration by the students in areas outside of their major.


An amendment was proposed to delete items c, d, e and the part of j that refers to c and defeated


The resolution was approved


University Breadth Requirement Outline


There would be a minimum University breadth requirement of 12 credits.

a.       The requirement would include at least one course from each of four categories (for categories see below), with no more than one course taken from any single subject area (i.e. the four- letter subject code ACCT, HIST etc.).  This would include courses that are cross-listed with that subject area.

b.      University breadth courses would and should include courses from all Colleges.

c.       To meet the University Breadth requirement students enrolled in a single major would not be permitted to take courses with the subject area of that major (e.g. Chemistry majors could not use CHEM courses).  A course cross-listed with the student’s major subject area would not satisfy the breadth requirement. If multiple subject areas exist within a department the student could satisfy the breadth requirement from a subject area that does not represent their major.  (Example:  NTDT 200 meeting the breadth requirement for Health Behavior Science Majors which has a HESC subject area.)

d.      When the college/major breadth requirements exceed 12 credits then the additional course(s) could come from the subject area of the student’s major.  This would be determined by the college or department and designated under College/Department requirements.

e.         Because pursuing multiple courses of study constitutes another way to accomplish the goal of academic exploration embodied in the breadth requirement, students who are enrolled in more than one major or degree can meet the University breadth requirement by taking approved breadth courses from within the subject areas of their major(s)

f.       A minimum grade of C- would be required for the four courses designated to meet the University breadth requirement.

g.        The breadth requirement would not include ENGL110

h.       Breadth courses would be required to be open to all students (not majors and minors only). When pre-requisites are required those courses would also be open to non-majors/non-minors.

i.       Colleges and departments would have the flexibility to require additional courses, beyond those used to satisfy the university breadth requirements, to meet their own breadth requirements.

j.         If a breadth course is required for a student’s major then that course would count for both breadth and major requirement, subject to the limitations in (c) above.

k.         Courses for which Advanced Placement credit or transfer credit has been given can be used to satisfy University breadth requirements, as long as the equivalent course appears on the list of breadth courses.

l.          There would be four categories ( see expanded description below)

                                                                                    - Creative Arts and Humanities

                                                                                    - History and Cultural Change

                                                                                    - Social and Behavioral Sciences

                                                                      - Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology


Creative Arts and Humanities

Courses provide students with an understanding and appreciation of the visual and performing arts, of aesthetic forms, designs, or craftsmanship, or of literary, philosophical, and intellectual traditions.  Courses may focus on a single aesthetic form or intellectual tradition, or cross-cultural comparisons.


History and Cultural Change

Courses provide students with an understanding of the sources and forces of historical changes in ideas, beliefs, institutions, and cultures.  Courses may address social, cultural, intellectual, economic, technological, artistic, scientific, and political development, changes in a discipline, or globalization and its effects.


Social and Behavioral Sciences

Courses provide students with an understanding of the behavior of individuals and social groups in the context of their human and natural environments.  Courses emphasize the empirical findings, applications, and methods of the social and behavioral sciences. 


Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology

Courses provide students with an understanding of fundamental and/or applied concepts and phenomena from mathematics, logic, natural or physical sciences, and technology including quantitative reasoning and methods used to approach and solve problems.



Items to be acted on in this meeting:

Item 1 – Was approved under the consent agenda

Item 2 – Approved

Item 3 – A friendly amendment was made and disapproved. A vote on the resolution


The current subvention received by CEPP on the behalf of SUAPP will move with SUAPP minus a tax that will be uniformly applied by all. Financially SUAPP will act as its own college and will be subject to RBB.


Item 4 – Removal of item from consent agenda – done above



VII.                       Introduction of New Business:


Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)


No new business was introduced.



A vote was made to extend the meeting to 6pm, a second vote was made to extend the time to 6:15pm.