DECEMBER 5, 2011 – 104 GORE HALL





November 17, 2011


 TO:                  Senators and Executives

 FROM:            Belinda Orzada, Vice President  

                        University Faculty Senate

 SUBJECT:       Regular Faculty Senate Meeting December 5, 2011


            In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, December 5, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. in 104 Gore Hall. 


I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:


       I.                   Adoption of the Agenda


II.                Approval of the Minutes:  November 7, 2011


III.             Remarks: Provost Tom Apple


Senator Morgan: Please provide us with an update of the University Budget.

Provost Apple: President Harker is scheduled to talk to the senate about this in February.  Provided the Senate with a brief report.

Senator Poorani: In light of what happened at Penn State, are there any ongoing conversations at UD?

Provost Apple:  The idea is that we should not have little issues sequestered away. There is a committee/team that meets regularly to discuss this.

John Jebb: Are you allowed to say who is in the team that meets?

Provost Apple: VPs, Executive VPs, Dr. Apple, Dr. Harker, VP for student life, Vice Provosts.

Senator Morrison: Would it be helpful if the President of the Senate was part of this committee?

Provost Apple: It is a good suggestion.  I really enjoy working with the Executive Committee and the President of the Senate. The relations between  our office and the Senate Exec. Council are very good. Very proud of our university metrics.

Senator Buell:  Can we have access to the datasets that are used to calculate those metrics to see how our departments are doing?

Provost Apple:  Yes. The how? Contact Heather Kelly.

Senator Williams: Progress about changing evaluations?

Provost Apple: Talked to chairs. It is a  departmental process. They are important but they are the singular measure of how the faculty impact students. It has to be done at the departmental level. For promotion & tenure what is more important is metrics and comments other than student evaluations. One of the big issues with student evaluations is the correlation of that with average grade in that class.

IV.              Announcements: Senate President Jeff Jordan

Reports:  Tom Ilvento – Chair, RBB Ad hoc Committee

                       Molly Sullivan – Undergraduate Student Senator

                    Reports were presented.

V.                 Consent Agenda 

    1. Announcements for ChallengeNone

        VI.              Regular Agenda

 1.   Resolutions: 

a.               Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Rules (Anu Sivaraman, Chairperson) for the request to increase the number of Senate seats (attachment)  (attachment

WHEREAS,     when the University Faculty Senate was established in 1970 there were about 550 faculty and some 40 departments on this campus, but there are now twice as many faculty and about 50 departments, representing a considerably wider diversity of fields now than 40 years ago; and 

WHEREAS,     many faculty wish to elect a senator from their own department to represent knowledgeably their departmental interests in the University Faculty Senate, as has long been the practice in the College of Arts and Sciences and some other colleges; and 

WHEREAS,     the current limit of 50 elected senators originally prescribed by the University Faculty Constitution in 1970, and never increased since then, may soon make it impossible for the faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences and some other colleges to continue to elect one senator from each department; be it therefore, 

RESOLVED,   that Section IV-2 of the University of Delaware Faculty Constitution be amended to increase from 50 to 60 the number of elected faculty senators, to take effect at the beginning of Academic Year 2012-2013.

Requires 2/3 “yes” votes. 55 present. 37 required to pass. 35 voted “yes.” 12 “negative.”  5 “abstained” 3 “did not raise cards” Motion failed.

 b.                  Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Rules (Anu Sivaraman, Chairperson) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chairperson) for the approval of a resolution concerning the Academic Reorganization of the University of Delaware 

WHEREAS,     it is important that the University exhibits complete transparency during the restructuring of colleges and other academic units,  

WHEREAS,     change in academic structure is an issue that benefits from as much input as possible,  

WHEREAS,     faculty and other personnel who have a vested interest in such proposed changes should have the opportunity to not only be aware of such proposal but to be afforded sufficient time to enter into debate, be it therefore  

RESOLVED,   that any proposal to restructure a college or any other academic unit initiated either by an academic unit or by the Provost or any other person in a senior leadership position at the UD be communicated in writing to the Faculty Senate, and the Deans, the chairs and the faculty directly impacted by such proposal within 10 (business) days of the initial public (campus) declaration of the proposal in any format. 

The motion passes.

2.      Unfinished Business: None   

3.   New Business: 

Senator Morrison: Consider the possibility of having/reinstituting an Advisory Budget Committee.  It was moved and seconded.

VIII.    Introduction of New Business

Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)  

Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded.
