MAY 9, 2011 – 104 GORE
Excused: Grace Bennet,
Shreeram Inamdar, Howard
Johnson, Santhi Leon, Adam Marsh, Raelene
Maser, Dean Matt, David Meyer, Alise
Morales, LTC. Bernard Moxley, Dennis Prather, John Scholz, Wayne Voelmeck,
2, 2011
Senators and Executives
Belinda Orzada, Vice President
University Faculty Senate
Regular Faculty Senate Meeting May 9, 2011
In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular
meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, May 9, 2011 at
4:00 p.m. in room 104 Gore Hall.
certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and
graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate
Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the
Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education. The Agenda will be as
I.Adoption of the Agenda
John Madsen-
Mentioned that items H through L will be withdrawn from today’s meeting so we
may meet with the union over the summer to resolve any differences.
Motion to
adopt was moved, seconded and approved.
of the Minutes: April 11,
Motion to approve was made, seconded and
of Senate Officers and Selected Committee Members – A slate of nominations prepared
by the Committee on Committees and Nominations (Don Lehman, Chairperson) is
presented in Attachment
Biographies of the nominees are presented in Attachment
Senators are reminded that additional nominations may be made from the floor,
and that senators making such nominations are responsible for determining that
a nominee would serve if elected.
A. President Elect –
Sheldon Pollack (Statement)
B. Senate Secretary – Anu Sivaraman
C. Committee on Committees
Chairperson – Jack Baroudi
D. Committee on Committees
Member At Large – Jack Baroudi
E. Committee on Committees
Member At Large – Deena Burke
There were no nominations from the
floor. Voting took place and ballots were collected.
of the 2011 Faculty Senate Excellence Awards: Senate President John
Tom Apple
-Congratulations to all the award
- Hopes we can get greater interest in
the faculty senate among the faculty such that we have multiple candidates for
the various officer positions
- Reiterated position on differences
between CNTT and TT and Tenured faculty. While we treasure the service provided
by CNTT faculty on the UD campus we expect national impact from our TT and
tenured faculty and international impact from our tenured Full Professors
Announcements: Senate President John
Senate Announcements: Senate President John Madsen
be presented at May 9th, 2011 Meeting
The Student Government Association is working towards the establishment
of student advisory
boards for each College at UD. The boards would be
comprised of undergraduate
students and the Dean of the College, or his/her
appointed representative.
One of the primary goals is the fostering of
communication and relationships
between students and the administration
of each College.
Update on the RBB Ad‐Hoc Committee from
Dr. Thomas Ilvento, Committee Chair
Update on Student Survey on Academic Calendar/Course Meeting Times from the Ad‐Hoc
Calendar Committee and next steps by Committee in regards to this issue from
Busch, Committee Chair
At the March 7th, 2011 Faculty Senate Meeting, Senator Morrison charged the
Executive Committee and the Undergraduate Studies Committee with looking at the
drop/add policy. The Executive Committee has discussed a review of the policy
and has requested that the Undergraduate Studies Committee and Graduate Studies
Committee review the issues raised by Senator Morrison and others at the March
7th, 2011 meeting.
Previous issues raised at Faculty Senate Meetings, including the listing of Religious
Holidays on the Academic Calendar, Faculty notification of college restructuring,
and implementation of the 6/10 rule are addressed in today’s agenda
1. Announcements for
a. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise the minor in East Asian Studies (0074) (attachmentrevised4-11)
b. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to remove Chemical Engineering Special Breadth requirement (0048) (attachment) (revised
c. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise curriculum for Bachelor of Environmental Engineering and add a
concentration (0100) (attachment)
d. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise the minor in Strength and Conditioning (0022) (revised attachment
e. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise the major BM: Applied Music – Instrumental BMAS (0065) (attachment)
f. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise major BMAS Music Education Instrumental (0071) (attachment)
g. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise Art Department Overview (0093) (attachment) (attachment
revised 4-5-11JH)
h. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise the BFA in Visual Communication Major (0094) (attachment
from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating
Committee on Education (Jeff Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John
Madsen, Chair) for the request to revise the B.A. in Art (0095) (revised
j. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise the BFA in Fine Arts (0103) (attachment
k. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to add an Undergraduate CertificateinArabic (0101)
l. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to create a minor in Electrical and Computing Engineering (0049) (attachment
revised 1-24-11)
m. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to add a Graduate Certificate in Disability Leadership (attachment)
n. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise the MS in Exercise Science (attachment)
o. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise the Program Policy Statement for the Master of Science in Exercise
Science (attachment)
p. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to revise the Master of Communication (attachment) (attachment)
q. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to add a Graduate Certificate in Statistics (attachment)
r. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to add the Nurse Practitioner concentration to the RN to MSN (attachment) (attachment
policy manual)
s. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to change the name of the PhD in Animal Sciences to Animal and Food Sciences
t. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to change requirements for the Certificate in Computational Science and
Engineering (attachment) (attachment)
The announcements for challenge and
consent agenda were approved as presented.
1. Confirmation of
2. Resolutions:
a. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to disestablish the Master of Marine Management (attachment) (attachment resolution)
in Marine Management in the School of Marine Management and Policy was granted
provisional status in April 2005, and
degree is scheduled for review for permanent status in 2011, and
WHEREAS, the degree
program, despite its merits, has been unsuccessful with regard to matriculation
and graduation of students, and
Directors Council of the School of Marine Management and Policy recommend that
permanent status not be pursued, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommends the termination of
the Masters in Marine Management.
The resolution was approved
b. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the
request for Permanent Approval of the Health Promotion Program in the college
of Health Sciences. (attachment form) (attachment) (attachment) (attachmentsupport) (attachmentsupport) (attachment program policy statement) (attachment resolution)
WHEREAS, the Master’s in Health Promotion Program is in
the Department of Behavioral Health &
Nutrition, and
WHEREAS, the Master’s in Health Promotion has been in
existence since 1998 and
WHEREAS, the Master’s in Health Promotion Program has
been successful with over 90 students in the program and 66 graduates;
WHEREAS, the Master’s in Health Promotion Program has
now met all the requirements for permanent status; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Master’s in Science
Program in Health Promotion become a permanent master’s level program at the
University of Delaware.
The resolution was approved
c. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) and the Undergraduate Studies Committee (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to change the name of the Department of Chemical Engineering to Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (attachment) (attachment resolution doc.)
Department of Chemical Engineering has grown significantly in the faculty,
graduate students, sponsored research in biomolecular
engineering in the past decade, and
WHEREAS, the Department
has established a biological sciences requirement for our undergraduate
degree, and
the Department has a highly successful biochemical engineering minor, and
the Department has achieved international stature for its biomolecular
research, and
faculty of the Department of Chemical Engineering has overwhelmingly voted to
change our name to “Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering,” and
College of Engineering has voted to support this name change, and
WHEREAS, the choice
of name reflects the research activities, teaching, and mission of our
Department, and
Dept. of Education defines CIP Code 14.0702: Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering as an appropriate description of the Department’s mission,
the Faculty Senate recommends that the name, Department of “Chemical
Engineering,” be changed to Department of “Chemical and Biomolecular
The resolution was approved.
d. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) and the Undergraduate Studies Committee (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the
request to add a new major: BA in Linguistics 4+1 option (attachment
(attachment) (attachment) (attachment
revised 3-1-11)
WHEREAS, the BA in Linguistics is being proposed to be
implemented in Fall 2011, and the MA in Linguistics
and Cognitive Science is well established, and
WHEREAS, the proposed 4 + 1 Program would enable
outstanding undergraduates to complete both degrees in five years rather than
six, and
WHEREAS, students completing the two degrees would be
very well placed to enter into further graduate study or a career in a related
field, and
WHEREAS, the graduate program in Linguistics being
internationally renowned, the 4 + 1 Program would enable undergraduate students
to make use of the valuable resource and participate in this graduate
environment, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves the establishment of a new
4 + 1 Program leading to the degrees of BA in Linguistics and MA in Linguistics
and Cognitive Science, effective September 1, 2011.
The resolution was approved.
e. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to disestablish the combined MS in Human Nutrition / Dietetic Internship
Certificate (attachment) (resolution
enrollment in the MS/DI certificate subplan of the
Master's Degree in Human Nutrition Program has only attracted 3 students since
its inception, and
students have shown interest in the program's subplan
without being offered a funded teaching assistantship to go along with the combined
option, and
WHEREAS, those 3
students who were offered funding were not able to complete the program without
adding additional semesters to the plan, nor were they able to carry out their
TA responsibilities satisfactorily with the additional workload this imposed
upon them by the teaching assistantship, and
WHEREAS, the combined
Master's Degree in Human Nutrition/Dietetic Internship Certificate
subplan has been evaluated by
the nutrition faculty of the Behavioral Health and Human Nutrition Department
(formerly Nutrition Program in the Department of Health Nutrition and Exercise
Sciences) as not being acceptable when adding a funded teaching assistantship
on top of it, and
graduate students have accepted admission into this subplan
option without an offer of funding in the past 3 years, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the University
Faculty Senate affirms the proposed disestablishment of the combined MS in
Human Nutrition/DI Certificate subplan option from
the Master's Degree in Human Nutrition Program.
The resolution was approved.
f. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request
to disestablish the MA program in Counseling in Higher Education (attachment) (resolution) (attachment)
faculty in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies have decided
by a vote of 16 to 3 to disestablish the MA in Counseling in Higher Education
decision aligns the department programs in conjunction with departmental and
college priorities and frees up resources to pursue national excellence and
move is supported by the Chair of the Department of Human Development and
Family Studies and the Dean of the College of Education and Human Development,
be it therefore
the Faculty Senate recommends the termination of the MA in Counseling in Higher
The resolution was approved.
g. Recommendation from the
University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure (Jack Baroudi,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) to
extend the time period for submission of proposed changes to the existing
Promotion and Tenure Statements to the University Committee on Promotions and
Tenure from March 1, 2011 to August 15, 2011 (attachment)
The resolution was approved.
University Committee on Promotions and Tenure has been working on revisions to
promotion and tenure policies that have required discussions with
representatives of the AAUP, the Administration and the Faculty, and
WHEREAS, these
discussions have caused delays in the reviews of changes to promotion and
tenure statements that have been approved by the appropriate college committees
and deans, and
WHEREAS, to not
further inconvenience departments or units who have been waiting to have their
documents approved by the University Committee on Promotions and Tenure, some
for as long as 12 months, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the University
Faculty Senate change the deadline for the submission of proposed changes in
promotion and tenure statements to the University Committee on Promotions
and Tenure , for the year 2011 only, from March 1 to August 15.
resolution was approved.
h. Recommendation from the
University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure (Jack Baroudi,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Rules Committee (Jack Baroudi, Chair) and
the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the revision of the current
policy concerning Term and Contract Renewal Policy for Continuing Non-Tenure
Track Faculty and Full-Time Temporary Appointments (attachment
ultimate objectives of promotion policies at the University of Delaware are
faculty excellence and procedural fairness, and
an individual hired on a full-time temporary appointment who is
subsequently appointed as a primary, full-time continuing non-tenure
track faculty has their previous time of service counted in the computation of
their subsequent contract renewal periods, and
during this previous time of service, work completed at the same rank while on
temporary appointment should be included in subsequent decisions regarding
promotion, and
revisions to the Faculty Handbook require Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore
the existing University policy on Term and Contract Renewal for Non-Tenure
Track Faculty in the Faculty Handbook (modifications to current policy are
shown in Attachment 1) be revised as in attachment 2.
Resolution withdrawn from Agenda.
from the University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure (Jack
Baroudi, Chair) with the concurrence of the Rules Committee (Jack Baroudi,
Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the revision of
the current policy concerning Minimum Standards for Promotion (attachment
1) (attachment
WHEREAS, the mission of the University encompasses
teaching, scholarship and service, and
scholarship, whether in the form of research, publication, professional
development, artistic creativity, or scholarship related to teaching or service
is a significant part of each faculty member’s contribution to the academic
community, and
faculty member’s workload shall be assigned with the expectation that they will
have the opportunity to meet the criteria for promotion and satisfactory peer
review, and
ultimate objectives of promotion policies at the University of Delaware are
faculty excellence and procedural fairness, and
revisions to the Faculty Handbook require Faculty Senate approval, be it
the existing University policy on Minimum Standards for Promotion in the
Faculty Handbook (modifications to current policy are shown in Attachment 1) be
revised as in attachment 2.
Resolution withdrawn from Agenda.
j. Recommendation from the
University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure (Jack Baroudi,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Rules Committee (Jack Baroudi, Chair) and
the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the revision of the current
policy concerning University Promotion and Tenure Policy and information
supplied to External Reviewers and Consideration of Workload (attachment
1) (attachment
ultimate objectives of promotion policies at the University of Delaware are
faculty excellence and procedural fairness, and
faculty member’s workload shall be assigned with the expectation that they will
have the opportunity to meet the criteria for promotion and satisfactory peer
review, and
WHEREAS, outside
peer review is one of the methods by which excellence can be evaluated for
promotion of faculty, and
revisions to the Faculty Handbook require Faculty Senate approval, be it
the existing University policy on Departmental Responsibilities for Promotion
and Tenure in the Faculty Handbook (modifications to current policy are shown
in Attachment 1) be revised as in attachment 2.
Resolution withdrawn from Agenda.
from the University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure (Jack
Baroudi, Chair) with the concurrence of the Rules Committee (Jack Baroudi,
Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the revision of
the current policy concerning University Promotion and Tenure Policy with a
Statement on Documentation of Excellence(attachment
1) (attachment
ultimate objectives of promotion policies at the University of Delaware are
faculty excellence and procedural fairness, and
determination of what constitutes excellence is one of the fundamental
components in promotion and tenure decisions, be it therefore
the existing University policy on Faculty Promotion and Tenure in the Faculty
Handbook (modifications to current policy are shown in Attachment 1) be revised
as in attachment 2.
Resolution withdrawn from Agenda.
from the University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure (Jack
Baroudi, Chair) with the concurrence of the Rules Committee (Jack Baroudi,
Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the revision of
the current policy concerning University Promotion and Tenure Policy and
Promotion Dossiers (attachment
(attachment 2)
ultimate objectives of promotion policies at the University of Delaware are
faculty excellence and procedural fairness, and
faculty member’s workload shall be assigned with the expectation that they will
have the opportunity to meet the criteria for promotion and satisfactory peer
review, and
WHEREAS, outside
peer review is one of the methods by which excellence can be evaluated for
promotion of faculty and it is important that external evaluators are aware of
the candidate’s departmental P&T guidelines and have an understanding
of the candidate’s workload for the period under review , and
evaluation of teaching is an extremely important factor in promotion decisions
and a candidate for promotion must incorporate into the dossier several kinds
of evidence in support of their quality of teaching, and
WHEREAS, external
evaluations that address a candidate’s teaching should be required when their
assigned teaching workload for the period under review is 100%, and
revisions to the Faculty Handbook require Faculty Senate approval, be it
the existing University policy on Promotion Dossiers for Promotion and Tenure
in the Faculty Handbook (modifications to current policy are shown in
Attachment 1) be revised as in attachment 2.
Resolution withdrawn from Agenda.
m. Recommendation from the
Committee on Student Life (Mark Parcells, Chair) with
the concurrence of the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the approval
of the Student Life Plan 2011-2012(attachment) (attachment)
WHEREAS, faculty
review of any residential program involving students is a proper function of
the University Faculty Senate, and
Student Life Committee of the Faculty Senate, and the Executive Committee of
the Faculty Senate have reviewed and recommend approval of the residential
program proposed by the Office of Residence Life for the academic year
2011-2012, be it therefore
that the Faculty Senate of the University of Delaware has reviewed and
recommends for approval of the attached Office of Residence Life residential
program for 2011- 2012
The resolution was approved.
n. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies Committee (Fred Hoffstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the
Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff Jordan, Chair) and the Executive
Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the following recommendations concerning
30 additional credits for students earning two degrees (attachment)
WHEREAS, students
earning two degrees will have met the requirements for both degrees,
including all college requirements even when the degrees are from different
colleges, and
means that students earning double degrees will have met rigorous degree
requirements, be it therefore
the University will delete the current policy stating that “to be eligible for
a second degree, the student must earn at least 30 credits in addition to those
required for the first degree.”
The resolution was approved.
o. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies Committee (Fred Hoffstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the
Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff Jordan, Chair) and the Executive
Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the following recommendations concerning
grade inflation (attachment)
Faculty Senate 2005 Ad Hoc committee on grade inflation found evidence of
significant grade inflation at the University, and,
Faculty Senate voted in May 2005 that “faculty discuss grade distribution on anannual basis” and,
Faculty Senate voted in May 2005 that “the distributions of grades across
departments be made public” and,
faculty believe that transparency in grade distribution is important. Be it
therefore resolved that:
the Faculty Senate requests that the
Registrar’s Office annually provide each unit’s chair with information about
grade distributions for each course and section taught in that unit;
resolution was approved
RESOLUTION 2: the Faculty Senate
recommends that unit chairs discuss grade distributions withfaculty;
resolution was approved
RESOLUTION 3: the Faculty Senate requests that the Office of Institutional
Research provide public and timely postings of aggregate grade distributions
across units and colleges.
resolution was not passed.
in favor with 29 opposed
p. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff Jordan, Chair) with
the concurrence of the
Committee (Jack Baroudi, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen,
Chair) for the request to modify the current policy on student class
attendance concerning religious holidays (attachment
University of Delaware is committed to creating an educational community that
is intellectually, culturally and socially inclusive, enriched by the
contributions and full participation of persons from many different backgrounds,
University is sensitive to calendars of primary sacred times for world
religions, while maintaining the policy not to cancel classes on religious
holidays, and
WHEREAS, it is
beneficial for faculty and students to be aware of, and necessary for students
to notify faculty concerning potential class absence due to, major religious
holidays, and
revisions to the Faculty Handbook require Faculty Senate approval and the
proposed revisions in this resolution result in changes to Student Attendance
Policies outlined in the UD Academic Catalog, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the existing policy
on Student Class Attendance and Excused Absences in the Faculty Handbook
(modifications to current policy are shown in Attachment 1) and Student
Attendance Policies as outlined in the UD Academic Catalog (modifications to
current policy are shown in Attachment 2) be revised as in attachment 3.
resolution was approved.
q. Recommendation from the
Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Bob Opila,
Chair) and the Undergraduate Studies Committee (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the
request to add a new 4+1 BEE/MSECE and 4+1 BCpE/MSECE
graduate degree options in Electrical and Computer Engineering (attachment 5-2-11)
WHEREAS, the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering currently offers the Master of Science in Electrical and Computer
Engineering (MSECE) degrees in two modalities, as a thesis and non-thesis
master’s degree, and
WHEREAS, in an effort to expand our professional degree
enrollment (consistent with the University strategic plan), and in order to
attract and retain highly qualified domestic applicants, we propose to
establish a 4+1 BEE/MSECE and a 4+1 BCpE/MSECE program
WHEREAS, these proposed programs will give our
highly-qualified and highly-motivated undergraduate students the opportunity to
earn both the Bachelor’s degree (either BEE or BCpE)
and the Master’s degree (MSECEand the Master’s degree
(MSECE) in five years of full-time study. Both, thesis and non-thesis options,
will be offered in the 4+1 BEE/MSECE and 4+1 BCpE/MSECE
programs, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommends the establishment of a
new 4 + 1 program leading to the degree ofBachelor of
Electrical Engineering/Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
and 4+1 Bachelor of Computer Engineering/Master of Science Electrical and
Computer Engineering graduate degree options in Electrical and Computer
resolution was approved.
of New Business:
a. Motion from Senator
Morrison concerning faculty notification of college restructuring
WHEREAS, it is
important that the University exhibits complete transparency during the
restructuring of colleges and other academic units,
WHEREAS, change
in academic structure is an issue that benefits from as
much input as possible,
WHEREAS, faculty
and other personnel who have a vested interest in such proposed changes should
have the opportunity to not only be aware of such proposal but to be afforded
sufficient time to enter into debate, be it therefore
any proposal to restructure a college or any other academic unit initiated
either by an academic unit or by the Provost or any other person in a senior
leadership position at the UD be communicated in writing to the Executive
Committee of the Faculty Senate and to those directly impacted by such
proposal within 10 (business)days
of the initial public (campus) declaration of the proposal in any format.
Motion will be sent to executive committee who will refer
it to the rules committee.
b. Motion from Senator
Morrison concerning the 6-10 rule
WHEREAS, the 6-10 rule
has been adhered to by university administrators for the past several decades
for scheduling classes using this basic guideline as a minimum size for both
graduate and undergraduate classes, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the 6-10 rule continue to
be adhered to by administrators in charge of scheduling classes unless a
financial exigency is declared at the university whereby such a policy may be
resolution was discussed and will be referred to the undergraduate and graduate
items as may come before the Senate. (No motion introduced under new
business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the
next meeting of the Senate.)
Two motions were
introduced under new business
Motion 1: The
Ad-hoc calendar committee recommends that Saturday not be used for the regular
scheduling of final exams, but that faculty (with the consent of their
students) have the option of requesting that a final exam be scheduled on a
Motion 2: The Ad-hoc calendar committee recommends that in the spring semester
the Thursday before commencement be used for the scheduling of final exams.